rol. 2
Cheyenne, July 15, 1924
No. 1
(Written in 1886)
The Indian tribes occupying the section
nbraced within the limits of what is now
remont County, when first discovered by
men, were the Crow nation up to
$54, and since then by the Shoshones, Ban
jck and Arapahoe tribes.
In 1854 the Crows and Shoshones met in
ittle at Crow Heart Butte on Big Wind
ver, the Crows led by Big Robber, and the
loshones by Washakie, in which engage-
ent the Crows were defeated with loss of
>me fifty warriors and two children pris-
i£*s^ one a girl, who is now the wife of
hief Washakie of the Shoshones, the Sho-
tones losing only some five or six killed,
nee that time these tribes have been peace-
>ly disposed toward each other, and the
loshones have held this country against all
mers, the Sioux, Cheyennes and Arapahoes
iding them occasionally, when short en-
gements were had, in which a few Indians
)uld be killed or wounded.
In one of these Chief Washakie lost his
vorite and eldest son near Strawberry,
ashakie chiding his son for being slow in
eparing for battle with the approaching
oux, the young warrior sprang upon his
ir horse and rushed boldly on to the ap-
oaching hostiles and met his death, ap-
rently with full intent to do so.
Lewis and Clarke, the first explorers, came
the Yellowstone in 1806. Gave the name
Clarks Fork to one branch of same and
me into the Wind River valley. Prior to
46 many trappers and hunters came into
s section, and what is now Fremont Coun-
among whom were Jim Bridger, Jack
ibinson, Kit Carson, La Jeunesse Brothers,
d Papin and Company. In 1846 General
emont, after whom this county was named,
plored this section, climbing the highest
ik of the Wind River range, giving his
me to same; and he was the first to map
d make a survey and make it known to
: world. In 1859 General Lander made a
•vey and led a party through. Captain
nneville also explored here in early days;
o General Reynolds and Lieutenant May-
rhe experience of emigrants from 1847 to
iO was full of interest; sometimes they
>sed through friendly tribes of IjAus and
rids of wild game; again fig|fung\their
y step by step thro
>ux, Arapahoes, Cheyen
Shoshones. Many emigrants, hunters, trap-
pers and explorers were killed by the In-
dians, of which no record was ever kept.
Mounds of stone and decaying headboards
frequently mark the resting place of those
killed along the line of the emigrant road.
Chief of the trappers and prospectors first
within the limits of this country or any oth-
er were Kit Carson, Jim Bridger, La Jeu-
nesse, Sorrell, Guerrie, Beaurais, Dock Leon-
ard, William McCabe, Frank Lone, J. B.
Macomber, A. A. Conant, Joseph Cornett,
John Luman, O. S. Clarks and many others
who early explored, hunted, trapped and pros-
pected in this country.
The first prospectors and locators of mines
at South Pass were from Salt Lake. In the
summer of 1867 men reached South Pass and
located the famous Clarissa mine, and on the
10th of August they were attacked by In-
dians. They killed Captain Lawrence at the
Clarissa mine, killed Tony Sholes at Sweet-
water and captured a man by the name of
Taylor, whom they burned at the stake about
two miles back, or north of South Pass. They
captured 23 head of horses and drove out
the prospectors, who returned in September
with large reinforcements and have held the
county since.
In the summer of 1868 Jeff Standifer, an
old western explorer, prospector and Indian
fighter, left South Pass and Atlantic with six
other men from these places to prospect on
the head of Wind River. On the 28th day
of June while in camp on Big Wind river
near the mountains, they were attacked by
a large party of Indians so suddenly that
they could not secure their horses, which
were near camp and had not even time to
make defense. Hank Lehman was killed in
camp, McAuley was killed near by, Moore
and Duncan made their escape for a time
by swimming the river, but were followed to
Bull Lake, ten miles, and were there killed,
their remains being found some years after-
ward and buried at the head of Bull Lake.
Standifer and one man escaped to the moun-
tains and made their way into South Pass,
Standifer slightly wounded in the hand; Andy
Newman, the present survivor of the party,
after great hardship and exposure, made his
way into Little Wind River Valley (now
Shoshone Agency) where a few men had
located agricultural claims and were there
camped. He presented a pitiful appearance,
early starved and almost
, bus JeeLlacerated and'fu
1^ wa^provided for and he then
to South Pass.
{Copyright applied for. Copying privileges
granted by the State Historian)
Published by the Wyoming State Historical
State Historical Board
Governor — William B. Ross
Secretary of State — F. E. Lucas
State Librarian — Flo La Chapelle
State Historian — Mrs. Cyrus Beard
Secretary of the Board
Advisory Board
Rt. Rev. P. A. McGovern, Cheyenne
Dr. Grace R. Hebard, Laramie
Mr. P. W. Jenkins, Cora
Mrs. Willis M. Spear, Sheridan
Mr. R. D. Hawley, Douglas
Miss Margery Ross, Cody
Mrs. E. T. Raymond, Newcastle
Mr. E. H. Fourt, Lander
Early History of Fremont County
H. G. Nicker son
Scenic Conditions in Fremont County
E. H. Fourt
Letters A. C. Beckwith
Pioneer Experiences in Wyoming
A. L. Brock
Accessions April to July
On the second of June the little party of
seven in Wind River Valley were attacked
by the same Indians so suddenly that they
could not save their horses, all of which
were stolen. Henry Lusk was surrounded
by Indians, but being well armed stood them
off, escaping with a broke narm, shot by the
Indians. Sage C. Nickerson was a short
distance away looking after the horses, who
seeing the Indians coming and having no
weapons with him, ran to a small stream
(Squaw Creek), got into the willows, then
in the stream, and the banks being steep and
overhanging, he managed to get under the
water with only enough of his head out (but
under the bank) to breathe. There he re-
mained while the Indians searched up and
down the stream for him but they could not
find him, so they shot the dog that was
barking around near where he was and which
might have told the Indians of his hiding
place. They took all his horses, some of
which were fine and valuable, and did not
leave until the night was nearly over. The
others of the party went to look for Nicker-
son, whom they supposed was killed, and af-
ter a long search they found him more dead
than alive from remaining so long in the
water, he supposing the Indians to be still
On the 1st day of August, 1868, the hostile
Indians attacked Uncle Ben Hurst and Dave
Hayes eleven miles below the three crossings
of Sweetwater. They were bringing in some
groceries for William Tweed of South Pass
and had one yoke of cattle. The Indians
shot and fatally wounded Hayes while he
was in bed on the ground. Hurst being in
bed in the wagon, they did not see him; he
got out and stood the Indians off, they mak-
ing repeated assaults. He then fixed Hayes
up as best he could, piled rocks around him,
gave him a gun and ammunition, told him to
do the best he could and he (Hurst) would
go to South Pass for help. He had no
sooner left the wagon than the Indians charg-
ed upon it, killing Hayes and helping them-
selves to whatever they wanted. Hurst then
took the cattle and left for South Pass. He
being an old English sportsman and a good
shot, could keep them at a safe distance, so
he made his way into South Pass, driving
the cattle before him. A Mormon train came
along, found the body of Hayes and buried
it, and left after helping themselves to what
they wanted from the wagon.
On Hurst's arrival at South Pass, William
Tweed accompanied by William Rose and
Mike Welch, started after the wagon and
goods. When they got there they found the
wagon plundered. They waited four days
for Uncle Hurst to come with the team, he
having started back with a three yoke team
of oxen in company with Major N. Baldwin,
merchant of South Pass, who was going to
Benton (then the terminus of the U. P. R.
R.) after freight with two yoke of oxen
teams, with two drivers named Steve Van
Camp and Leach and two passengers. They
were attacked by the Indians at Ice Springs
on Sweetwater and driven back after a spir-
ited engagement in which Uncle Hurst was
wounded in his heel and Leach in his back,
the Major standing up in the wagons and:
keeping up a stream of fire on the Indians,
while the teams turned and retreated back to
South Pass in safety. Tweed and party af-
ter waiting days for the teams started back
to South Pass and were attacked by the In-|
dians at Three Crossings of Sweetwater^
Rose, being mounted on a fine race horse,j
thought he could outrun the Indians, being|
followed by Wright, who overtook him in a
race of one and a half miles and shot him in)
the back of his head. Welch's horse was shot)
under him and he escaped into the brush and
got away. Tweed's mule took fright, rani
fell down, threw him off and the Indians)
then surrounded him and shot him slightly)
in the back. He shot one with a shot gun,j
cutting him nearly in two, then rushedj
through their line, crossed a slough which)
they could not cross while mounted, got into
the river and brush, and after a day and two
nights reached South Pass nearly exhausted.;
In May, 1869, the Indians raided Littles
Popagie, robbed the Stone ranch wherei
Frank Morehouse lived, killed him near by
on the road over to Cottonwood and took
from his body some $1,500.00. They next)
met Mountain Bill Rhodes, an old western)
pioneer and miner, with a four horse team,;
killed and stripped him, leaving him dead|
in his wagon; cut his horses out of the har-|
ness and took them away. Near the samei
place on Cottonwood they met and killedi
Dutch Henry, as well as the mule he was
riding. At the same time on Cottonwood*
and on what is now the Phil Wisser ranch.)
they found a peaceable, harmless old French-
man, named Devereux, planting potatoes in
his garden. ' They surrounded him, beat him
down, took the mattock with which he was
working, drove it into his stomach, twisting
and pulling his intestines out while he ap-
parently was yet alive and begging for mercy.
In this condition he was found and buried
where he died, and now the ground is cul-
tivated over his remains and no one can
point out the spot. His house was plundered
of everything the inhuman fiends desired to
take away. In this raid considerable stock
was stolen from various parties.
On August 20th, 1869, a man by the name
oi Camp was killed near the canyon of Lit-
tle Wind River. Three horses, two rifles,
pis clothing, ammunition, provisions, etc.,
were taken. The same day a man by the
lame of Lask was wounded below the Hot
Springs on Little Wind River.
On September 29, 1869, John G. Anderson
yas killed near Miners Delight while hauling
ime. On the same day a man named Lath-
im was killed while chopping wood on Big
\tlantic Gulch. On this raid four men, Aus-
in and Alkire Brothers were surrounded at
he crossing of Beaver near Miners Delight
ly seventeen Indians. The firing being heard
I Miners Delight, Captain Nickerson speed-
ly— collected seven men and ran to their res-
:ue, finding them closely surrounded. A
ew volleys drove the Indians off; the men
vere found to be unhurt, but they would
oon have been taken as their ammunition
vas nearly all gone.
On March 31, 1870, Frank Irwin was
filled on Little Atlantic Gulch, near Atlantic
pity. William S. Bennington and James
)thicks were killed on Smith's Gulch near
jirhere Fort Stambaugh was afterward built
nd on the same day Eugene Fosberry, John
»IcGuire and Anson B. Kellogg were killed
t St. Mary's Station on Sweetwater. Kel-
3gg lost two valuable horses, harness, pro-
isions, etc. These men were all terribly
lutilated and the place where they were
lurdered showed evidence of a long and hard
On April 7th, 1870, what is known as the
U-apahoe raid, or raid on the Arapahoes,
ook place. The Arapahoe tribe, numbering
ome four or five hundred warriors, by the
idvice of Governor Campbell, then Governor
|f Wyoming, and the reluctant consent of
tie Shoshone tribe had come upon the Sho-
hone reservation and were camped on Big
wind River about thirty miles below where
ie town of Lander now stands. They prom-
lied friendly relations with the Shoshones
nd the white settlers and miners, also prom-
ing to notify both of the coming of any
f the northern hostiles with whom they
rere at peace. Neither these promises were
ept, for after their coming, the stealing of
:ock and killing of whites continued and
as credited to the Sioux and Cheyennes.
ut it was suspicioned that the Arapahoes
here committing the depredations or a part
I them, or to say the very least would not
form on other Indians who might be guilty
'ii;he crimes. But as stolen stock was found
| -their camp, they claiming to have bought
from other Indians, they no doubt were
the guilty parties. And in order to ascer-
tain the facts, Captain H. G. Nickerson of
Miner's Delight went alone as a spy to the
Arapahoe camp on the 31st day of March,
1870. Being well acquainted with Friday,
a sub chief, he went to his camp where he
had a small following of some twenty lodgers
situated about five hundred yards from the
main camp under Medicine Man. Nickerson
had saved Friday's life in the late fall before.
While Friday was visiting the mining towns
he drank too much whiskey, lost his road
between Atlantic and Miner's Delight and
fell from his horse. The horse came into
Miner's Delight. Nickerson recognizing it,
went back on the track, found Friday help-
less, brought him in and took him to his
house. One foot was frozen so he lost the
large toe. Captain Nickerson provided for
him until he was able to go to his camp on
Wind River. This humane act saved Nick-
erson's life while in Friday's camp, for he
easily made Friday believe he was there on
a peaceful mission, while the Indians in Medi-
cine Man's camp devined his real object and
insisted and demanded that he should be
killed. This, Friday bravely refused to allow,
keeping Nickerson in his own lodge and keep-
ing most of the threatening Indians outside.
This continued until nearly morning when
the Indians left, apparently satisfied with Fri-
day's explanations, but he detected their plan,
which was to waylay Nickerson and kill him
on the road when he left in the morning.
To avoid this, Friday got him ready just be-
fore daybreak, sent a faithful brave with him
in an opposite direction with instruction
which way to go after leaving the river, mak-
ing a long detour and coming on to the home
trail far beyond the Indians lying in wait for
him. In this manner he escaped and April
Fooled the Indians, but learned while in the
camp of the Arapahoes, that Little Shield, a
young war chief, and all of the young war-
riors were out of camp and over on Sweet-
water, as the Indians said, on a buffalo hunt.
The next day, after a hard ride he reached
home and first learned of the killing at St.
Mary's, and Atlantic City above mentioned,
which was done on the same day he reached
the Indians' camp. It is now believed by
all that the Arapahoes were doing the killing
and a force of about two hundred and sev-
enty-five men were speedily raised, well
armed and equipped, and on the 7th of April
reached Big Popoagie Valley. One Bill
Smith, a reckless and desperate man (killed
a year later in Atlantic City in a street
brawl), was chosen Commander-in-Chief be-
cause of his fearless and dare-devil disposi-
tion, although he had never been in the Arap-
ahoe camp and knew nothing about them.
He took the seventy-five mounted men, plac-
ed Nickerson in command of the two hun-
dred foot men, the wagon train and navy
yard, with orders to follow down the river
after him. He struck out in the early morn-
ing in full daylight to find and annihilate
the Indians, while the Indians could see him
approaching for twenty miles. He, however,
met Black Bear and his squaw and a small
band of Arapahoes coming up to the Camp
Brown (where Lander now stands) to trade.
He killed Chief Black Bear and all of the
grown male Indians and two squaws, letting
two squaws escape to go back to the main
camp to give the alarm. There were killed
in all fourteen bucks, two squaws and one
squaw and child, Black Bear's and seven
children captured. These children were af-
terwards placed in families and raised among
the whites, one returning to the Shoshone
Agency in 1884 a full fledged Episcopal min-
ister. He found at this Agency the Arapahoe
tribe and among them his mother. Their rec-
ognition was mutual, although he had grown
to manhood since last she saw him. After
the killing of the Indians on Big Popoagie
the two squaws escaped, ran back to the
camp and gave the alarm. The Indians at
once pulled up stakes and left. The poor
weary footmen after a forty mile tramp came
into Smith's camp on Big Wind River where
he had made up large fires and the Indians
could easily have returned in the night and
killed or driven awr- the whole party, but
they were in full retreat and too badly fright-
ened to come back in force. About fifteen
or twenty came back and fired into Smith's
big camp fires, causing them to be put ef-
fectually, speedily and permanently out. The
expedition returned home worse than a fail-
ure, for instead of annihilating the Indians,
as they easily could have done had they gone
in the night time and surrounded the camp,
they only succeeded in making the Indians
more embittered and thirsty for revenge
which they fully obtained in the years im-
mediately following.
In April, 1870, William McCabe and James
Goodson, two hunters and prospectors, were
camped near the head of Little Popoagie
when Goodson went down to the mouth of
the canyon to their last camp to get an old
coffee pot they had left. He was attacked
by a small party of Indians, who first in good
English tried to persuade him to come up
on the hill where they were, but he, fearing
treachery, would not go. When they fired
on him he managed to get good cover and
killed Knocknee, a well known Arapahoe, and
one other and severely wounded several, es-
caping with only a slight wound in the back.
The bodies of the two dead Indians were
afterwards found, one the next day where
it fell and the other months afterward where
the Indians had thrown it in the creek.
On May 10th, 1870, the Indians attacked
Jason Sherman and party at daylight on
Twin Creek Hill. He had freight, teams and
cattle. He stood the Indians off but they
took all his cattle grazing near by. Major
David Gordon, commanding Company D,
2nd Cavalry, stationed near Atlantic City,
soon made his appearance and pursued the
Indians, and in a hot engagement with them,
in which several Indians appeared to be killed
or wounded, Lieutenant Stambaugh, after
whom Ft. Stambaugh was afterward named,
was shot dead from his horse, his body falling
for a time into the hands of the Indians who
robbed it of a watch, ring, his revolver and
belt, the contents of his pockets, etc. They
shot into his body several times, after which
the company rallied and recovered the body.
Sergeant Brown was severely wounded, hav-
ing his chin and part of his jaw carried away
by a bullet. The Indians escaped with Sher-
man's cattle and much other stock which
they picked up.
On June 17, 1870, Oliver Lamoureaux was
killed on the Point of Rocks road, some
thirty miles south of Atlantic City. The In-
dians took from his body a fine gold watch,
considerably money and two horses. John
Pelon, an old timer still living near Lander,
was with him and made a miraculous escape
on the open prairie by keeping the Indians
at a distance with a well managed rifle. Lam-
oureaux was killed by a volley fired by the
Indians in ambush.
August 25, 1870, the Indians killed Dr.
Barr, Harvey Morgan and Jerome Mason
near Willow Creek, between Big and Little
Popoagie, taking four horses and a large
lot of provisions. These men made a brave
stand and hard fight, but were overpowered
by the two hundred Arapahoes that sur-
rounded them where they could get no shel-
ter. Morgan was well known to the Indians,
having often fed and befriended them, and
for his friendship he was mutilated in a hor-
rible manner, the sinews being cut from his
back and limbs for bow strings and the queen
bolt of his wagon being driven so far into
his forehead so that it could not be pulled
out, but was buried with him as found. Thisj
party of Indians then attacked W. A. Barrett
at his ranch near Red Canyon, shooting a
bullet through his beard, but getting into his
dugout and being well armed he stood them
off, and they left. Going to South Pass, they
captured two hundred head of fine horses1
and mules belonging to the miners and pros-
pectors, and in charge of Lawrence Hunt and'
Negro Joe who were herding them. They1
were pursued by Lieutenant Robinson with
a company of the 2nd cavalry from Fortj
Washakie, but they made their escape with-
out loss.
On October 9, 1872, Michael Henan, while
hauling hay, was killed on Big Beaver Hillj
near Miner's Delight. From his team, four]
valuable mules were taken. At this raid an
incident occurred that came near costing the;
lives of two of the miners of Miner's Delight.
The next day after Hennan was killed, two
miners from Miner's Delight, Tom Logan'
and Bobby Smith, who had gone hunting.,
failed to return, and as it was known that;
they had gone in the direction the hostiles'
had been, it was supposed they too had been
killed. In order to find them and relieve them'
if alive, or bury them if dead, Captain Nick-
erson raised a party of nine men consisting:
of John Grant, Joe Trickey, John Hartley,-
George McKay, Ed. Blanchard, William Kin-;
ner, Val Brant, Arch Cameron and Chris
Ranley. Packing some supplies on an old
pinto pony that the Indians never would take.t
they started on the hunt for their lost com-t
panions and when some miles away, between
Strawberry and Beaver Creeks, they were
discovered by scouts from Fort Stambaugh
who took them for Indians and immediately
signalled the alarm to the Fort. The reporll
spread that the country was full of Indians!
The entire military and civilian forces weW
at once ordered out and soon surrounded tii
hapless miners, who at first thought it a good
joke on the military but soon realized their
eminent peril when they found they could
not make the forces surrounding them un-
derstand that they were not Indians. They
were taken at a great disadvtange, being on
a slight elevation, with others all around
them still higher. Now they were complete-
ly surrounded, a company of cavalry below
them on Beaver Creek to their right, a com-
pany of infantry was deployed and advanc-
ing to the left, a cestion of artillery was tak-
ing position in front, and nearest on the same
ridge was a mixed command of soldiers, citi-
zens and employees of the Post. Nickerson,
seeing that something must be done prompt-
ly or he and his men would be swept from
the face of the earth, ordered his men to lay
first flat upon the ground in the short sage
brush and then he would make another and
more desperate attempt to disclose to the
nearest troops who he was. The party in
:ront were not more than five hundred yards
iway at this time, and he started on a quick
walk towards them, alone, holding out his
*un in full view, dropping it to the ground,
still advancing with uplifted arms and shout-
ng to them not to shoot. But he could plain-
y see they intended to shoot, and one citizen,
;hs» best shot <n the party, knelt down, took
deliberate aim and fired, the ball striking
jnly a few yards in front of Nickerson, who
:ontinued to advance, but he could see the
vhole party was now aiming to shoot and at
jhe first puff of smoke he fell flat to the
jround and the volley went over him and fell
imong his comrades, but fortunately hit
lone. He then jumped and ran back to them,
:aking his gun with him. But one chance
low presented itself and that was for each
nan to break for himself and get cover
vithin the cordon now around them and
iwait their near approach so that they could
alk and be understood. This they did, gain-
ng the bank of beaver and concealing them-
selves in the brush until the troops came so
lear that they could be plainly heard and
alked to, when Nickerson went out and ex-
ilained the situation. Then the troops re-
urned to the Post very much disappointed
it not being able to dispose of a band of In-
[ians so completely in their power. In the
neantime the telegraph had flashed the news
;ast and west that Ft. Stambaugh was be-
ieged by Indians and a terrible battle was
aging. Logan and Smith came in a day
til right, having seen no Indians.
On the 24th day of July, 1873, Mrs. Hattie
lall and Mrs. L. Richardson were killed and
hockingly mutilated on Big Popoagie, where
_,ander now stands. Their houses were plun-
tered of goods and over a thousand dollars
ti money taken, also some watches and val-
lable jewelry. The Indians watched from
he hills until the men had nearly all gone
rom the valley to the mountains after tim-
ier, when they rushed down upon the help-
ess women and murdered them in the most
irutal and fiendish manner possible. They
lso killed and wounded several cattle from
mre cussedness.
On June 28th the Arapahoes surrounded
id Yount's house at the mouth of Little'
Popoagie canyon in the night. They kept
him in by shooting at him, broke open his
stable and took a fine span of horses, which
they for some unaccountable reason, killed
some miles from there on Twin Creek.
On the 29th day they attacked Joe Faris
and Sam Rhon while they were working on
the road in Red Canyon, but the Indians
found their match, for the boys not only
stood them off and saved their horses, but
wounded and probably killed one of the In-
dians. One day Ed Young and John R.
Smith ran on to one of these Indians at the
head of Red Canyon, ran him down into the
Canyon where Tom Anton was camped. The
Indian broke for Tom's horse but Tom saw
him coming and shooting commenced. The
Indian was armed with a Henry rifle and
shot close and fast, but Tom downed him
and he was afterward boiled up by Hospital
Steward Dodge of Fort Stambaugh in order
to secure his skeleton.
On the 4th day of July, 1874, Captain Bates
with Company B, 2nd Cavalry, and Lieu-
tenant Young with eighty Shoshones
(scouts), attacked the Arapahoes about four
or five hundred strong on the head of North
Wood River, killed forty or fifty and routed
and drove the rest off, losing Corporal Walk-
er and one private killed. Lieutenant Young
lost three scouts, killed, and several wounded
and himself wounded.
In the winter of 1876, five men from Lan-
der were hunting and trapping down Big
Wind River and were all killed. Their bod-
ies were found the following spring. Two of
them, Thomas Cook and Spencer, were killed
near the mouth of Bridger Creek and their
camp plundered. James Lisight, B. C. An-
derson and one Davis werx killed on what
is now called Lisight Creek about two miles
from Bridger Creek and one of its tributaries.
Their camp was also robbed of everything
the Indians wanted.
In the spring of 1877 a party of miners
from Fort McKinney was attacked on the
Dry Fork of Bad Water and two of their
number killed, names not known. Barney
Hill, of the party, was shot through five
times and left for dead, but came to and
by crawling most of the way, reached Sweet-
water River where he was found several
days later by prospectors and was brought
to J. M. Bied's place on Willow Creek and
from there taken to the Post hospital where
he fully recovered. He afterward committed
suicide in Montana.
In April, 1877, thirteen Arapahoes stole
thirteen head of horses and mules from Lan-
der, and were followed by nine men seventy
miles to Muskrat, where they were overtaken
and a sharp fight ensued, in which John Mc-
Cullom and Pap Conant were wounded and
several horses killed. It was thought two
or three Indians were killed or several
wounded. At one time the whites got pos-
session of all the horses, but during the
fight, the Indians re-took them and then
hard pressed the whites half way back to
In the summer of 1882 some Northern In-
dians robbed the camp of A. S. Bruce, also
the camp of Andy Larson on Beaver. They
were followed by Bruce and others and over-
taken on Big Popoagie below Lander. A
sharp engagement followed in which two In-
dians were fatally wounded. This same party
of Indians came upon a Mexican by the
name of Artecinario and a white man by
the name of Lew Blanchard on the Big
Horn River, and then killed them both. This
was the last killing known of in this county,
but many more than those enumerated ,have
lost their lives at the hands of the hostile
Indians, as frequently remains are found of
some hopeless miner, prospector, hunter or
emigrant that no one knows anything about.
Several persons have been frozen to death
and many crippled for life. Three soldiers
stationed at Stambaugh were at different
times lost in the storms and frozen to death.
In 1880, a soldier from Fort Washakie was
lost on Twin Creek Hill and frozen to death.
In 1870, S. C. Nickerson and Charley Stade
were lost in a storm at the head of Red
Canyon. Stade gave out and would go no
further and was found the next day with
his feet frozen solid to the ankles, from the
effects of which he died. Nickerson made
his way in the night near to Miners Delight
and made his whereabouts known by con-
tinued firing to his gun, which was heard
by his brother and others, who went to his
rescue and found him exhausted in a blinding
On January 31, 1883, Maggie Sherlock,
daughter of Mrs. James Smith of South
Pass, was passenger on the coach enroute to
Green River. When near Dry Sandy Sta-
tion, the driver, George Ryder, lost his way
and they were found two days afterward so
badly frozen that they both died from the
effects after many days suffering.
During the same storm, another driver,
James Scott, and a passenger, N. V. Clark,
residing on Willow Creek, were overtaken
by the storm. Their team gave out and
both froze to death. Clark wandered off
from the road and was not found until a
week afterwards, when his body was taken
to his family. W. J. Stuart, Superintendent
of the stage line, was lost with these last
parties. He wandered for two days and was
accidentally found, blind and nearly dead.
He recovered however, but was terribly muti-
lated, losing a part of both feet, all of his
fingers, his nose and ears. In the same storm,
Al Daugherty lost his way near Big Sandy
Station and was found next day, nearly dead.
He recovered but was terribly crippled, los-
ing one leg below the knee, a part of the
other foot and all of his fingers.
The first permanent settlers were William
Evans, James Rodgers, Tilford Kutch, U. P.
Davidson, Steve Geni in 1868 on Little Wind
River in what is now the Shoshone reserva-
tion. In the same year, Birch, Austin Likely,
Saylor and Shafer settled in the valley of
Big Popoagie. In 1869, John R. Murphy,
and J. G. Faris settled in the valley of Big
Popoagie. In 1869, John R. Murphy, and
J. G. Faris settled on Little Popoagie and in
the same year W. A. Barrett and William
Tweed settled in Red Canyon. These men
held their ground against frequent invasions
of hostile Indians, having many conflicts
with them and many narrow escapes and
were frequently robbed of their stock, andi
for years could scarcely subsist, but most
of them held on to their locations and remain
there today.
I Gold was known to exist in the Sweetwa-
ter County many years prior to the stampede
in 1867. Emigrants to California had found
gold on Strawberry and on the Sweetwater.
Soldiers had found and mined gold to a lim-
ited extent at different places. The Indians
had found both gold and gold bearing quartz
and brought it from the Sweetwater country
to Fort Bridger and other settlements west,
until this country was looked upon as a good
field for explorers. In 1867 Louis Robinson
brought the first sufficient amount of gold
into Fort Bridger to induce a stampede and
eight men went into the mines^_j Henry Re-
dell, Harry Hubbell, Frank Marshall, Josh
Terry and brother, one Davis and two others
first discovered the famous "Clarissa Mine"
and the Clarissa Gulch, where South Pass
was afterward built, these and other parties
being driven away by Indians. Willow Creek,
Big and Little Hermit for Placer! In At-
lantic, The Carriboo, Young America, Soule
and Perkins, Mary Ellen, Jim Dyer and oth-
er valuable lodes were found and worked.
Rock Creek, Little Beaver, Atlantic Gulch
and Smith's Gulch and many other placers
were worked with success and rich results.
In Miners Delight, the famous Miners De-
light Lode was discovered by Holbrook,
McGovern, Pugh, Manson, Eads, Livingston,
Major Gallagher, Dick Rice and George
Owens. The same party also discovered and
located Spring Gulch, in which the town of;
Miners Delight was built. This gulch and
mine proved very rich and is still being
worked. There was also discovered in this
vicinity the Bennett, Peabody, Barthlow and
San Juan lodes, and in placer the Meadow
Gulch, Yankee Gulch, Poor Man's Gulch,
Horace Gulch, Irish Gulch, Stambaugh
Gulch, Promise Gulch and Placereta Gulch,
all of which were mined out and yielded rich
returns. The Strawberry Creek, Diggings,
two miles south of Miners Delight, were as
mysterious as they were rich. All of the,
gulches and sags and some of the flats at or]
near the head of Strawberry Creek, were rich
in placer gold but no quartz could ever be
found, and as it was not a washed country,
no drift, glacial, river or ocean deposits butj
primitive formation showed plainly every-
where. It was and still is a mystery, where]
the gold came from. Many thousand dollars
worth was taken out mostly by the Rocker,,
or Tom process or by hauling the dirt toil
water, as the water was very scarce there!
and in many places there was none at all.
At Lewiston a rich placer and lode were
discovered in June, 1880, the placer by Henry
Lovewell and James Harding and the bullionj'
lode by the Nickerson Brothers. The mineSI
in this county are all gold, free milling!
quartz, and the placers; pure washed gold*
of a coarse nature and easily saved. The
placers have been nearly exhausted where
worked on a small scale by the ordinary
cheap process of sluicing, toming or rockin,
but rich results will yet be realized by the
more improved appliances working by hy-
draulic process.
The richest quartz mines have been work-
ed to water level and to where the surface
disturbances made the labor and expense
greater. Work has been suspended, capital
only being needed to prove them lasting and
productive of rich returns when developed
to a sufficient extent to properly test them.
This will be done in time and the Sweet-
water mines will take rank among the best
on the continent. The great drawback to
the development of these mines was first, the
many years conflict with the Indians, when
the miner had to work with his gun in his
hand or by his side all the time, not knowing
[what moment he would have use for it and
need it badly. Again many unprincipled men
deceived parties and men of means all over
the United States by the salting dodge, in
placing gold or rich quartz in worthless lodes
with which the county abounds and then tak-
ng the unsuspecting victim to the prospect,
selling it to him and then skipping out. Such
in act is a crime under our law, punishable
)y a severe penalty. This was done so suc-
:essfully and so repeatedly, that parties all
over the United States were bilked and left
n^-jdisgust, spreading the report that the
Sweetwater mines were the biggest frauds
n the world, so that it is next to impossible
:o induce capital to come into these mines
and develop them, notwithstanding the fact
:hat in a few years they have yielded not
ess than three millions in gold. There have
been many mills built at these mines, some
of which are running, some idle, while others
pave been moved away to other mining re-
There was built in South Pass in 1869 the
[irst quartz mill, a five stamp water power,
oy Tosier, Eddy and Roberts;
In 1869 a ten stamp steam mill by Jim
Mills and Louie Engle;
In 1869 a ten stamp steam mill on Big
Hermit by Hall, Sneath, Schaun & Co.;
I In 1869 a ten stamp steam mill on Little
Hermit by Kidder and Mason;
In 1871 a ten stamp steam mill on Big
Hermit by E. Amoretti;
• In 1871 a ten stamp steam mill on Little
Hermit by J. D. Farmer.
There was first a ten stamp steam mill at
\tlantic City built by Dr. James Irwin in
.869 and in 1869 a ten stamp steam mill
yas built just above Atlnatic City by Tom
Collins. In 1869 a thirty stamp steam mill
vas built on the Mammoth Lode near At-
antic by Colonel Elliott. This was built
ki a salted lode. In 1869 a twenty stamp
nill was built in Atlantic Gulch by the Lake
Brothers. In 1869 a ten stamp water mill
vas built on Rock Creek by Mr. Rice. In
870 a ten stamp steam mill was built just
idow Atlantic City on Rock Creek by
/Vheeler & Hull. In 1875 a ten stamp steam
nill was built on Rock Creek above Atlantic
>y Poire & Furgerson. At Miners Delight
n 1870, the Miners Delight ten stamp steam
nill was built by Holbrook, Walsh, McGov-
rn and Pugh. In 1873 the Hartley mill, a
en stamp steam mill, was built in Miners
Delight by Fontain, Hartley and Robinson.
In 1881 a ten stamp steam mill was built
in Lewiston by Martin Lewis.
Life sketch of the first to introduce any
considerable number of cattle for grazing,
when where, with results:
William Boyd brought in the first stock
of cattle in 1869, ranged them on the head-
waters of the Poposias. In 1874 Robert Hall,
J. K. Moore, Jules Lamoureux, Scoffey
Brothers & Cuney, W. P. Noble, James Kinn
and others ranged cattle on the Poposia,
Beaver and Wind River valleys successfully
and with great profit. At this time, 1885,
among the largest stock cattle owners are
the Wyoming Land & Cattle Company, Cap-
tain R. A. Torry, Qlto Franc. Carter Cattle
Company, R. H. Hall, E. Amoretti, John
Lee, John Luman, Richard Ashworth, Count
De Dore, S. A. Wilson, E. P. Livingston,
George W. Baxter, Henry Belknap, Dickin-
son & McDonald, Signor & Brown, John
Werlen, C. W. Crowley, Big Horn Cattle
Company, D. J. Jones, Rothwell & Sliney,
Joseph Cornett, Mrs. A. O'Neil, Jevon Pick-
William Tweed, an Englishman, was the
first to introduce sheep raising. He settled
in Red Canyon in 1870, brought two hundred
sheep as an experiment, which proved suc-
cessful. Having no disease, being of hardy
breed, they withstood the winter well, but
required close herding and night corralling
near the house to prevent their destruction
by wild animals, such as wolves, bears, moun-
tain lions, lynx and wild cats, with which
the country was over run and which killed
many of his sheep in spite of his utmost
It being demonstrated that sheep would
thrive and do well here if the prevailing dis-
ease, the scab, was kept in check, and the
wild animals killed off, many others engaged
in the business and are still so engaged,
among whom are Bruce J. McTurk & Poire,
James Irwin, Hornicker & Movers, Noble
& DeWolf, William O'Brien, J. E. Morrison,
J. B. Okie, Woodruff Brothers, Amoretti &
Bragg, Logan & Huff, J. La Hoar, Hood &
Ralston, A. H. Bright, Kime & Miller, Henry
Sherman and others. Sheep raising has gen-
erally proved a success, the severe winters
being the greatest drawback. The disease,
scab, can be kept down. In consequence of
a liberal bounty being paid by the territory,
the wild animals that destroy sheep are fast
disappearing, and sheep-husbandry in the
future will be one of the leading industries
of Fremont County, the bounty on wolves
being $1.50, lynx and wild cats, 25 cents,
hawks 25 cents, bears $5.00, and mountain
lions $5.00.
The first to engage in the business of horse
raising for the market were Orson Grimmett
and L. P. Vidal, who in 1876 introduced
horse raising and have continued in the busi-
ness ever since with success and profit. They
were followed by John Gillis and A. P. Bat-
trum who brought in horses for breeding
purposes in 1867, and the latter is still en-
gaged in the business, successfully. They
were followed by John Gillis and A. P. Bat-
trum first, then by Andy Chapman, J. W.
Chapman, Count Du Dore, Hanks Brothers,
J. C. Johnson, A. McKenzie, John B. Gleaver,
A. B. Wilson, Harry Brownson and many
others with marked success, as horses with-
stand the cold better than any other kind of
stock. There are in the southern part of
this country large numbers of wild beasts
(horses), those that have escaped from their
owners or escaped their range, generally
banding together in small bands, herded by
some young stallion that has beaten off all
rivals after terrible battles, in which the van-
quished generally loses his life. Here they
flourish, grow fat and rapidly increase. Oc-
casionally some of these bands are captured
by relays of pursuers or by tolling them into
inclosures with tame horses.
The first attempt to cultivate the soil in
this county was successfully made by W. A.
Barrett on Barrett's Creek, a tributary of
Red Canyon, in 1869, where for a number
of years he sold to the mining towns nearly
all kinds of vegetables at a high price. Oth-
ers followed in the business, among whom
were J. G. Farris, Ed. Young, Louie Miller
and Andy Larson. From these small begin-
nings in vegetable productions, larger tracts
were cultivated with an increasing acreage
each year. The fertile valleys of Big and
Little Popoagie are largely under cultivation.
Twin Creek, Beaver and Sweetwater are cul-
tivated to a considerable extent with good
results and profit. Also the valley of Little
Wind River on the Shoshone reservation is
successfully cultivated by the early settlers,
who are permitted to remain there by reason
of their location prior to making the reser-
vation. Nearly all kinds of vegetables and
cereals mature in these valleys except corn,
the hardier and earliest kinds alone ripening.
Sufficient of these productions are raised here
for home consumption, including the supply-
ing of the military at Ft. Washakie and em-
ployees and force at the military agency. Ex-
port we cannot, for want of facilities. Hay
for home consumption, for the military
agency, can be had at from seven to ten
dollars per ton, oats at two to two and a half
cents per pound.
The grazing industry has been uniformly
successful. The first herds were kept near
the foot hills of .the Wind River range but
as that portion became settled up, the herds
as they increased were ranged lower down
on the Beaver, the lower Sweetwater, then
over the Owl Creek range on to the Owl
Creek, upper Wind River, Greybull, Stinking
Water, No Wood and Big Horn Rivers.
Sheep and horses, being closer herded, take
the place of the receding herds of cattle, and
now are found mostly near the Wind River
mountains, wintering on Twin Creek, Beaver,
Bad Water, Sweetwater and Wind River.
Agriculture is yet in its infancy in this
county. The production only being what is
needed for home consumption and while
there could be vast amounts of grain and
vegetables produced, there being no adequate
means of transportation, a surplus is not pro-
duced. The lands are very productive, yield-
ing as high as bushels per acre of oats
and -per acre of potatoes and other
things in proportion except corn, which as
yet has not proved successful. There is as
yet no extensive ditching done, each farmer!
having an independent ditch for his own use,
but occasionally several combine and take:
out enough water for their use, collectively.
The water is plentifully supplied from the
numerous mountain streams.
The first saw mill was built on Mitt Creek
near South Pass in 1868, by Charles Decker.j
Another was built on Slate Creek near At-
lantic in 1869, by Major Anthony, another
near South Pass in 1869 by Janson Sherman,
another near the Jiead of Rock Creek in 1869
by William M. Hinman. From these mills
most of the lumber was obtained in the;
year 1868, with which in the years following
the towns of South Pass, Atlantic, Miners
Delight and Fort Stambaugh were built, and
from which the lumber was obtained with
which the mining was carried on in the pros-
perous mining days. In 1885 Emil Granier
built a saw mill at the head of Rock Creek
with which to cut the large amount of lum-
ber necessary to construct the many flumes
on his mining ditch and for other purposes
connected with his mining and building. On
Twin Creek and its tributaries William
Tweed has now and has had for many years
a portable saw mill, from which the lumber
supply for fencing, building and mining is
had. In 1876 Samuel Fairfield built a saw
mill on Big Popoagie and in 1880 A. T.
Wilson built a saw mill on North Fork and
moved and rebuilt same on Big Popoagie in
1883; and in 1883 Perry Townsend built a
saw mill on Big Popoagie and from these
mills the lumber supply for Lander, North
Fork, the Agenc}^ and Fort Washakie was
mostly obtained. And they, at the time,
1885, contnue to produce the needed supply.
The first and only flouring mill built in
this county was built in 1880 by A. T. Wilson
on North Fork, where it is now in operation.
This is run by water power from the North
Fork River.
The first bank in what is now Fremont
County was opened in South Pass in 1869
by Illif & Company and was managed by
Judge Amos Steck. This was a private in-
stitution and did business mostly in the pur-
chase of gold dust and the shipment of same
for mining parties. In 1875, E. Amoretti,
Son & Company built and opened a bank in
Lander, which is now in a prosperous and
flourishing condition, doing a general bank-
ing business with E. Amoretti, Sr., President,
and Samuel C. Parks, Jr., Cashier. In South
Pass in the years 1868 to 1870, William Er-
vin, N. Baldwin, A. Houghton, J. D. Farmer,
E. Amoretti, Lightburn Brothers, Gilder-
sieve Brothers and many others engaged in
mercantile business with varying success. At
this time, James Smith alone keeps a general
supply store there. In the early years ai
Atlantic City, Leighton Brothers, Hoffman
& Company, Cash Melin, Jules Lamoureaux.
E. Amoretti and others engaged in mercan-
tile pursuits, and later Louis Poire, and ai
this time Robert McAuley alone keeps a
general store in Atlantic City. At Miners
Delight, John Curry, George McKay, John
Dillabough, John Yancy and the Miners De-
light Mining Company did trading, and now
the old stand-by, James Kime, alone supplies
the wants of all in a general store. At Ron-
gis, Signor Brothers, and now E. A. Signor
keeps general supply store. At Lander the
first store was opened by Henry Molson in
1874, followed by Dickinson & Kime in 1875,
followed later by N. Baldwin, E. Amoretti,
James I. Patten, J. K. Moore, L. Poire,
•Noble Lane; all except the first two still
peing in the business and doing well. Mr.
Patten also keeps a drug store, Mrs. C. K.
Kiriland a millinery store and Chalmers &
[Burnett have a harness store and supply raw
'or manufactured materials.
In early days, Major N. Baldwin kept a
trading post at Double Log Cabins on the
Popoagie, then on Baldwin Creek, later in
1872 and 1874 was post trader at Fort Stam-
baugh. At Fort Washakie, J. K. Moore is
and has been for ten years, post trader and
Indian trader with good success. At the
Shoshone Agency, Noble & Land have a
store and are Indian traders. At North Fork,
Ben Sheldon and J. K. Moore kept stores for
several years, but the business not proving
lucrative, they gave up the store at that
place. At Meeteetse, A. B. Wilson has a
country store, and at Corbett, Arland & Cor-
bett keep a small store.
J£he first road traveled to any extent
throtfgh this County was the Overland Cali-
fornia Emigrant Road, up the Sweetwater
hrough the South Pass at Pacific Springs
nd so on across the Sandies and Green River
nd into Salt Lake. This was first traveled
y traders of the American Fur Company
under John B. Provo of St. Louis. In 1847
the Great Mormon Hegira traveled this route
to their Salt Lake Mecca with their wheel-
barrows, hand carts and nondescript vehicles,
ed by Brigham Young. In 1859 General
[Lander made survey and laid out a road
through this county from Burnt Ranch on
weetwater to the upper crossing of Green
iver, thence to Oregon via Bear Lake, Utah,
taking with him a train of emigrants and
making a good road.
The road from South Pass to Lander, Fort
Washakie and Meeteetse was a natural In-
dian and game trail, traveled by the first
prospectors and settlers, afterward improved
by the settlers and later by the county. The
same is true of all the other roads in the
ounty; mostly natural roads and very good
for a mountainous country. No bridges of
mportance have yet been constructed in the
:ounty. What few there are have been built
ay private enterprise or at the expense of the
In the early days of what is now Fremont
County, many engaged in the freighting
business. W. P. Noble was extensively en-
aged in the freighting business to Fort
Btambaugh and the mines, in which business
le formed the nucleus of a fortune, which
was afterward made in stock raising in the
Popoagie and Beaver Valleys. Many others
ngaged in hauling freight from Bryan, Green
River, Point of Rocks and Rawlins on the
Union Pacific Railroad to the mining towns
n this county and to Ft. Stambaugh and
Washakie and the Shoshone Agency. Among
he earlier ones were Chrisman Brothers,
Tom McGuire, T. Brown, N. H. Scott, Dan
McDonald, M. Kellshire, John Arnold, Harry
Burke, Sam Fairfield and many others. Some
of the above are still engaged in the busi-
ness, but sharp competition and the low rates
paid for freight from the railroad now makes
the business a precarious one and scarcely
paying expenses. The earlier freighters made
money, receiving from three to five cents per
pound, while now only one and one-fourth to
two cents is paid to same points.
The first freighting through which is now
Fremont County, was as early as 1857. Ma-
jors and Russell freighted on the Overland
Emigrant Road from the Missouri River
west, and supplied Johnson's army when
marching on Utah. One train in charge of
one Simpson, was attacked and burned up
by the Mormons at what is now called Simp-
son's Hollow, near Big Sandy.
The first ctage line was on the old Cali-
fornia Overland Road from St. Joseph, Mis-
souri, to Salt Lake, Utah, run by McGraw
who carried a monthly mail. The outfit con-
sisted of a coach and baggage wagon. This
was prior to 1855. In 1856, the Mormons
ran a weekly stage and mail from Atchison
to Salt Lake. In 1857, Jones Brothers ran
a stage line from Leavenworth to Bridger.
In 1860, Ben Hockerty ran a weekly stage
and mail from Leavenworth to Bridger. In
1861, the King of Stagers, Benjamin Holli-
day, put on the Overland daily stage, carry-
ing mail and express from Atchison to San
Francisco. Also in 1860-61 Holliday ran the
famous Overland Daily Pony Express from
Atchison to San Francisco. In 1862 Holli-
day was compelled to move his line further
south on to the Bitter Creek route to secure
greater safety from the northern hostile In-
dians, Sioux, Arapahoes and Cheyennes, who
attacked his stations and stages, killed many
of his drivers and employees, stole hundreds
of thousands of dollars, and made it next to
impossible to carry on the business on this
route. The building of the Union Pacific
Railroad took the freight, express and mail
across the continent and destroyed the busi-
ness of the overland trade.
When the mining excitement broke out in
the Sweetwater country, Alex Benham put
on a daily stage, mail and express line from
Bryan to South Pass in 1869. In 1870 he
put a line on the Point of Rocks route,
from Point of Rocks to South Pass. William
Larimer also put on a daily line of stages
from Point of Rocks to South Pass for one
season, when that route was abandoned. Ben-
ham continued the Bryan route until succeed-
ed by C. C. Huntley & Company in 1871,
who in 1872 changed the route from Bryan
to Green River and extended the line from
Green River to Lander. In 1880, J. L. Slav-
ens put on a tri-weekly stage, mail and ex-
press line from Rawlins to Ft. Washakie,
and soon afterward contracted to extend the
mail to Meeteetse. This extension from
Washakie to Meeteetse was sub-contracted
by Short, McCoy and Cress who ran a tri-
weekly buck-board carrying mail, passengers
and express.
Fremont County was created by an act ap-
proved March 5th, of the Legislative session
of 1884, bounded and described as follows:
That all the portion of the present county of
Sweetwater, territory of Wyoming, bounded
and described as follows, shall be created a
county to be known by the name of Fremont
with county seat at Lander. Commencing
at the north-west corner of Sweetwater coun-
ty running thence south on the western boun-
dary line of said county, the boundary line
between townships 26 and 27 north, thence
east on said township line to a point 107
degrees and 30 minutes west from Green-
wich, being the western boundary of Carbon
County. Thence north along said line of
107 degrees and 30 minutes of longitude to
its intersection with the line of 43 degrees
and 30 minutes of north latitude, being the
southern boundary of Johnson County.
Thence west along said line of 43 degrees
and 30 minutes north latitude to the Big
Horn river; thence down the Big Horn River
to the 25th parallel of north latitude to the
place of beginning. Being the largest coun-
ty in the territory, having about twelve and
a half million square acres and is about one
hundred and ninety miles long by one hun-
dred twenty-five wide, in the centre of which
is situated the Shoshone Indian reservation,
covering the fertile valleys of Wind River
and its tributaries, which is the garden spot
of Wyoming. This reservation has an area
of 1,520,000 acres.
H. S. Nickerson, H. E. Blinn and B. F.
Lowe were appointed by Governor Hale on
the 27th day of March, 1884, as Commission-
ers to organize this county as provided by
the act of creating the county. The Com-
missioners met in Lander on the 28th day of
March and organized by electing H. G. Nick-
erson Chairman and appointing J. I. Patten
Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners is-
sued a proclamation for a special election to
be held on the 22nd day of April, 1884, and
established voting precincts, at which elec-
tion B. F. Lowe was elected Sheriff, H. G.
Nickerson Probate Judge, James A. McAvoy
County Clerk, H. G. Nickerson County
Treasurer, A. H. Briht County Attorney,
H. E. Blinn Chairman, P. H. Hall and A. J.
McDonald County Commissioners, James I.
Patten Superintendent of Schools, Samuel
Iiams Coroner, Charles N. Syp Surveyor,
J. W. O'Neal Assessor.
These, the first officers elected at the spe-
cial election, met at Lander, the County seat,
on the 6th day of May and qualified when
the county was declared fully organized.
Total assessed value of property for the
year 1884 was $1,689,957 with a tax levy of
16 mills on the dollar, amounting to $28,-
142.02 total tax, of which $1,255.10 was for
territorial tax, $769.75 stock indemnity, $3,-
344.48 common schools; the balance was
general county funds. There was also col-
lected this year, $1,112.00 poll tax, which
was applied to the general school fund.
At the first general election held November
4, 1884, J. J. Watkins was elected Sheriff,
H. G. Nickerson Probate Judge and County
Treasurer, J. A. McAvoy County Clerk, R.
H. Hall (Chairman), H. E. Blinn and A. J.
McDonald, County Commissioners, A. H.
Bright County Attorney, J. W. O'Neal As-
sessor, Airs. T. F. Cadwell, County Super-
intendent of Schools, Samuel Iiames Cor-
oner, F. S. Wood Surveyor, James Kime
Representative Territorial Legislature, L. P.
Vidal, appointed by the Sheriff, Deputy Sher-
iff at Lander, and J. H. Irey, Deputy Sheriff
at Meeteetse.
At the special election, April 22, 1884, there
was 482 votes cast; at regular election No-
vember 4, 1884, there were 716 votes cast.
Total population in 1885 was about 1,200;
total assessed valuation $1,983,038. The tax
toll of the year 1885 shows as follows: Total
levy fifteen mills on the dollar on stock, and
fourteen and a half on all other property;
total tax levied for 1885 was $31,080.38, to
which will make the common school fund
not far from $5,000. The Territory tax $1,4
979.26 and stock indemnity $899.53.
The warrants of this county have always
been worth their face and have even sold
for a premium of 10 cents when distressed
for taxes and sold to the highest bidder. In
the year 1884 there was collected by the
treasurer, over two hundred dollars more
than the entire tax roll of that year called
for, the tax being collected so close that the
penalties and interest on the delinquents
made this excess. This result, probably no
other county in the territory can show, and
it is very gratifying to this, the youngest
county created in the territory.
When Wyoming was yet a part of Dakota
territory, Sweetwater County (out of which
Fremont County was created) was Carter
The act creating Fremont County pro-
vides for special terms of court in the coun-
ty, which is included in the 3rd Judicial Dis-
trict when the county commissioners shall
deem it necessary and shall notify the judge
of the district to hold a term of court in the
county at such time as he can and not con-
flict with his stated terms in other counties
in his district.
The first term of court was held at Lander
on the 8th day of June, 1884, Judge Samuel
C. Parks presiding. The county was repre-
sented by Prosecuting Attorney A. H.
Bright. There was present. District Clerk
Jesse Knight, also Deputy District Clerk E.
F. Cheney. There being but little business
for the court, and none of importance, the
term lasted but ten days. There was also
present J. I. Atkins, Sheriff, and L. P. Vidal,
Deputy Sheriff.
South Pass City, exclusively a mining
town, was the first town in the county. It
was the county seat of Sweetwater county
from 1869 to 1874. When the county seat
was moved to Green River. In 1867, gold
having been discovered in what was known
as the Sweetwater mines, a rush was made
for South Pass where a rich mine (the Clar-
issa) was discovered which fed a rich placer,
the Clarissa Gulch. The hostile Indians
drove the first prospectors out, who returned
in a month with reinforcements and made
permanent camp and settlement. In early
spring of 1868, the news of wonderfuly rich
finds of gold being circulated, a rush was
made from all quarters for the new Eldorado
and some 5,000 persons came into the mines.
South Pass rapidly grew to prominence.
jMain Street was built up on each side for
halt a mile, stores, hotels, saloons and other
pusiness houses were built and flourished
or some years. The name, South Pass City,
was given the place in consequence of its
f>eing near the great South Pass of the
£ocky Mountains, through which the old
alifornia emigrant road passes at Pacific
Springs, known to all the Overland travelers
o California and Oregon as being on the
Divide of the Rocky Mountains. South Pass
pad a flourishing district school and has con-
inued to have up to the present time. It
lad no established church society, but fre-
quently had services held by itinerant preach-
:rs of various denominations. The population
vas variously estimated from 1,200 to 2,000
n 1868-69, since which the number has de-
ceased to less than 50 persons at the present
ime. The first sheriff was John R. Murphy,
low living in Lander at an advanced age.
3e was appointed by the authorities of Da-
:ota Territory. Officers appointed by Gov-
rnor Campbell upon the organization of
Sweetwater County were John Body, Sheriff,
ohn Anthony, John Swingle and Nathaniel
Daniels, County Commissioners, H. G. Nick-
rson, Superintendent of Schools, H. B. Hub-
>ell4 Coroner, C. L. Lightburn, Assessor.
ohn^McGlinchey was next sheriff followed
>y P. A. McPhee. James A. Brennen was
text Probate Judge, Tim McCarthy, County
lerk, A. Mcintosh next. J. W. Kingman
vas first Judge of District Court, followed by
AT. T. Jones and H. M. Carey. But few of
he early settlers of South Pass remain,
imong them being J. H. Johnson, James
Smith, John Bilcox, Jason Sherman, L. B.
(Tripp and Antone Stubs.
The first Justice in South Pass was James
W. Stillman followed by Mrs. Esther Morris,
kdio was appointed by Governor Campbell
md who was the first and only woman Jus-
ice of Peace in the United States. She was
[ucceeded by C. C. Fox, and the present Jus-
ice is S. B. O'Meara.
Owing to the depreciation in value of the
nining property and interest, all business
an down and was suspended, but South Pass
Ell yet be prosperous in mining. "The South
?ass News," a five column paper, was started
(i 1869, edited by C. J. Cole, Captain N. L.
Turner and E. A. Slack successively.
Atlantic City, four miles east of South
pass, sprang into xistence in 1868, during the
nining excitement, and during the height of
p prosperity, its population was variously
stimated from 1,500 to 2,000. Among the
jirst settlers was John Anthony, Pease &
Taylor, Foster Brothers, Jules Lamoureux,
rank E. Caffey, Dr. James Irwin, Ed Lawn,
ouis Poire. Among other early settlers still
emaining in Atlantic, is Robert McAuley,
d Lawn, John Huff, Frank Lenna, Charles
[Washington, H. B. Macomber, William Gra-
|rix, R. Ricketts.
Atlantic, like South Pass, never had any
;>rganized church society, but had frequent
ervices by local or itinerant preachers. It
las always maintained a district school and
vhile its population is now less than one
jiundred, yet it keeps up its school.
Its first Justice of the Peace was Dr.
James Irwin, appointed by Governor Camp-
bell in 1869, followed by Ed Lawn, Charles
Washington and Robert McAuley, present
Justice. The first and present Notary Pub-
lic is J. S. Frankeburger.
Atlantic City, like South Pass, sprang up
during the mining excitement, and then all
business followed the depression in mining
until the lowest ebb was reached, but at this
time permanent improvements and develop-
ments are being made, which will place At-
lantic in a prominent place in the mining
world. Emil Granier has just completed a
ditch here some 15 miles long with 15 or 20
substantial flumes at a cost of about $100,000,
with which to work the placers here and vi-
cinity, and will commence work in the spring
when rich returns are confidently expected.
Miners Delight, four miles east of Atlantic,
grew suddenly into prominence as did South
Pass and Atlantic during the mining excite-
ment of 1868, and is a mining town named
after the famous "Miners Delight Lode,"
here situated. Among the first settlers were
Jonathan Pugh, Jack Holbrook, Major Gal-
lagher, H. G. Nickerson, George McKay,
James Kime, and it had in 1869, a population
upwards of 1,0000, but is now reduced to less
than 50. Among the old timers remaining
are James Kime, George McKay, Jonathan
Pugh, B. C. Sexton. Miners Delight had no
church society but had district school for
many years but has none now.
The first Justice of the Peace was Frank
McGovern, followed by John Curry, H. G.
Nickerson and George McKay.
Miners Delight, like South Pass and At-
lantic will yet take its place in the front rank
of mining towns in the West.
Red Canyon, a mile from Miners Delight,
was first settled by William Tweed and W.
A. Barrett in 1870, who settled on Barrett
Creek, a tributary, followed by Joseph Wag-
ner and John Norton, all of whom engaged
and are still engaged in farming and stock
raising with good success.
In 1869 Little Popoagie was first settled
by J. R. Murphy and J. G. Faris, the former
locating on what is known as Eagle ranch.
They both had several encounters with the
Indians and many narrow escapes. Later
settlers followed, among whom were Ed
Young, Frank Casto, William Juftile, John
Werlen, Mrs. Clark, William Trosper and
A. P. Battrum. They engaged in farming
and stock raising with good success. Here
a district school is taught.
Willow Creek was settled in May, 1873,
by James A. McAvoy, John M. Ried and
Joseph Himmelsbach. The last two are still
engaged in farming and cattle raising with
good success.
Lyons, or lower Little Popoagie, was set-
tled in 1880 by Robert Hall, John Gillis, M.
Gregg, Roberts and others, all of whom are
engaged in agriculture and stock raising with
good results. There is a flourishing district
school in Lyons' district.
Sweetwater was first settled in 1874 by
Signor Brothers at what is now Rongis,
named by reversing the name of Signor.
Herman Bohack and Henry Bruning were
the first to settle at St. Marys, on Sweet-
water, in 1878, but abandoned their location
three years later. Now the river is located
from St. Marys down through the county.
Among the locators are John Arbold, Signor
and Brown, Westfall, Falher & Sons, C. H.
Bush, and Ed Bennett. The last two are at
Sweetwater bridge on the stage road from
Lander to Rawlins. Further down are D.
N. Carrington, Clay & Forrest, August Lan-
acken, James Via and others, all successfully
engaged in stock raising, principally.
Wind River valley, now Fort Washakie
and the Shoshone Agency, was first located
in 1868 by Tilford Kutch, U. P. Davidson,
Jack Parker, William Evans, H. G. and S.
C. Nickerson, Henry and William Lusk, Wil-
liam Rogers and many others. Rogers, Evans,
William Jones, Charles Yarnell, Steve Geni
and Charles Oldham still remain, although
the lands are declared set apart for a reser-
vation for the Shoshone Indians and such
other friendly tribes as they may tolerate or
admit among them. The lands of this reser-
vation are the best in the territory, the soil
and climate the finest.
North Fork, four miles from Lander, was
first located by C. B. Harrison, E. P. Cot-
trell, Ed Atlon, Henry Mealman, P. P. Dick-
enson. In 1874 quite a village sprang up
here on the line of the reservation. Here a
district school is taught. The principal in-
dustry is farming. E. P. Cottrell was first
Justice of the Peace, succeeded by H. H.
Hale, the present Justice. The population of
North Fork precinct is about 75.
Meeteetse, situated in the northern part of
the county, is a stock raising community.
The village consists of one store, post office
and saloon. It has a school of twenty schol-
ars, a population of some 75 persons, en-
gaged in stock raising with the best of sue
cess. The town was started in 1879. The
first settlers were Otto France, Judge Carteri
Cattle Company, followed by Captain Henry
Belknap, Dickerson & McDonald, A. B.
Wilson and others. The first and present
Justice is Otto France. The first and pres
ent Notary Public is E. T. David.
Embar on Owl Creek, named from the
Captain Torry band, is a village of some 50
inhabitants, settled by Smith and Baradee,
George M. Sliney, J. D. McCullouch, Cap-
tain A. R. Torry, Price Brothers and others
in 1880. Stock raising is the principal pur-
suit which like other portions of the county
is successfully followed. The first and pres-
ent Justice of the Peace is George M. Sliney.
Lander, the county seat of Fremont Coun-
ty, was first settled by Messrs. Austin, Burch,
Likely, Saylor and Shafer in 1869. Shafer
died on his ranch in 1870 and the others have
since left the territory. Many other settlers
soon after made permanent locations, among
whom were Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Hall,
both being killed by Indians soon after.
Frank Ecoffey, J. J. Frey, Hornicker Broth-
ers, Peter Anderson, John McCullom, James
Forrest, Henry Lovewell, John Pelon, Ed
St. John and many others made permanent
settlement and engaged, and most of them
are still engaged, in farming and stock rais-
Lander is situated on the Big Popoagie
and diverging streams, three streams run-
ning through the town. The town was called
Push Root by the first settlers, but finally
named in honor of the soldier and explorer,
General Lander, who built the road through
this county from Burnt ranch on Sweetwater
to the upper crossing of Green River and so
on to Bear Lake in Utah.
The first Justice of the Peace was T. W.
Luim, succeeded by J. I. Patten, George
Stringfield, W. A. Frederick, W. F. Chalmers
and Dr. James Irwin, the present Justice.
The first Notary Public was George T.
Stringfield, succeeded by J. I. Patten, the
present Notary. Peter Anderson, John Grant,
W. H. Jackson, Peter Peratto and C. C.
Crowley were constables successively. The
vote November 4, 1884, was 290; population
about 400; total valuation in the district was
in 1885, $108,341, on which a special tax of
$3,000 was raised, with $1,000 appropriated
from the teacher's fund, a substantial stone
school house was built. There is now en-
rolled in the district 100 scholars. A flour-
ishing school has been taught in Lander since
By the energy and perseverance of Father
Moriarity, a substantial Catholic church was
built of stone in 1881 and a society organ-
ized. In 1885 a substantial wood building
was built by the Methodist and Episcopal
societies, presided over by Reverend C. C.
Zebold (Methodist), Reverend Roberts and
Coolidge (Episcopal), the latter a young
Arapahoe Indian educated in the east after
his father and other Indians were killed at
Lander in the raid by the whites on the
Arapahoes in 1870.
' The first newspaper, the "Wind River
Mountaineer," was started January 1, 1883,
by I. C. Wynn, Editor and Proprietor. It
was enlarged July 2, 1883, to a six column
paper and sold to a stock company and it is'
still edited by Wynn, to be enlarged to a
seven column weekly, in July, 1886, all print-
ed in Lander.
Since the division of this county from
Sweetwater and making the county seat at
Lander, business of all kinds has rapidly
sprung up, proved successful and increasing.
There was organized in 1873, a militia com-
pany, armed by the territory, W. F. O'Neil
Captain and called the "Push Root Rangers."
Their numbers gradually grew less, until they
finally disbanded.
Stinking Water, a stream in the northern
part of the county, takes its name from
strong mineral springs that come out in thev
river and on its banks just below the can-
yon where the stream cuts through Cedar
Mountains. This place was formerly called
Colter's Hell. The fumes from the springs
are so strong as to overcome persons who'
inhale them. In 1883, a man went to bathe '
there and was found dead, having been over-'.,
powered by the fumes. The strong fumes
can be smelled for miles away and the water
in the river tastes of it for miles below the*1
springs, while above, it is pure and sweet, j
Fort Brown, named after Captain Brown,
who was killed in the Phil Kearney massacre
in 1866, was established where Lander now
stands in 1869 by General Brisbin, U. S. A.
This post was moved on to the Shoshone
reservation on Little Wind River in 1873 and
named Fort Washakie after Chief Washakie
of the Shoshone Indians, and is garrisoned
by one, two or three companies.
In the summer of 1870 Fort Stambaugh
was established by Major David Gordon of
the 2nd Cavalry and named after his Lieu-
tenant, who was killed on the 10th day of
May in an engagement with Indians on Stam-
baugh Creek, tributary of Twin Creek. This
post was situated between Atlantic and Min-
srs Delight, midway, and was abandoned in
the fall of 1877.
'Ye Rockies hail! majestic mounts!
Of future bliss the favored shrine!
For you God's Heart of gifts Divine
Opens this day its precious founts."
, — Diary of Father DeSmet.
The Wind River range of the Rocky Moun-
:ains presents a scene so vast, so varied, so
-ugged, so inspiring and unusual that the
noM" experienced travelers and explorers ex-
:laim "How Wonderful!" and are unable to
Snd words to express a comparison with the
Dther ranges of mountains in the world.
Viewed from a distance they invite; from
:heir summits, the distant ranges of moun-
:ains aided by the clear atmosphere and their
iltitude, afford the widest range of clear
vision in the world.
It was this view that made Captain Bonne-
ville exclaim, when he had climbed Chau-
/enet, "It is the most beautiful spot in the
Chauvenet is a spur extending several miles
lorth and east of the main range. To the
lorth Captain Bonneville was looking over
:he tops of the Owl Creek Range and follow-
ng the courses of the Big Horn and Clark's
Fork Rivers to their junction with the Yel-
owstone in southern Montana, nearly two
lundred miles away, Prior Gap, Clouds Peake
ind all of the tributaries of the Big Horn
system stand out in bold relief. The south-
erly extensions of the Black Hills are seen
is they approach Laramie Peak and extend-
ng on to Sherman Hill, the highest point
m the Union Pacific Railroad, then Elk
Mountain and the ranges of the Medicine
Bow Forest reserve in southern Wyoming
ind northern Colorado appear, many of these
joints being fully two hundred miles away
ind comprising the drainage area of the
Morth Platte and Sweetwater Rivers. "Split
Rock" is in full view and marks the course
if the Old Oregon Trail from Independence
Rock past Green and Crooks Mountains as
t passes up the Sweetwater Valley to the
Did South Pass, while between Mount Nys-
:rum, Wind River and Temple Peakes he
:aught a glimpse of the Ogden Gateway and
he ranges surrounding Great Salt Lake.
Washington Irving says "Captain Bonne-
ville had the soul to appreciate the scene,"
le made full notes and Avrote graphically but
he realized the inadequacy of words to por-
tray the profound impression made upon his
mind and turned over his notes to Washing-
ton Irving. Great Litterateur that he was,
and while he immortalized Captain Bonne-
ville, he made but slight changes from the en-
tries made by Bonneville in his diary. Bon-
neville became so absorbed in his work he
"was absent without leave" for three years
and was dropped from the rolls, but he had
taken observations, made maps and had writ-
ten such a report, that when he submitted
them to President Jackson with an explana-
tion he was restored to his command and
, The work of Captain Bonneville and the
expedition of Lewis and Clark, under the
guidance of Sackajawea, enabled the United
States to claim Washington, Oregon and
parts of Idaho and Montana by "Right of
Discovery" and the claim was made to stick,
after serious discussions with Great Britain.
Colonel John C. Fremont was then sent
out with a larger command well equipped
with the best scientific instruments of the
time he went through South Pass, selected
what he thought was the highest peak in the
range as he passed up Green River, climbed
it and gave it his name, his description of the
climb, the efforts made and the wonderful
view from the summit, ranks with that of
Bonneville and they are not excelled by any-
thing of the kind written in the English lan-
Bierstadt, the great American painter, read
these reports was inspired and sitting under
Wind River Peak he painted the greatest
mountain landscape in the world, "The Rocky
Mountains," which hangs in the Metropoli-
tan Art Museum in New York and has been
spoken of by the best critics as "The best
thing in lights and shadows in the museum"
and is a faithful portrayal of the mountain
range from Wind River Peak to Chauvenet.
Artists have crossed the ocean to study this
wonderful work.
The things we have been describing have
become classics, have been known for nearly
a century and still they are comparatively
unknown to our American people, because,
until recently transportation has been lack-
ing. The best view of this range which is
obtainable from any point which can be
reached by automobile is seen from the top
of Beaver Hill on the Rocky Mountain High-
Where the road crosses the Sweetwater
Divide at an altitude of about seven thou-
sand feet, beginning at an easterly point the
main features within our observation are, to
the southeast, Ferris Crook and Green
Mountains are in full view, the Sweetwater
River coming through South Pass, Atlantic
Peak and Mt. Nystrom on either side of the
headwaters of the Big Popo-Agie. The next
is Mt. Arter, which rises only a little above
timber line and is immediately back of Lan-
der. From the top of this peak, which is
easily reached, one may get a full view of the
scene incorporated in Bierstadt's painting,
this peak obstructs the view of Wind River
Peak. Mt. Hooker is near. It is well named,
sloping from the southwest it looks as if it
were actually hollowed out on the northeast-
erly side; and just to the east is Chauvenet,
the peak which Captain Bonneville climbed.
In the distance, and a little to the right, may
be seen the group of peaks which surround
the glaciers.
Crow Heart Butte is seen down in the
middle of the Wind River Valley, then across
the basin of the Wind River one gets a
glimpse of the Absarakees and the intersec-
tion is marked by Washakee Needle, a very
prominent land mark.
Following along the Owl Creek Range are
several points known as Embar, Sheep Creek
and Mexican Passes. Then the Big Wind
River Canyon, Bird's Eye and Sioux Passes,
which is a little half round gap at the east-
erly end of the Owl Creeks.
The next best view of this range obtain-
able from a highway, is just above Shoshoni
where the Grand Highway leaves the Yellow-
stone, the first going on to Lander, and the
latter diverging to Wind River Canyon.
Again enumerating the points easily distin-
guishable, they are, Atlantic Peak, Mt. Arter,
Wind River Peak, often called Surveyors
"V." This "V" is really canyon between
Wind River and Temple Peaks, then Chau-
venet, Little Wind River Canyon and Hooli-
gan, then the great bald mountain extending
to Bull Lake Canyon.
The group of snow caps to the right in-
clude Fordyce Peaks, Mt. Kirkland, Chim-
ney Mountain and Gannet Peaks. The high-
est snow cap is on the top of Gannet Peak
and two well marked ice fields, the one to the
left and the one to the right of Gannet are
live glaciers, and immediately back of these
peaks is the Fourt Glacier. To the right of
Gannet are Mt. Harding, Mt. Wilson, Downs
Mountain and an unnamed point which is
easily accessible and from which one may see
five thousand feet of the tops of the Grand
Tetons, and to the east a distinct view of
Laramie Peak, which is two hundred thirty
miles away.
To the right the pinnacles, including Rams-
horn, are seen and between these points the
Wind River extends to Two Gwo Tee Pass.
Again turning to the right are seen Castle
Rocks, Washakie Needle, the Passes in the
Owl Creek Range, Wind River Canyon and
Bird's Eye Passes.
Gannet Peak has an altitude of 13,785 feet.
The view from the top of the glacial area and
Gannet Peak is simply sublime. To the
west one sees the whole Teton Range, "The
Grand First View" of the most celebrated
mountain scene on the American continent.
From this point one can realize the truth
of all of the graphic descriptions written
about the Tetons. One obtains at a glance,
all of the interesting features of the southerly
end of Yellowstone National Park. The
Teton and Wind River ranges are the most
sharply broken and present the most rugged
view of any mountains in the world, they
are of gray granite, which has come up
through red granites and phorphy, and it
breaks more sharply than any of the older
In Two Gwo Tee Pass we see Lava Moun-
tain, reddish in its appearance and which
marks a distinct change in the geological for-
mations, and now turning to the right, the
geological measures lie horizontally and this
horizantal striation is distinctly marked in
the pinnacles to the west of Two Gwo Tee
Pass and surrounding Brook's Lake, where
they rise to an altitude of about 2,000 feet
above the surface of the lake. This view pre-
sents a wearing away of the rocks not un-
like the Grand Canyon of the Colorado.
All of the scenes we have described in the
foregoing are seen to about the point where
the Union Pacific Railroad crosses the Lara-
mie Plains.
There is a wonderful view of the water
shed comprising the sources of the Columbia
as they converge into the Snake River and
flow to Puget Sound. Fremont's Peak pre-
sents, from this point, all of the graphic de-
scription written by its name sake, and is
only ten or twelve miles away with the larg-
est glacial area in the United States lying;
between. Dinwoody Canyon is not less than
4,000 feet deep. This glacial area is the
source of supply of many streams, the prin-
cipal one being Dinwoody and Bull Lake
Creeks, and discharges not less than 500,000
acre feet of water annually, and the drier and
hotter the season, the larger the flow. The
waters leaving the terminal moranes of the
glaciers are filled with rock flower, so that
their appearance is not unlike the discharge
from the battery of a stamp mill. The lakes
below afford settling basins and from there
the waters proceed with the clear bluish tint
that we observe as they discharge into the
Big Wind River. This point marked the in-
definite point where the boundary lines on
the Great Northwest, Mexico and the Loui-
siana Purchase converged, but was never
definitely located. Fremont County has morei
than a hundred miles of well marked trails'
and many more of branching game trails,
through the mountains and evergreen, for-
ests primeval. More than five hundred miles1
of bright dashing mountain streams andi
scores of lakes, stocked with fish that are
easily accessible and hundreds of cascades,;
rapids and water falls. One may walk ori
ride for weeks amid these scenes and it only1
creates a desire to travel farther and seej
The botanist follows the snow line andj
fields of mountain flowers until autumnj
leaves warns him to turn back.
The student of geology begins with the|
lowest (altitudinally the highest) formation'
and follows the fault planes and geological*
measures back to those surfaces which are
familiar to all. The granits, schists, silurian!
and other lines, oil sands, phosphates, redf
beds and shales are all exposed and may be'
measure and studied. Intrusions of diorite
and quartz veins invite the mining engineer'!
at the same time. I
The largest live glaciers in the United!)
States surround Gannet, Mount Helen andu
Chimney Mountain. These glaciers araH
among the snow caps which are seen fromH
points near Bonneville and Shoshoni, on thell
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy and Chicagcin
ind Northwestern Railroads. They are the
:arthest to the right as you look toward the
nountains and the highest snow cap is on
:he top of Gannet peak, Mount Helen may
)e seen distinctly looking west from a point
lear Arapahoe. It stands out like the top
}f a chimney with a notch in the middle of
t against a setting sun and is right in the
niddle of the glacial area.
There is a wall of ice five hundred feet
n height, clear and streaked with blue and
jreen metalic tints. A large block of granite
perhaps twenty by fifteen feet had started
;o cross the biggest glacier. It was frozen
n and when we saw it, was balanced upon
in ice pedestal about three feet high and
vith an area on top of only a third of that
)f the boulder. The water was running in
orrents. Many crevices are impassable and
hin ice at many places might precipitate one
nto a very cold bath.
Going up the easterly side of Dry Creek
me finds timber line approaching nearer to
he glaciers than at any other point. One
:an ride up "Horse Ridge" between Dinwid-
Ue and Dry Creeks, to a point about two
niles from the top, but from there it is a
lard climb to the top of Chimney Mountain.
?rom there, with five or six hundred feet
>L- tope one could get down on the ice at the
rery apex between the Dinwiddie and Bull
^,ake glaciers and a camp here with canned
leat to cook with, would enable one to reach
iny of the peaks which pierce the ice fields
ind I think nothing more daring can be
ound among the Alps.
Cheyenne, March 29th, '68.
Dear Nephew:
Your letter came to hand today and in re-
»ly would say I was very happy to hear from
rou and to know that you and the ballenc of
ny friends are all well and doing well. You
ay it has been a long time since you seen
ne which is very true however you all have
ieen remembered by me with affection and
:indness. I often think of all my relatives
tnd wish to see them but if you know any-
hing of my character you know that my
omposition is not entirely destitute of pride,
rherefore you will not think strange that I
vould prefer being away from all friends
intil such times that I could meet them on an
:quality. And thank high heaven my wild
>ats are all sowed and for the past 4 years
have been reaping the harvest. Last year
' cleared 2000.00.it has always been my in-
ention to get in shape to follow my back
rack through life and make straight all the
:rooked steps which I made when young.
Vt last the country west is being opened
riore and more every day which makes a good
>pening for business. The mining prospects
^re as good at Sweet water as ever they
Vere in California, there is no doubt as to
heir richness we are about 275 miles from
^weet Water. Many ARE already starting
j)Ut it is to soon by 30 days. You Say that
nothers health is good nothing could do me
p much good as that news and above all
hings in my heart would like to see her not
|hat I do not love the ballenc of my friends
mt Mothers first. You say Sidney is fore-
man of a shop in Geneva I wish you write
and let me know if he has no farm and if he
is poor so that he has to work for other
people. Also tell me how all the rest of the
family are doing and how they are getting
along tell me how Mary and Edwin are get-
ting along as we know where Martin Warner
is and what he is doing. Tell all the family
to write to me. As for your coming out
here I would advise you if you are doing
well to stay there with your parents and you
will be better off in a long run write often
and long and tell me about Erastus Root and
all the old neighbors in Mentor Lake County
Ohio but for how long cant tell I presume
the country and my old friends have changed
so much that I would scarcely realize it. It
is my intention now if I can fix my business
in shape to allow me to come home next fall
and spend the most part of the winter and
then go to New York in the spring. I would
like very much to see Mother and the bal-
lenc of our family, Aunt Betsey and in fact
all my old friends and will if I live till I
can fix my business so it will not suffer
without my attention. I have sold 100,000
dollars worth goods during the past seven
months and the profits were very good if I
have no bad luck this season can make all
the money I will ever want and my opinion
is that luck depends on management and
having had some experience think I will make
it you write that you are about brother Riley
size and if report be true you are a very good
looking man at least thought so by the girls.
You say you were at Aunt Betsey's I wish
I could have been there with you and will
be after a while. I wish Aunt Betsey would
write to me. Delos has been with me sev-
eral times this winter Delos is doing very
well. And a very good boy and I think very
much of him he is very much like Uncle
Roswell in his appearance. You ask about
this country I will tell you all I know about
it and I have been here about 11 years and
think I have a good knowledge Cheyenne is
situated at the east base of the Black Hills,
107 miles north from Denver City and 85
miles south of Fort Laramie and 40 miles
east from Fort Saunders and 2^4 miles from
Fort D. A. Russell one of the largest forts
in the west. The town is located on a beau-
tiful Prairie and no timber nearer than 20
miles. It is 517 miles east of Salt Lake
everything going west is compelled to come
through this place there has been a world
of money paid out in this country. But dont
think it will ever be a good farming country
but the best in the world for stock of all
kinds. The first day of August 1867 I com-
menced building the first house in Cheyenne
City which now contains about 8000 peo-
ple and the cars of yesterday brought 518
more there is a great field for young men
who will work and then you can tell your
father and mother that I know of no law
that can hinder them from writing to me.
One reason for not writing long ere this was
I wanted to accomplish a certain object be-
fore I either wrote or come home and that
object is nearly accomplished and I am com-
ing then, Yours as ever,
You may look for Delos and me to drop
in about next winter if I can get him to
come with me and think I can.
I remain your Uncle and friend,
Cheyenne, April 15th, '68.
Dear Nephew: —
Yours of April 6th came to hand to day
containing a Statement which I wish to cor-
rect you say I wrote I was worth two hun-
dred thousand dollars which I think if you
will look you will find that I said I had made
twenty thousand last year I am not aware
of saying that I was worth anything more
than that you must remember that 200,000
is a very large pile of money. I have not
heard from Delos since my last letter to you
but presume he is well or I would heard
from him. Got a letter from Aunt Betsey
a few days ago. and answered it immediately.
You ask me about this country it is the
worst country on earth at present and will
be for some time. All the worst men on
earth have come here all kinds of crimes
you can imagine are committed here and most
of them unpunished by law. A man to live
in this place must be made of cast iron, but
a man who has been through the mill smut
machine and all has no desire to mix in with
that class of people and if he attends strictly
to business can get along all right. There
will be a large quantity of money paid out
in this country this season and I intend to
get some of it if possible and I will. I shall
divide my stock of goods this summer and
take apart of them west with the intention of
closing out the entire thing this fall and
come home. I wish to be remembered to all
my friends,
I remain yours affectionately,
You speak of having bought a lot of land,
it is a very good thing to have something in
view so that a man will be contented and
try to save his money. That is the whole
secret in making a fortune if you only save
one hundred a year and compound that for
10 years you are well off it is no matter
whether your land is worth any more or not
at the time it is paid for your money is safe
and all together and if you should want to
go into business you can always raise money
out of that kind of property. For instance
if I had saved all the money I have ever
handled I would have had enough for the
whole Beckwith family I have made and lost
a mint of money but am going very slow
from this on. I landed in Cheyenne the 27th
day of July last and on the 2nd day of Aug-
ust had a house built and had a stock of
goods in it and was selling which was the
first house in Cheyenne. I bought one lot
and sold so as to make seventeen hundred
dollars since that time the same lot has Dem,
sold at an advance of 3000. Many a man
made money faster here last season than the
best times in California while others came
here with cash and are broke, now, but those
fellows had not been through the mill. I
think lots will be very high this season. I
have 13 lots besides the one the store stands
on and if any Eastern gent thinks more of
them than I do he will be very likely to get
them. This will be one of the best stock
countries in the world in a few years as soon
as the Indians are killed or driven out which
will be by degrees as the country settles, the
Indians are making considerable trouble this
spring such as killing a man or two every
now and then but nothing thought of it,
fires are set often for the purpose of plunder
a man killed nearly every night. But this is
all in the contract and nothing said about it.
I presume you have all heard of the great
Phil Kearney massacre by the Indians I
was at Phil Kearny at the time there was
81 men went out from the fort and all killed
and scalped for I helped to bring them my-
self and know it is so. And many a man will
loose his life this season. Soldiers are no
earthly use among Indians. Salt Lake trains
are commencing to come in for their Mor-
man Brethrens and goods. I think as this
Railroad will run about 80 miles North from
Salt Lake City and it being a good farming
country and on a direct (line) between Salt
Lake and Montana this will be the best and
the largest City west of the Missouri River
and the best point for business and one that
will last. You did not say how many children
there was in your mother's family. Tell me
what good wool socks are worth by the large
quantity and dried fruits of all kinds that
grow in your country. If this letter is not
long enough say so and I will write the next
one on a clothes line. My regards to your
father and mother. Yours as ever,
February, 1923
I will begin my series of articles by givingi
the historical origin of Wyoming. It was
admitted as a Territory in 1868 and as a.
State in 1890. It contains about ninety-seven,
thousand square miles and has wonderful]
mineral resources consisting of iron, copper,,
soda, oil and immense coal deposits. Agri-i
cultural development is dependent mainly up-i
on irrigation, although there are large areas,
now farmed by other methods. This is a;
wonderful stock country. The grasses are
very nutritious and stock of all kinds de-(
velop wonderfully well in this state. The(
early settlers depended altogether on the
range for their large herds the year around,
cutting native hay for their riding, driving
and draft horses during the winter months.
This hay is very nutritious and no grain is,
The climatic condition varies according to
location. In some parts of the state there is,
very little snow fall, in others it is very,
heavy. In some parts it is very windy com-
pared with other sections. This being the
case, the snow is blown off the hills and high-
ground leaving the grass so the stock can '
have good grazing. In other parts of the
country they depend largely on the chinook,!
winds which are always warm, to remove the ,
snow. I have known the chinook winds tc
remove six or eight inches of snow off of
a large area of country in a few hours, leav- '
ng the ground covered with water in many
ilaces. This explains why stock can winter
in this nutritious grass that cured during
he summer and fall. The altitude on these
[razing areas varies from thirty-five hundred
o seven thousand feet and higher than this
a the mountains. It gets very cold here at
imes, the thermometer registering forty de-
crees below zero in some sections of the
ountry, but the atmosphere is very dry and
he cold is not so noticeable as in lower and
amper states. As a rule there is very little
yind when it is real cold. We don't antici-
ate very much cold weather before Christ-
nas. The fall of the year is usually very
Wyoming has the distinction of being the
irst to adopt Woman Suffrage,
n Missouri I once did roam,
tut here in Wyoming is now my home.
wanted to come West, a new country to
Vhen I landed in Wyoming it looked good
to me.
pitched my tent and set the stakes well,
Vhat the future would be I couldn't then
it times I was discouraged and blue
tut soon I realized that wouldn't do.
-waf fully determined to work to win,
^o fail would be a sin.
t is a pleasure, it is some fun
Vhen you realize you have won.
About the middle of May the various cow
utfits start out with their cowboys for the
eneral spring round up. Each ontfit con-
ists of a foreman, a round up cook, a wagon
aaded with supplies and drawn by four
orses that the cook is supposed to drive
/hile moving from place to place. There
> an additional wagon called the bed wagon,
^his is to haul the beds of the cowboys
mich consist of a few blankets and sougans
nclosed in a tarpaulin. They spread their
ed on the ground when they were ready
d retire and rolled it up with two straps
uckled around it when ready to move. They
ad no tents and their beds were wet at
mes for several days and sometimes weeks
t a time.
There was also a day and night horse
wrangler and twenty or thirty cowboys. Each
owboy was supposed to have nine or more
ead of horses. There were more or less
eps with each wagon from other outfits to
ather and take back cattle to their own
mge that had strayed away during the win-
;r. This was called the general spring round
p when they branded the calves and endea-
ored to get the various brands of cattle on
heir own range. Later they would have
heir beef round up and more calf branding.
Each cowboy was supposed to stand night
uard from two to three hours, depending
n circumstances. About three o'clock in the
lorning the cook would be up getting the
reakfast ready and a little later would call
Roll out" or "Come and get it." By the
me they got through eating breakfast, which
rould be about daylight, the night wrangler
rou\d be in with the horses. The horses
re put into a corral consisting of a rope
fastened to posts driven in the ground and
stayed with guy ropes. After each cowboy
has roped, bridled and saddled his horse they
start out on the long circle to make the drive,
and probably ready for a ten o'clock meal.
After changing horses the herd is worked,
calves branded and the cattle they wish to
hold are put into the day herd and probably
another move is made. The cook some-
times moves several miles after breakfast and
has dinner ready on time.
It is rather interesting to watch the pitch-
ing horses at times when they are saddled
of a cool morning. The cowboys are, as a
rule, a jolly, good natured lot of fellows and
will give up their last dollar to help a friend.
From some localities cattle had to be
trailed several hundred miles to a shipping
point but when properly handled would gain
in weight while being trailed to the railroad.
The Cook's Call
Roll out! Come and get your feed.
The horses are in so saddle your steed.
Go on the circle and get out of my way.
I have to move, yes ten miles they say.
Say boys, watch Johnny mount Old Blue,
He is a hard one, a regular hoodoo.
Watch him pitch and hear him bawl.
Alas! Poor Johnny got a fall.
Whoop! Hurrah! Try him again, I think
you will stay.
Don't spoil the horse by letting him have his
Laugh, says Johnny, you pin heads, laugh,
You fellows couldn't ride a bucking calf.
I will show you boys what I can do
By riding to a finish the outlawed Blue.
Horses were handled similar to cattle but
didn't scatter over as large an area and were
usually brought to the ranch where suitable
corrals were provided for separating and
holding them while branding the colts and
sorting out horses belonging to other parties.
For this work it required saddle horses with
speed and endurance and riders that knew
how to save their horses and at the same
time get results.
Handling sheep is quite different from cat-
tle or horses. It is a trade of itself. They
are handled in bands of twenty-five hundred
to three thousand head. One herder for each
band and one camp tender for two herds.
Each herder had a wagon fitted out with a
stove, cooking utensils, supplies, a bed, slid-
ing table, cupboard, sliding drawers and many
other conveniences. The wagon box extend-
ed over the wheels at each side and a top
with a door at the front and a window at the
back was made by stretching two layers of
heavy canvas with blankets between over
bows. These wagons are very comfortable.
The camp tender moves these wagons from
time to time in order to keep the sheep on
good feed and keeps the wagons supplied
with provisions, wood and water. The sheep
require no water when there is snow on the
ground. For this the camp tender has a
separate wagon, a team and saddle horse,
but his wagon not being equipped to live
in, he camps with one of the herders. Dur-
ing the winter months the wagons are placed
near a high hill or cut bank for protection
for the sheep against storms. During lamb-
ing season several extra men are required.
The herd is worked off of the bed ground
each morning and the ewes with young lambs
are left together and a day or two later put in
with older lambs until there is a sufficient
number for a herder and when the lambs are
old enough several of these small bands are
put into one herd. The main herd is moved
from place to place until the lambing is over.
Lambs dropped during the day are put into
small bunches. Flags and lanterns are put
out to protect them from coyottes and with
some of the bunches that are being made up
a herder carries his bed on a horse to the
sheep, unrolls it and sleeps where the sheep
are. During the lambing season there is a
cook and wagon where several of the lambers
take their meals.
After lambing and shearing the herds are
usually taken to the mountains for the sum-
mer or until shipping time. The sheep are
branded with some kind of a paint brand
so they can separate them in case of a mix
with other herds. In case of a mix they are
taken to a sheep corral provided with a chute
and dodge gate where they are separated ac-
cording to brands.
Outside of the small towns the people
largely consisted of the owners of cow
ranches and their cowboys. There were not
many families living on ranches near me
when I located here. Consequently there
were not many women. The cowboys spent
most of their time at the cow ranches during
the winter and riding the range during the
spring and summer months. During the
winter. they would visit back and forth among
the various cow ranches and amuse them-
selves in various ways. When some settler
and his wife would give a dance they would
be on hand neatly dressed and well behaved
in the presence of ladies. The good ladies
would each bring a liberal supply of pies,
cake and other good edibles. They would
dance until midnight, the big eat would then
be in order, after which the dance would
begin again and last until after daylight.
They would then eat breakfast and probably
have a few more dances and go home. They
would have some secluded place to put the
sleeping children and by waiting until after
daylight to start home the parents would
avoid a mix up with the youngsters. Mrs.
Brock and I don't dance but would attend
the dances and enjoy meeting the people.
There never lived any better neighbors than
the pioneer people. It was quite common to
go fifty miles to a dance and if there hap-
pened to be a few young girls they were the
belles of the country and it was really very
amusing to see how polite the cowboys
would be. I must say these were good old
days when each and every one was inter-
ested in the others welfare and no one was
deprived of hospitality on account of not
having met before. If a person drove up to
a ranch occupied by a stranger the proprie-
tor would come out and after addressing you
would say, "Get out and come in," and when
you went to leave (which might be the next
day) he would say, "Call again any time you
are in this part of the country."
Our country picnics on Fourth of July
were great events. I have attended when
there was hot barbecued beef and fresh fried
trout for every person present, speaking,
horse racing, dancing and other amusements
during the day and a dance at night. Many
brought their tents and camp beds with them,
prepared to stay over a day or two. It was
a very common thing to see a man taking,
care of the children while his wife was en-
joying the dance and when night came thei
camp beds were unrolled and the youngsters
put to bed. When the parents got tired and
sleepy they too would retire and the next,
day have a good time visiting with their
neighbors. Many of them had probably
come forty or fifty miles or more.
When I came here this was a great game
country. The low lands were practically cov-
ered with antelope, especially on the plains.
Black tail deer were quite plentiful in the
rough and hilly sections and some mountain
sheep but they were principally in the moun-
tains. There were sage chickens all over
Wyoming and some willow grouse. This
had been a great buffalo country but there
were not many left when I came here. The
Big Horn Mountains near me were covered
with elk, deer, mountain sheep, bear, wolves,
coyotes, foxes, lions, etc. Beaver were nu-l
merous along the streams. Hunting fori
hides, meat and sport by settlers, Indians
and tourists killed the game off pretty fast.
We had wild meat the year around and quite
an assortment.
We seldom salted our meat until we werej
ready to cook it. In this climate of dry,
pure air, meat will keep during the fall and
winter months if it is hung up so the air can
get to it but will spoil if piled together. Dur-
ing the summer months by setting a perpen-
dicular pole thirty or forty feet high with a
pulley at the top and a rope to pull the meat
near the top of the pole, the meat will keep
fresh for several days. It would be above
the flies and the sun seemed to dry it and
form a crush on the outside. Beef can be
kept in the same manner. The cattle men)
had beef but very few settlers owned cattle,
not so much as a milk cow and so the wild \
game was quite a help to the new settler,
but it was some times hard to get enough
other necessities to add to the fresh meat.
There were very few hogs in this section of»
the country at that time and poultry wasj
very scarce. It was almost a year before
I bought my first poultry and almost two
years before I got my first milk cow. Two J
of the stock men were kind enough to loan
me some milk cows but wouldn't sell one
here at home on account of the brand.
The deer meat is good and the elk is fine
But if you want mountain sheep you will I
have to climb.
Out on the hills and on the plains
There is where the antelope range.
VI !
When I came to Wyoming our supplies
were hauled in with horses, mules and ox !
teams from Rock Creek, a small railroad l
station on the Union Pacific Railroad two
hundred and thirtv miles south and east of
Buffalo. Some of our freight was hauled
om Custer Junction on the Northern Pa-
ific north and west of Buffalo. The rates,
ere during the summer months, about one
ent per mile per one hundred pounds and
lore during the winter.
The horse and mule outfits consisted of
ight to ten head and three wagons. Each
nimal was supposed to draw fifteen hundred
ounds and in addition to this the feed con-
umed during the trip.
The ox teams consisted of from seven to
ine yoke of cattle and three wagons and
'ere handled quite differently from the
orses or mules. With cattle they would
lake what they called a breakfast drive,
len lay over during the heat of the day and
rive until after night for the afternoon drive.
. well equipped outfit would have a wagon
oss, cook, and day and night herder. One
utfit I knew had one hundred and twenty
xen. The horse and mule outfits did their
wn cooking and horse wrangling.
In 1886 the freight was hauled one hun-
red and sixty miles from Douglas which was
le terminus of the North Western Railroad,
id later from Casper, a distance of one
undred and thirty miles. In 1891 the Bur-
ngton Railroad was completed to within
grily^five miles of Buffalo. The freighting
as then changed to the Burlington, which
ter built on through and connected up with
lie Northern Pacific, running to within thir-
f-five miles of Buffalo. We freighted our
applies from this point until the Wyoming
ailway built from Clearmont to Buffalo,
/hoa now Rock, and whoa now Rowdy!
[ove along! The sky is cloudy,
feel the mist and see the rain.
he mud will be bad for this train,
am hungry, yes I am,
nd would like a biscuit and a slice of ham.
/ere it not for my sweetheart back home
would quit this job and begin to roam,
am making some money, yes I am,
nd saving it, yes all I can.
will take it back home, you bet your life,
am saving it for the girl I want for a wife,
oor fellow, he is homesick and love sick,
the symptoms I know,
ut he will recover if back home he will go.
I left Versailles, Morgan County, Missouri,
jly 10, 1884. Having developed strong sym-
toms of lung trouble I decided to go to a
gh, dry climate. . After reaching Cheyenne,
/yoming, by rail, D. C. Brown (who had
companied me from Versailles) and I
DUght two saddle horses, bridles, saddles,
ime cooking utensils, bedding, provisions
id two guns and started northwest, carry-
g all of our equipment on our two saddle
arses, camping out at night with no tent,
fter traveling three hundred miles horse-
ick we arrived at Buffalo, Johnson County,
l/yoming, and located ten miles south of
uffalo, August 1, 1884. In September I
ent to Cheyenne where I met my wife and
liild. After loading a four horse team with
ipplies we started to our homestead three
Lindred miles away. We made the trip in
n days, reaching our homestead October 12,
We pitched our tent and started on the
ground floor to grow up with the country.
The first thing was to build a house. I soon
had a one room cabin built of pine logs haul-
ed from the mountains, not showy but very
comfortable. I bought a second hand cook-
ing stove that had been hauled by an emi-
grant from Colorado. Out of rough pine
lumber I made some furniture consisting of
bedsteads, tables, cupboard and some chairs
and like the cabin they were not fancy to
look at but very useful and comfortable.
It is wonderful what an ingenious woman can
do to make a home look neat and tidy with
home made furniture. Mrs. Brock can give
you some pointers along these lines.
I began to improve in health but improv-
ing my ranch and paying our money with no
income made the sides of my pocket book
finally touch absolutely empty. Well it is
hard to down a Missouriau and keep him
down. Something had to be done and done
quickly. I would get out dry pine log fence
posts, corral poles and fence stays for cow
ranches, trade timbers for outlawed horses,
break them to work ana sell them for work
horses, and in this way get bread in the
house. When I speak of a horse as an out-
law I mean a horse that is dangerous to ride.
I took contracts fencing land and getting out
timbers for various things. I took a con-
tract to fence three sections of land, furnish
the posts and do the work, the land owner
furnished the wire and in addition to this I
got out telegraph poles for over one hundred
miles. My pocket book began to look normal
again. I had formed an acquaintance with
some of the business men of the county and
had some credit at the store and bank and
had lots of business. I sold my ranch, bought
another and went into the horse business.
Later I added sheep by taking them on shares
and to these I added cattle. I had been
rather active in politics and was elected
County Commissioner and re-elected at the
expiration of my first term. At the expira-
tion of my second term I was elected to
the legislature. Later on I was again elect-
ed for the four year term as County Com-
missioner and again elected to the Legislature
in 1912. Since that time I have refused all
offers to accept an office. I never asked for
an office nor asked any one to vote for me.
I could relate enough personal experiences
to make a large book but will give them to
you in a condensed form. I have previously
outlined to you the methods and customs of
handling cattle, horses and sheep. I have
had experience in each line of cow work from
cowboy to foreman and general manager. I
know what it is to sleep in a wet bed and
know how a fellow feels getting out of his
bed when the night is dark and the rain com-
ing down, my horse and saddle wet, the cat-
tle restless and the night so dark you didn't
know when your horse might step into a
prairie dog or badger hole and turn over with
you, but these things are a part of the trade.
I have handled all parts of the horse busi-
ness and there is no part of the sheep busi-
ness that I haven't taken part in. I was in
the sheep business almost twenty-six years
and sometimes had four winter bands or
about twelve thousand head and to this would
be added the lamb crop for the summer or
until shipping time. I handled horses for
many years and am still in the cattle busi-
ness. I know what it is to make long rides
and drives and know what it means for a
running horses to turn over and fall on me.
I know what it is to rope and tie down horses
and cattle, to ride pitching horses and to be
mounted on the hurricane deck of a runaway
bronc. I have experienced the sensation of
laying out over night with blanket and slicker
for a bed and a saddle for a pillow and noth-
ing to eat. It won't do for me to go into the
details of my personal experiences for it
would take too long to tell it and no one ex-
cept those who have had similar experiences
can realize the danger and hardships that we!
sometimes had to contend with. While II
have a few scars as reminders, yet at the
age of sixty-five years, I am still in the ring.
Since coming to Wyoming I have crossed
the United States from the Aaltntic to the
Pacific east and west, and from Canada to
the Gulf north and south. My family spent
four years in California where the orange
blossoms grow. I was with them during the
winter months, but Mrs. Brock and I often
speak of the good old days when our ranch
was like a free hotel for all comers and goers.
It is with pleasant memories we think of
some of our pioneer days.
February. 1923.
Gj£ts From April 1st to July 1st, 1924
Stone, Mrs. Charles 2 films of interior of old Chinese Joss-House in Evanston, Wyo.
2 blue prints of street scene in Evanston on Chinese New Year.
Ruff, Mrs. H. A 2 photos Off Chinese men residents in Evanston.
Watts Mr. A. E Gun collection; two wood carvings by Indian boy.
Hovt Mr. Percy Framed Union Paicfic Folder, November 2nd, 1873.
Framed picture Alert Hose Company, 1877-1890.
Bonsel, Mr. W. A One buffalo horn.
Logan, Mr. E. A Picture of Chief Washakie.
. Picture of Cheyenne in 1915.
Sherman, Mr. J. G Tomb-stone date 1857, from ruins of old Fort Laramie.
Tones, Lena Lukens Blue heron killed on Little Bear Creek, Wyoming.
Cole, Mr. C. W Picture Durant Fire Company, 1868-1905.
Buffalo skull, found near Cheyenne.
Whisler, Virgil Indian arrow head, found near Pine Bluffs.
Hebard,' Dr. G. R Kodak Pictures.
Purchase 2 Kodak Pictures.
Stafford, Charles 1 Kodak Picture
Gifts— Library
R. B. Brown and pupils.... Souvenir History of Jackson Hole.
Kuykendall, Mr. H. L Original Manuscript.
Wagner, Mr. Henry (Jr.) Original Manuscript.
Fourt, Mr. E. H Original Manuscript.
Spaeth, Miss Elizabeth.... Original Manuscript.
Bartley, Air. E. T Hopper Diary, 1863.
Bruce, Air. Robert Wyoming Historical Sketch.
Chapman, Air. M. A Two photostat copies of legal documents 1792, 1850.
Skepper, J. W Letters.
Hunton, Air. John Letter — Coutant to Hunton.
Gordon, Air. J. H Original Poem.
Shipp, Air. E. R Original Poem.
Hunter, Airs Original Poem.
Alissouri Historical
Society - "Journey to Rocky Alountains 1839" — Dr. Wizlineus.
"Three Years Among Indians and Alexicans" — James.
(Drumm) "Luttig's Journal of a Fur Trading Expedition," in 1812-1813.
Brown, Air. Jesse "The 'Black Hills Trails," by Brown & Willard.
Snow, Airs. W. E - Alanuscript.
Owen, C. AI 2 Original Alanuscripts.
Purchased by the Department
Crofut's Transcontinental Pacific Tourist," 1868-1869.
Photostat records and maps of earlv Forts in Wvoming in 1868-1869.
Freeman, Luther Original Army Letter.
Thompson, Air. C. AI Certificate of characters, 1774.
Brooks, Airs. B. B Old legal document, 1786.
Gifts — Miscellaneous
Holland, Air. AI Cheyenne in 1888. (pamphlet.)
Schilling, Airs. Fred Advertising posters display.
Coble, Airs. John List of Wyoming Resorts and ranches.
fii^^^r- £l
Vol. 2
Cheyenne, November 1, 1924
No. 2
As an appropriate observance of George Washing
ton's birthday, an appointment was arranged with
Hon. George W. T. Beck, a collateral descendant of
George Washington. There in the conservatory of his
old stone mansion at Cody, I listened to reminiscences
of the "Governor's" life, and by reading saffron let-
ters, and much questioning, gleaned not a little of
romance from the sidelights on the reminiscences. And
thus was enjoyed contact with the thought which
had been one of the "First Families of Wyoming,"
(as well as Virginia) to push onward the borders
of freedom. The foundation for the following story
is to be found verbatim in the State Historical Ar-
It was indeed a felicitous manner in which to
spend this holiday, and most edifying to come under
the spell of the Governor's perfect English, modified
by the soft cadences of his southern accent. "Gov-
ernor" is a term of endearment used by his contem-
poraries, a mantle that fits him well.
This story might well be called "From Mount
Vernon to Cedar Mountain," and will weave in the
•elation of the East-Yesterday with the West-Today,
even as the blood that fought for National freedom
has been transplanted to the- Great West.
True, there was the frontier border fringe of the
untamed, unschooled, unlettered, which had to be
reckoned with, but these indomitable scouts led on
and dominated, to the end that there has been devel-
oped in Cody a cultured mentality, national from
many angles, in that through it filter the tens of thou-
sands to Yellowstone Park ; here are two Govern-
ment Departments, the Interior in the great Rec-
lamation work, and the Agricultural, the Forest Ser-
vice, with its "oldest Forest in the United States."
Here also is a National Monument, Shoshone Cavern.
And this month, July 4, brings to pass the unveiling
of a Memorial to Colonel Cody, which it is thought
in a future time will be brought under Government
supervision. Indeed the mental tenor of the town is
pre-eminently national.) — Writer's Note, by Margaret
"Wyoming" — the first I knew of Wyo-
ming was when as a boy I was with my
father in Washington after the Civil War.
He was fighting the battles of reconstruction,
and getting Southern men back to their
homes. (He served eight years in the House,
and was serving a third term in the Senate
at the time of his death.)
Simon Cameron, Republican Senator from
Pennsylvania,.- became a close friend of my
father; they were both Scotch, my father
having been born in Dumfries, Scotland.
I remember Senator Simon Cameron nam-
ing a new piece of land out in the West,
marked on the maps when I was a boy as
"a territory attached to Dakota." The Sen-
ator was chairman of Committee on Terri-
tories and named th£ new territory "Wyo-
ming," after the Valley of Wyoming in Penn-
sylvania. This was in '68. I remember my
father made some definite remarks about it
at the time — he didn't want any more north-
ern states as it made more northern sen-
ators, but, my father said, "If I were young,
I should go there." This stuck in my mem-
ory. There was at that time no population
to speak of — just a wilderness — a few United
States forts with soldiers to guard and pro-
tect the emigrant trails.
Asked about the large oil portrait paintings
on the walls of the spacious living room.
Mr. Beck said they were of his father and
mother directly after "their marriage. And
that reminded him of a copy of a letter from
his father to Col. L. ( Lucius) Q. Washing-
ton, one of the Washington family, of which
the following is a true copy:
"United States Senate,
Washington, D. C,
April 25, "89.
Col. L. Q. Washington:
Seeing that you are taking some interest
in the Washington family, and knowing the
friendship that always existed between you
and my wife, I desire to say to you that
very few, if any, were more nearly related
to "General Washington than she.
Her great grandfather, Francis Thornton,
married Fannie Gregory, whose mother was
Mildred Washington, the aunt and god-
mother of General Washington. Their son.
Col. John Thornton (Mrs. Beck's grandfa-
ther) married Jane Augusta Washington,
daughter of Augustine Washington, the Gen-
eral's bjother. Their only son who reached
manhoo"d was Mrs. Beck's father.
By General Washington's will a large por-
tion of his Kanawha lands were divided be-
tween his sister, Bettie Lewis, and his niece.
Jane Thornton, Mrs. Beck's grandmother.
We got about 1,000 acres of these lands.
You will observe that the relationship is
very close, both on the father and mother
side, so that my child. Miss Bettie Goodloe,
and my son, George Thornton Beck, are
about as closely related to General Washing-
ton as any of their age.
I thought yon might like to know the
Yours truly,
(Signed)" J. B. BKCK."
The names "Betty" or "Bettie," "Jane,"
and "Thornton," are Washington family
names and are the names of the three chil-
dren of the family which made Cody's first
history. Both daughters, Betty and Jane.
received their formative education at the old
home city of the ancestors in the District
of Columbia, preferring to be graduated,
however, from the State University or Wyo-
ming. The elder daughter, Betty Goodloe,
took a postgraduate course at Columbia Urn-
(Copyright, 1924)
Published by the Wyoming State Historical
State Historical Board
Governor — William B. Ross*
Secretary of State — F. E. Lucas
State Librarian — Flo La Chapelle
State Historian — Mrs. Cyrus Beard
Secretary of the Board
Advisory Board
Rt. Rev. P. A. McGovern, Cheyenne
Dr. Grace R. Hebard, Laramie
Mr. P. W. Jenkins, Cora
Airs. Willis M. Spear, Sheridan
Mr. R. D. Hawley, Douglas
Miss Margery Ross, Cody
Mrs. E. T. Raymond, Newcastle
Mr. E. H. Fourt, Lander
George T. Beck Margaret Hayden
Diary. Major A. B. Ostrander
Handling the Mail at Fort Reno
Major A. B. Ostrander
From Fort Reno to Fort Phil Kearny
Major A. B. Ostrander
My: First Day at Ft. Phil Kearny
- ; Major A. B. Ostrander
Letter Van Voast, to Freeman
Historical Sketch Patrick A. McGovern
Sheridan County From Coutant Notes
Sheridan County, History, Loucks
..From Coutant Notes
Maghee Letter From Coutant Notes
Among the Books Historian
Accessions Historian
In Memoriam ...Historian
versity, majoring in geology and law. She
has since married Dr. Doyle Joslin, her wed-
ding garment being lace of the third gener-
At this point it was interesting to see
another Southern-Western name, Buckner,
showing the connection with our Cody fam-
ily. "Yes," said the Governor, Montgomery
Blair, postmaster-general in Lincoln's cabi-
net, married Caroline Buckner. And glanc-
ing further at the old musty book was seen
this entry from the family Bible of long ago:
"Margaret Buckner married George Wash-
ington Thornton," and, said my host, "they
are my mother's father and mother." At this
time Mr. Beck showed me a letter, post-
marked at Washington, July 6, '45, folded
and sealed with wax, before envelopes were
used, with the fascinating but unheeded in-
scription, "Please tear this up." It was here
T sensed a breath of romance and was per-
mitted to read it "after the history lesson."
With this promise we wrote more history,
and the following is the Lincolnia:
"That was the first time I saw Lincoln.
Kentucky was getting so bad my father took
all the family East to Washington, and I
went with my father and my uncle, Mont-
gomery Blair. We went to the White House
and I saw Lincoln for the first time. Lin-
coln was nice to me, a Southern boy, as he
always was to children. (I was then seven
years of age.) The next time I saw him I
had gone to Philadelphia to school, and I
saw his sarcophagus carried down Arch
Street. There was enormous excitement and
a parade, Philadelphia being the strongest
of Union cities. This was about three years
Here follows a copy of a letter from Miss
Elizabeth Blair to my mother. Elizabeth
married a cousin of Robert E. Lee, after-
ward an Admiral in the U. S. Navy on the
northern side. This is the letter previously
referred to, postmarked at Washington, dated
July 6, '45:
"My dear Jane:
I have not heard from you since leaving
Washington, but suppose you reached home
safely, and not without many regrets at part-
ing with "Cousin William." He feels the
loss of your society so very deeply, that I
expect he never leaves his home, for in all
my wanderings I have never met him. Do
you expect to see him soon? I hear thai
you are going to the north, and as I have
at last determined to take a trip to Saratoga,
[ thought you might like to join me. it is
so much pleasanter to have company when
traveling. Pa has given me but short notice
— ten days to get ready. He wishes to leavd
here on the 15th of this month. Now what
do you think of it? You had better go for
Pa is a first-rate traveler, going about so
much as he lias done, and then he knows a
great many persons, gentlemen and others,
that we could be introduced to, so on that
account alone we could have a pleasanter
time than otherwise we should have. I have-
written to an aunt who perhaps will go to
matronize me, but I cannot say for certain.,!
as I have had no answer yet to my letter,
Capt. Hardy talks of going, so we'll each have
a beau all to ourselves.
Having set before you these inducements
I hope you will conclude to go with me
We can have plenty of fun together. I wil
introduce you to some of my friends, and wi
can trip it up and down Broadway, at ouiJ
pleasure. I believe I forgot to tell you tha'l
I shall make my first stay at the Sharon
Springs, a few miles from Saratoga. They
are equally pleasant and I give them prefer
ence because the Dr. has ordered me then
for my health. The waters are the same a:
the White Sulphur of Virginia. The Dri
says my liver, not my heart, is affected,
have lately come to the conclusion that
have no heart, its place being supplied b;j
liver. Positive truth! Margaret is going t'
leave school in three weeks and is delightea
Last night I was awakened by a charming
serenade, but unfortunately felt too sleepy
to listen. Pa invited them in, which put
them all in such excellent spirits that I was
afraid they would play all night.
James Selden stayed here last night until
1 1 o'clock. We became so tired and sleepy
that we struck up "Oh, we're all nodding, nid,
bid, nodding," and we nidded and nodded
until he was so affronted that he marched
off. I think it was a first-rate hint, but he
is quite mad. However, I do not intend
crying if he is.
This is the only news I can tell you, for
it is dull here, beyond description.
I 'lease give my love to your grandmother
and Virginia, and it will oblige me very
much if you answer this directly, for if you
do not go with me, I must look out for some
lady to keep me company on my travels. I
would rather have you though. We can
have fun.
1 am dreadfully lazy this morning or I
would not send you such a miserable scrawl.
I will depend upon you to tear it up as soon
as you have deciphered it, for I would not
send it if I thought any one else should
see it.
Your friend,
Capt. Hardy desires his best compliments
:o the lovely Miss Jane and hopes he is not
:orgotten. If you come down to Washing-
ion, come soon. — E.
Then the "Governor" told me how his
nother, a wealthy belle of Virginia, had in-
ferred the displeasure of that State by mar-
•ying a "foreigner."
"My grandmother, having married Gover-
lor Clark, of Kentucky, was living in Frank-
ort, the Capital of Kentucky. My mother
anie from Virginia to visit her mother. My
ather was a young lawyer at Lexington, I falo' calf hide with fur insjde beU
vhere he met my mother, with the result of he had three scaips> As the other men had
me about my education. I told them I had
been to Rensselaer Polytechnic, Troy N Y
so he sent me out to Mandan, S. Dak.', where
I joined an engineering party, and set to
work making notes and sketching the coun-
try along the line of a survey. Soon I was
running a rod and then a level. Then came
winter and we stopped at a cantonment we
built on the Little Missouri, just west of what
is now Medora. The Sioux had gone to Can-
ada and has not yet come back since the
Custer right. We had a guard of soldiers
and a number of Grosventres scouts.
The spring of 79 I concluded to go West
so organized a party, ten in all. Three
friends of mine who had never been west
joined me— Sedgwick Rice, from St. Paul,
Hamilton Headley, of Lexington, Ky., and
Albm Prince Dike, of Brooklyn, N. Y.
We had two teams, ten horses, and a good
outfit, and struck west from the end of the
Northern Pacific survey, crossing the Little
Missouri, Rosser Creek, climbed over high
mesas, and went westerly towards the Yel-
lowstone River. There were no roads, of
course, but being engineers we did not get
lost. We were sometimes short of water.
One day we had no water, so pushed forward
to reach a fringe of timber which indicated
a creek. Far in advance we heard heavy
firing. We concluded it must be buffalo
hunters. On towards evening we came to
the creek and there we found three dead
Indians and the whole country torn up with
horse tracks. This was Cabin Creek, I think,
a small sized stream but with plenty of wa-
ter. The western men with me in the party
took everything these three Indians had.
They had nothing on but paint from their
waists up, but one was the finest dressed
Indian I ever saw. He had on a fine belt
and his breeches were bautifully marked
buckskin. His moccasins were made of buf-
. love-match, and they were married. The
Virginia relatives were so furious at her mar-
ying a "foreigner" that for many years none
f them would speak to her, as my father
las born in southeastern Scotland on the
auks of the Salwav Firth.
When I was 21 I left Washington and
,-ent to Leadville during the first excite-
lent, on a prospecting trip. From Leadville
went to the southeastern part of the Ute
'cservation on the Grand River. My father
ot a message to me to come to St. Paul.
.s I thought perhaps my mother was sick,
went. I had planned with two old pros-
ectors (John Haskell and Jim Bird) to go
) New Mexico and then to winter in Old
lexico. But when I got to St. Paul my
ither suggested that he did not think pros-
acting was a legitimate way of making a
ling, and wished me to go to go into either
w or engineering, as I had been educated
>r both. I did not like the law, so I decided
) try engineering, and with that in view
went to see General Rosser, Chief Engi-
?er of the Northern Pacific Railroad. I
Iced him for some work. He told me they
ere turning away men then, I said 1
ould take any kind of a job. He asked
taken everything else I concluded to take the
scalps. They had made me captain of the
party, and I had the first rebellion then and
there, as I said, "Here we camp," and they
said, "No, we will travel!" and we did. Day-
light came early, we traveled until nearly
light, camped for an hour and after break-
fast traveled all day, and that night struck
the Yellowstone River. There we found a
large Indian village on the north side of the
river. They were the Sioux Indians coming
down for a powwow with Colonel Miles, who
was commanding Fort Keough. We had a
great night with the Indians yelling, dancing,
and beating tomtoms. We watched each
other all night — the Indians on the north
hank of the Yellowstone and we on the
south. We went on in the morning and
reached Fort Keough that night. The In-
dians stayed at their camp for a while and
finally came down and surrendered to Col.
Nelson Miles. They were then put on a
reservation in Dakota east of the Black Hills.
The Indian fight that we had been behind
was between a war party of the Sioux who
made a raid on the Grosventres and stole a
large number of their horses. The Grosven-
tres were pursuing them but did not succeed
in recovering their stolen property and lost
a good many men. The Sioux made the
raid because the Grosventres belong to the
Sioux nation and had refused to join the
other Indians in the Custer fight. I knew
Colonel Miles and his wife, who had been a
Miss Sherman, and in talking to the Colonel
about the country he said, "Of all this coun-
try I have seen, I think the Tongue River
and Goose Creek is the best."
We stayed around Fort Keough for a
short time, and Sedgwick Rice there con-
cluded to quit our party and later joined the
army. He is now Colonel commanding Fort
Brown, Brownsville, Texas.
The rest of us struck west toward the
Musselshell country, and then seeing the
mountains to the south, which turned out to
be the Big Horns, we remembered what Col-
onel Miles had said, and we went south,
crossing the Wyoming line, across Tongue
River, Wolf Creek and Soldier Creek and
Big Goose Creek, and camped on that creek
a few miles below its canyon. As we
crossed the divide between Soldier Creek
and Goose Creek, I killed a deer and left
it for the wagons to pick up. I then went
down the small creek which we called Park
I found everything I was looking for —
fuel, grass, water. So I got a stake and
wrote my name on it and made a claim on
which I lived for many years.
We had crossed Big Goose Creek at a
point where the old Bozeman trail crossed
it, and going about a mile up creek we made
a camp for our outfit. Then I tried to per-
suade the party to locate there as I had
done. As there was a great deal of game,
tine fishing, and a great many prairie chick-
ens and grouse, the party consented to remain
while I made a survey.
I surveyed what is now Beckton down to
the upper end of what is now Sheridan,
taking about nine miles of Big Goose Creek
— one claim for each of the party.
Unfortunately, the western men in the
party had seen results obtained in killing
buffalo along the Yellowstone River and
they were anxious to go back to the buffalo
range, many hunters making from $3,000
to $5,000 in "a season selling the hides to the
steamboat traders who came up the river,
eventually going to St. Louis to be tanned
for leather." So when a little difficulty oc-
curred in our party, it broke up and I de-
termined to stay by myself. When it came
to a settling up they claimed all the horses,
though I had paid for a pair. They were
anxious to get me to go, as I was a good
shot and they wanted me to shoot the buf-
falo, while they skinned and hauled, so in
order to force me they claimed the horses,
1 proposed we leaye it to the oldest man
in the party, as he had no interest in the
horses, but he was an old hunter and loved
the wilds. Then we had our law suit before
this oldest man. He declared that though
1 had put up the money, the bill of sale in
that country always carried the title and they
had that. I asked them to pay me the $375
I had paid — didn't think they could — but they
raised the cash and paid me. That left me
with a wagon, harness and outfit, but no
horses. I asked for the horses for a few
hours, and hitched them to the wagon, put
everything I owned in it (I had a good out-
fit), and drove down the creek across the
old Bozeman crossing and went up Park
Creek to where I had put my stake, and in
a little bend of the road there was a nice,
grassy bottom. I pulled my wagon in close
to the bush where it would be well concealed
and took the horses back to the party; then
walked down and waded the creek about
waist deep to get back to my wagon. As
the party pulled out the next morning they
went up the valley opposite where I was
camped. My friend Dike jumped off the
wagon, and came over and asked me if I
was going to stay there by myself. I told
him I was and he said he would like to stay
with me. I told him as he had no horses
either, he had better go, but he said if I was
willing he would stay. So he ran and caught
up with the wagon and threw his bed and
war bag off. He was about one-half mile
up the valley. The fellows never stopped
and Dike had to run to catch up and get his
bed and other things off. I didn't go to-
ward them until I saw he was throwing
things off, and dragging his bed and war
bag. Then 1 met him and helped him carry
things to camp. It was great fun; there we
were 135 miles from the Yellowstone. We
stayed a day or two in camp fixing up things,
then made a cache of the nuts off the wagon,
being afraid some one would steal it. Then
for our bread we cooked some meat until
it was hard and dry, and the fresh game we
shot we used for meat. Then we started
down Big Goose Creek. We didn't know-
where we were going but \ye did know Big
Goose Creek flowed into Tongue River, and
that it was not more than 60 miles to Miles
City where we could get horses. But that-
was immaterial. We finally came to a man!
on the site what is now Sheridan. His name
was Philip Mandell, and he had four horses.^
We were delighted to find he was willing to
sell two of them. He said they were broke
to ride and drive. We paid $175 for the two,
and then we drew straws for the horses to
see "which would have which." Dike drew \
one that was slightly swayback. The one I
got was a plump, round, stocky horse. Man-
dell gave us enough rope to make hacka-
mores, and with a blanket a piece we had
carried for our bedding, we started to go
home. Dike's swayback horse was all right
to ride. When I got on mine I got off much
quicker. He threw me ten feet in the air,
a fright of a bucker. But we didn't mind a
particle. He bucked me off at least ten times!
until finally I remembered how the negro
boys in Kentucky used to break thorough-
bred colts. They used what they called a|
jockey strap, a surcingle around the horse'sjj
body, loose enough so that one could get hisj|
knees under it. I fixed up a rope to take
the place of this surcingle and succeeded in
getting my knees under it before I was
thrown; then I rode my horse. He could not
throw me. We finally got home — back to
our wagon.
The next morning, bright and early, we
thought we would enjoy a wagon ride, so
we fixed up our wagon and harnessed our
horses. It took us ten days of steady work
to break the other horse to pull that wagon.
But time was no object in those days.
We then set to work to build us a cabin,
which we did by digging trenches the shape
we wanted the cabin and set in the trench
green cottonwoods upright, binding the top
with a flat log stringer with pin holes bored
through and pins driven into the upright
logs. Covered with a heavy dirt roof we
considered ourselves safe against being burn-
ed out either by outlaws or Indians.
The question then was, What shall we do
for an occupation? I wanted to prospect
but Dike had an uncle who had made a for-
tune as a wool commission man, and he said
we should go into the sheep business as a
source of revenue. I finally agreed and the
question came up which should go and get
the sheep. He said that I came from the
country (he thought Kentucky was all coun-
try), and that I should go. I objected say-
ing that his woolly uncle should have taught
him something about what he made his for-
tune in. All I knew about was race horses
and blooded stock. So we finally drew straws
to*, that and it fell to me to go. He stayed
at the ranch and built corrals. I drove the
sheep back on foot. I hired a friend of mine,
Wallace Green, to drive for me and do the
cooking. I drove the sheep on foot. Two
donkeys I had left in Colorado I also took
along, as they were some help in crossing
streams. I put a great many bells on my
sheep so that I would not lose them in the
night. Several nights in wind storms they
drifted but I never let any get away. They
fell into gulches and ran into sagebrush, but
we got them back in the morning. I bought
sheep in Southern Wyoming and we started
the first sheep business in Northern Wyo-
When I reached Powder River Crossing
I found that Mr. Morton Fruen had estab-
lished a big cattle ranch there and had 15
or 20 cowboys in his employ — a big English
outfit. The foreman with a bunch of cow-
boys met me and told me that I would not
be allowed to cross — that that was a cattle
country. I told the foreman I had been in
the country before Mr. Fruen and that I
proposed to go on to my own ranch and
home, which was on Big Goose Creek. I
lad a talk with Wallace Green and told him
to take the best horse and strike the back
track and leave the wagon if anything hap-
pened, but to be sure to get away and go
south. I took the sheep with the donkeys
and drove them to the river, and after^quite
a siege I got the donkeys and part of the
sheep across; but the bunch split on me.
The cowboys were standing on their horses
on the opposite bank. I had taken a double-
barreled shotgun with me, which was rather
in my way driving the sheep, and I deter-
mined that the sheep should cross the river.
When it came to coming back from the other
■art of the bunch I experienced the delights
of a fertile imagination as I turned and
walked back across the river. I saw that 1
was an easy target. I could almost feel the
bullets going through me, but I determined
not to show this crowd that I was afraid of
them. When I was safely on the west side,
the foreman reluctantly came down from
the bank and told me that Mr. Fruen had
concluded that as I was there in the country
before his time I might go through. But
he said no other d sheep man would
ever cross that river. We got back to the
ranch without further incidents. At the end
of eight years of sheep business I finally
closed out, at a profit of some $35,000. Sev-
eral big sheep men of Sheridan County got
their start from that bunch. I concluded if
I stayed at it any longer I could speak the
sheep language better than I could the Eng-
lish. I knew half my sheep by names. When
I called them they would come to me.
I built the first flour mill in Wyoming
on that ranch — ran it by water power. It
still stands and is called Beckton mill. Archi-
bald Forbes, former Governor-General of the
Philippines, after I met some reverses, bought
it from a bank.
I also built a flour mill and put in an
electric light plant and water works in the
town of Buffalo. The railroad at that time
had maps and blue prints and a right of way
bought to the town, and then when they
turned north to Sheridan instead of coming
to Buffalo, I dropped a lot of money.
I had irrigation license No. 1 out of Big
Goose Creek. It is recorded as for farming
400 acres ten miles west of Sheridan on Big
Goose Creek.
Eleven years were yet to intervene before
I reached Cody, during which time I ran for
Congress, and then for the Senate when there
was a blocked legislature and no senator
Then I organized the Sheridan Fuel Co.
and operated it for two years, until I lost it.
Later under a patent of my own I took
the slacks of the Sheridan Fuel Company
and worked the lignites into anthracite
equivalents (the same process Ford is now
making millions on), saving all the by-pro-
ducts of low grade coals and using the fixed
carbon for fuels. My final conclusion was
that the proper way to use this western coal
was to distil off all the volatile by-products
which are very valuable, to grind up the
fixed carbon residue, and with an air blast
to burn it as you would an oil under your
boilers. This will be done in all large plants
in time.
James Bros.
The James Bros, lived on Goose Creek
where the town of Big Horn now is. They
were the first locators on Little Goose Creek
near the road crossing. There were nine of
them and a negro. They had disappeared
from Missouri for two years; they were on
Goose Creek, eleven miles south of me. The
way I first happened to meet them, I was
going from my ranch to Fort McKinney,
and I took a pack horse to bring back sup-
plies. At the head of Prairie Dog Creek in
an aspen thicket lived an old Kentuckian
named Elisha Terrill, there he had built a
cabin. As he was a fellow Kentuckian I al-
ways stopped with him. I had killed a deer
in the thicket and took it to his house. While
we were getting supper we heard somebody
call at the door. Old Man Terrill went out
and eight men came back into the house
with him, which looked like a big mob in
the country in those days; and it was. I
simply put on some more meat in the frying
pans, cooked supper for the crowd, and we
sat around and talked for a while. Finally
one of the men, Frank James, said to me,
"Young man, make your bed down over
there," pointing to the corner furtherest from
the door. I asked him what business it was
of his. Old Elisha Terrill said, "George
make your bed over there." I didn't say any-
thing more; I just took my blankets and
threw them in the corner and lay down; but
sort of kept my eyes a little open so I could
see what was going on after these orders.
After everybody had distributed themselves
around, the last two men before they lay
down shut the door, put their feet against
it, cocked their rifles and laid them one on
each side. Anybody touching the door would
never have heard a sound; would have been
shot dead. In the morning they said "You
stay here for a quarter of an hour after we
leave." I did. After they had gone old
Elisha told me who they were, and warned
me not to know them except by their first
names, Jack and John, or whatever they
happened to call each other. They frequent-
ly came past my place after that but never
bothered me or troubled any of my stock.
To protect themselves from trouble they
laid a trap for Frank Grouard, a scout at Ft.
McKinney, and a very able one. On Lake
Desmet, which is about twelve miles out from
Ft. McKinney, there is a little stream comes
in from the west and makes a point in the
lake where there are some box elder trees
and other brush, bushy trees. The James
Bros, got a man to report to Fort McKinney
that they were camped on this point by Lake
Desmet.' They put up some shelter tents
there that could be seen from the southwest
and the place could lie easily taken by sur-
prise down this bushy creek. Frank Grouard
and a lieutenant and about 20 soldiers, imme-
diately left Fort McKinney to take this camp.
They came over the ridge and from a dis-
tance saw these shelter tents and dropped
into this creek valley, and coming down it
they were ambushed by the James Brothers,
ten of them then being in the Tames party.
They were held up and not a shot was fired,
though they were two to one. Frank Grou-
ard and the force were notified that they had
set this trap on purpose so that they could
have a talk. They said they were doing no
harm in Wyoming and wished to be let alone,
and notified Frank and any of the men in the
party that if they ever came out again to
scout or look for them that they would be
killed. Frank Grouard never went after
them nor do I know of any expedition that
was sent out to take them.
A query? "But when did you come to
"There wasn't any Cody. We came out
to survey and get Cody started. There was
an old fellow, Laban Hillsberry, a great
walker, and he had tramped all over this
country; had seen Cedar Mountain and been
up the river. He was convinced that the
river could be taken around that mountain,
and if it could one could irrigate an enormous
tract of country. Old Laban told me about
this. Jerry Ryan, an old stone mason, uncle
of Mrs. DeMaris, now owner of DeMaris
Springs, had been over it with Hillsberry,
and told me that he thought it could be done.
So I concluded to make a survey and took
Mr. Alger in with me as a partner. Then
I hired Mr. Elwood Meade and party to come
over and run some lines and make a survey
of the Stinking Water, as we called the Sho-
shone River then. In this party of eighteen
there were six guests, among them my
friend, W. Hinkle Smith, Horton Boal, Col-
onel Cody's son-in-law, John Patrick, Captain
George Stockwell and Andrew Stockwell.
"Andy" Stockwell had lived with me for
years at Beckton. The father of the Stock-
wells, Colonel Stockwell, was the man who
led "The Charge of the Light Brigade" of
600 at Balaklava; their grandfather, their
mother's father, was George Grote, the most
celebrated of the Greek historians. Many
Englishmen came here at that time. Eng-
lishmen follow each other. The Stockwells
bought a part interest in my ranch. Captain
Stockwell raised polo ponies (and "Ned).
We came across the mountains and struck
the Big Horn River a little below the place
where the town of Basin now is. Found the
river was so high we could not cross it but
would have to go down the east side to
where Lovell had a ferry near the big can-
yon. As we camped in a bunch of timber
the idea struck us to have a race down the
river on rafts. So we made a pool in the
evening, and at 7 o'clock in the morning the
race was to start, and the two men who got
under the rope at Lovell ferry first were to
win the pool. At 7 o'clock in the morning
Mr. Hinkle Smith and I were the only ones
that had our raft ready and in the water.
As we pushed off. Captain Stockwell, not to
be left, ran and jumped into the water, swam
to our raft and went with us. The other
three rafts never got off. So we made a
journey down the river through Sheep Can-
yon and after several adventures and a good
many wrecks we reached the Lovell Ferry
on our second raft at 10 o'clock the next
morning, where we found Horton Boal wait-
ing with our horses and refreshments. The
wagons had all crossed safely. We went to
Otto on the Greybull River and then We si
through the Oregon Basin country, and fin-
ally landed on Sage Creek. We camped
about three miles below Frost ranch. From
there we started running lines. We ran a
line through the gap west of Cedar Moun-
tain and around the Oregon Basin to the
Meeteetse Rim. Then we moved to what
was known as Buffalo Meadows on the Sho*
shone above Cedar Mountain on the river
and from there we ran lines from the present
headgate of the Shoshone Canal and also to
headgates high up the river. We then made
a survey of the north side of the river, cover-1
ing what was then known as the Stinking
Water Desert, which is now Powell Flat,]
After we found it was feasible to irrigate a
very large tract of land our party returned
to Sheridan, going by way of Bonanza. The
preliminary survey had been made and
mapped. That was about 27 years ago.
Then at Sheridan we proposed to organ-
ize a company that fall. Colonel Cody, Mr.
Alger and I started the organization. We
elected Colonel Cody president of what we
called the Shoshone Irrigation Co., the Cody
Canal. We took in some gentlemen from
the East: Mr. Nate Salisbury, Colonel Cody's
partner, Mr. Bronson Rumsey, Henry Ger-
rans, and George Bleistein. We raised some
funds to start operations, and I took an out-
fit ol" wagons and scrapers and about twenty
men and teams and came over the moun-
tains and started work. We camped near
what is still the Marion Williams place. We
had planned to take in the whole Oregon
Basin and all the north side of the river.
However, not enough money was forthcom-
ing. To many of the eastern men the pro-
ject was sport, and I was left to complete
the work as best I might. I had to borrow
money from Mrs. Hearst to finish the canal.
This canal now furnishes the water supply
to Cody and the surrounding country.
Electric light plant. When we finally
made up our town site company, we closed
uu*».arrr commissary which we had run, sell-
ing it to Mr. Gerrans and Mr. Bleistein;
it afterwards became the Cody Trading Com-
pany, of which ex-Senator J. M. Schwoob is
now president. Colonel Cody proposed to
build a hotel, which he finally did, and look-
ing around for something to do, I concluded
that I would develop water power on the
river. I begged a lot of my friends to help
me put in a power plant. They laughed at
the enterprise and declined, but one of my
■fed friends coming to my assistance helped
me to float some bonds and I mortgaged
what other property I had and put in the
electric light plant on the river. The first
year it didn't seem very hopeful, but since
then it has carried on a fair business and
I believe has given unusually good service
for a town of this size.
The Gavel
Now I was shown the gavel which bore
:late 1890. 11th Legislature Assembly of
Wyoming, "Presented to President George
F. Beck by members of the Council." "This
ivas our last territorial Legislature," said Mr.
Seek. "We organized as a State right after
Order of the Cincinnatus
"Col. John Thornton was Lt.-Col. in Gray-
son's Regiment in Virginia during the Revo-
utionary War. As his descendant I hold
nembership in the Cincinnatus. This Society
s made up of officers of the Revolutionary
Bar and only one representative can follow
—must be the oldest son of the most direct
lescendant, the whole number never to ex-
eed the original number.
After these officers had formed the order
>f the Cincinnati, the soldiers and others be-
ran to think that these officers were rather
rying to make a social distinction, and Tam-
nanv Hall was organized in New York in
>pposition to the Order of the Cincinnati,
fed from a social order they finally drifted
into a political machine and fell into the
hands of the Democratic politicians of New
The order took its name from Cincinnatus,
who was called by the Romans to suppress
an uprising in Rome that came near sweep-
ing all Italy. Cincinnatus was called from
the plow to save the Republic, and the motto
comes down: "Give up all to save the Re-
public." With the date "A. D. 1783," this
motto in Latin is inscribed upon the badge
now held by Hon. George T. Beck, Cody,
No story or early or present history of
Cody is complete without mention of its
gracious official hostess, Mrs. George T.
At fourteen years of age Mrs. Beck, then
Miss Daisy Sorrenson, came to make her
home with her sister, Mrs. D. A. Tinkcom.
Neither of the girls previous to their west-
ern venture, had seen a lumber wagon nor
a log house, which for a time were to be their
substitutes for carriages and mansions. Here-
tofore trips from the city to ranches had
been their education in "roughing it."
While there were no riding contests in the
very early days, the young lady soon won
recognition as a fine horsewoman, having
acquired her "balance" riding the western
horse "sidewise," with only blanket and sur-
cingle. She later adopted the "astride" fash-
ion, however, and used a saddle.
Mrs. Beck taught the first school in the
Cody country, known as the Marquette
school, on the South Pork of the Shoshone
River. Later she took a business college
course at Helena, Montana, and became sec-
retary to the Cody Canal Company. Here
our west-country romance developed, and,
with the subject of our story, she now pre-
sides as mistress of Cody's stone mansion.
Here have been entertained Secretaries of
State Lane, Daniels, and Garrison, Gover-
nor Carey, Senator Kendrick, Mayor Mitch-
ell, of New York; General Wood, Hon. Ed.
T. Clark. Mr. A. A. Anderson, artist, and
first supervisor of the oldest forest in the
United States, the Shoshone; L. G. Phelps,
leading millionaire cattleman of the Buffalo
Bill country, now deceased; W. R. Coe, New-
York philanthropist, who has adopted Wyo-
ming as his official residence, casting his vote
in this state.
Indeed, the Beck home is always a social
center. If there is but one member at home
the lights of hospitality are shining.
Mrs. Beck contributes constantly to tin-
musical life of the community, and is a lady
of high spiritual attainment.
Codv, Wvo., Feb. 22, 1924.
Fly Leaf. S. C. Abbott & Company. News
Dealers and Stationers
Farnham Street, Omaha, Nebraska
Capitol Building, Omaha, Nebraska Ter.
October 1st, 1866. Smiths Ranch, 11 miles
from Omaha, N. T. October 3rd, 1866.
October 6th, 1866 — Passed through on LJ
P. R. R. Columbus, N. T. Shell Creek,
Grand Island Station, Silver Creek, Wood
River and Kearney Station.
October 7th, 1866— Crossed Platte River in
express wagon. Met Captain Freeman and
Lieut. Arnold.
October 11th, 1866 — In camp with 2nd U.
S. Cavalry at Plum Creek, N. T.
October 14th, 1866 — Arrived Fort Mc-
Pherson, Cottonwood Springs, N. T.
October 15th, 1866— Saw my first wild In-
dian of the plains.
October 21st, 1866 — Arrived Fort Sedg-
wick, Col. Ter.
1866— Went over to Jules-
-In camp at Lodge
October 22nd.
burg, C. T.
October 24th, 1866
Pole Creek Crossing.
October 25th, 1866 — Mud Springs; out on
the prairie looking at Court House Rock, 2
p. m., gazing at Chimney Rock; 5 p. m. Here
are five of us cooking our supper in camp
at the foot of Chimney Rock.
October 26th, 1866 — 2 a. m. Just relieved
from guard at Camp Mitchell.
October 27th, 1866 — Cold Springs ranch,
22 miles from Fort Laramie.
October 29th, 1866— In good quarters at
Fort Laramie.
November 4th. 1866 — Peters and I taking
our first view of Laramie Peak and the Black
On the march from Fort Laramie, camped
as follows:
November 19th, Big Bitter Cottonwood,
D. T., 20 miles.
November 20th, Horse Shoe Creek, 18
November 21st, Bridgers Ferry, 16 miles.
November 22nd, camp on North Platte
River, 20 miles.
November 23rd, mouth of Sage Creek, 14
November 24th, Sage Creek camp, 18
November 25th, Wind River camp, forgot
to put down miles.
November 26th, Humphreys camp, 24
November 27th, Dry Fork of Powder river,
23 miles, stuck in big storm.
November 29th, Thanksgiving Day and
stuck here by the storm but had a chicken
November 20th, arrived at Fort Reno about
2 p. m.
December 22nd, Jack Phillips went
through; awful big fight at Phil Kearny.
January 10th, sick in hospital at Fort Reno,
D. T., of mountain fever.
February 20th, 18o7 — Discharged from the
United States Army.
February 21st, 1867— Started for Fort Phil
Kearny with thermometer 20 degrees below
zero. Camped at Crazy Womans Fork.
February 22nd, 1867 — Clear creek.
February 23rd, 1867 — Fort Phil Kearny,
D. T. Met Jim Bridger.
February 24th — Got a job as clerk in Quar-
termaster's office under Gen. G. B. Dandy.
March 24th — Hunting up Piney creek; got
a big scare from one of the Crow Indians
who are here for a big swap.
April 22nd — Got notice that I must go
east for examination for a commission in the
Regular Army.
April 23rd — Left Fort Phil Kearny and
camped at Buffalo Wallows, thirty-five miles
from P. K.
April 24th — Arrived at Fort Reno. Had a
little scrap with Indians between Clear creek
and Crazy Woman's Fork.
April 25th — Found all that was left of Van
Valzah's lost mail.
April 27th — Major Van Voast lost his two
horses in camp.
May 1st — Arrived at Fort Laramie.
May 5th — At Fort Mitchell, en route for
Julesburg and passed Chimney Rock; mid-
night at Mud Springs.
May 6th — Passed Lodge Pole creek and
arrived at Fort Sedgwick. In camp of 30th
U. S. Infantry.
May 10th — Visited Julesburg.
May 14th — Arrived at North Platte City,
Neb. Ter.
May 15th — Omaha, Nebraska.
Copied by Major Ostrander from his origi-
nal diary. The little memo book in which
the entries were made was bought in Omaha
just before the Major left Omaha for the In-
dian campaign.
Handling the Mail at Fort Reno, D. T., in
1866 and 1867
The arrival, overhauling and distribution oi
mail at Fort Reno, D. i., in those days was
an important event. It was anxiously await-
ed and longingly looked for. its arrival and
"coming in" was an "episode." The day and
date ot its arrival was an "epoch," for inci-
dents and circumstances were rememberet
among the men as happenings from and after
that point of time.
The following "epitome" will give an ac<
count of methods used in handling it. \V(
generally had trom an hour and a half I
three hours notice of its approach and arrival
About five miles by the trail to the souti
and across the Powder River valley, was higl
land, which at its western extremity ended ■
a sharp point and a bluff. The trail iron
Fort Laramie wound around this point anc
watchful eyes were scrutinizing that poini
every second during daylight, hoping, lung*
nig or dreading to see who or what migh
After turning this point the trail descendet
gradually m a northeasterly direction unti
it struck the timber in the river bottom laiu.
and then turned sharply to the west unti
it reached a point between the fort prope.j
and the lower corral.
According to conditions of the weather am
of the trail itself, the time made between th«
point of first observation and arrival at thi
tort, would vary; but it was always lonj!
enough, when a mail party had been sighted
to keep everybody on the anxious jjeat witl
longing anticipations.
On arrival at Post headquarters the mail
carrier would bring in his bag and turn ij
over to the Post Adjutant, Lieutenant T. I
Kirtland. The only key to this bag was ii
the possession of the Lieutenant and he kep
it under lock and key in a drawer of hit
table. The Lieutenant would unlock the pad
lock, remove it, and then place the lock and
key back in the drawer. All this carefulness
did seem ridiculous to me in view of the fact
that, as two headquarters clerks (Clarke and
myself) did all of the separating, sorting, and
some of the final distributing of the mail
A blanket was spread out on the floor,
and after the lock and key had been pro-
vided with such proper protection, the bag
was taken by Clarke who withdrew the
leather strap from between its metal guards,
and then turning it upside down, the con-
tents were dumped in a pile on the blanket.
The bag would then be placed so that its
mouth would be open and in a position so
that we could throw into it all matter des-
tined to points beyond Fort Reno.
Then Clarke and myself began our duties.
On our knees and opposite each other, with
the pile between, with both hands we began
operations. Every article addressed "Fort
Reno" was thrown off in a pile by itself, and
each one for points above was thrown back
into the bag at once, so that when the last
piece was handled the separating was com-
pleted. Clarke would restrap it; the Lieu-
tenant would re-lock it and the mail carrier
_could proceed on his way. All this before
ouT^ own mail could receive any attention.
The first time I tackled this work I had
only been at the post less than one week and
was green at it and guess I was inclined to
talk too much in the way of criticism of the
methods, modus operandi, etc., and it is a
wonder to me now that I didn't get a more
serious calling down than was given me in
the way of explanation at the time.
On my knees, leaning forward, my back
twisting from side to side, and both hands
busy, I got tired and straightening up for
a few seconds rest, I remarked "This is a
nice thing for us to be doing; handling every-
body else's private letters." Clarke merely
gave a grunt and said "What's the matter
wi' you?" "Well," I said, "this mail ought
to be put up separate at Fort Laramie. They
could make one big bundle for us and one for
each post above, then all we'd have to do
would be to take out our own bundle and let
the rest go on."
Clarke gave another grunt and said "Shut
up and go to work." Lieutenant Kirtland
and Van Valzeh (the mail carrier) were seat-
ed near by watching us. The Lieutenant re-
marked in a pleasant tone of voice, "That
would make four separate bundles to leave
Laramie with; one for Bridgers Ferry and
one for each of us, Reno, Phil Kearney and
C F. Smith, and as they would vary so much
in bulk and weight Van Valzeh would find
it hard work to balance the sack on the
back of his horse."
I kept right on working and talking too,
lor I said "They could put 'em in separate
sacks then; one sack labelled for each Post.
There'd be no delay here then, only long
enough to put our own "up-above" mail in
its proper sack. The Lieutenant, still in a
peasant mood, said "I guess Van would find
some trouble handling four sacks on one
I still thought I had the best of the argu-
ment when I said "He always has three or
four soldiers for an escort and I guess each
one of them could carry one sack to help
him out."
I looked up at Van and he was smiling,
but the Lieutenant continued in a more sober
tone, "The mail carrier is sworn in by the
government and is responsible. He gets ten
dollars a day for it while on the trip and
no one else is allowed to handle the bags."
Clarke was growing impatient and let out
a grunt, so I subsided but was not convinced.
Then, as now, it was a mooted question in
my mind, if a soldier could not carry or
handle a locked bag of mail while en route
how was it that us two enlisted men were
allowed to handle every individual article of
its contents. I give it up.
Just before the conversation described
above, I had picked up two letters addressed
to myself and in my delight I exclaimed
"Glory" and started to put them in my
pocket. A quick exclamation from Clarke-
caused me to look up. He said "Throw 'em
out" and nodded in direction of our own mail
pile. "But they are for me," I said, hand-
ing them to him so that he could read the
addresses. He took them and without even
looking at the address, threw them in the
Reno pile, but looking me straight in the
eyes, gave a wink and nodded toward the
officer. I was afraid to enter into any dis-
cussion with him in presence of the officer
but made up my mind to have it out with
him later, but before the mail was finally
disposed of I found it was unnecessary and
that Clarke had really done me a kindly act.
Having disposed of the mail carrier, our
own mail was all placed on the Adjutant's
table. We put it there addresses up and the
Lieutenant himself saw to its distribution.
Mail for officers and their families was laid
one side and delivered to them or their rep-
resentatives at once. Mail for enlisted men
was separated by companies and handed to
the Orderly Sargeants who were always on
hand and waiting for it, and lastly the head-
quarters mail was disposed of and I got
When the Lieutenant handed me a bunch
of six letters there was a smile on his face
and I knew he must have got onto that by-
play during the separating.
Once the mail arrived in the night, long
after taps, and the procedure differed in a
slight degree — the blanket was spread on the
dirt floor of our bunk room in rear of the
office. Candles were lit and stuck around
in niches and blankets hung before the win-
dow. Upon completion of v the separation by
Posts and the mail carrier had received his
sack and departed, our mail was, as usual,
placed on the Adjutant's table, blankets be-
ing hung up before door and windows and
the Lieutenant did his "Little Bit."
If there were any officers present they
could of course get their mail at once, no
matter what hour it was, but the enlisted men
had to wait until after reveille the next morn-
Generally it would be sent over to com-
pany quarters at "Breakfast Call' and some-
times some poor devil would become so in-
terested on his news from home or else-
where that he forgot, and neglected to put
in the time after breakfast in brushing up
and polishing his accoutrements preparatory
to inspection at guard mount, with the result
that he was ordered to "Fall out" and re-
ceived a reprimand and got "police" or some
other unpleasant duty, instead of an assign-
ment as "Orderly" for the day, to Command-
ing Officer and Post Headquarters; a job
eagerly strove for by every soldier coming on
(Signed) A. B. OSTRANDER.
From Fort Reno to Fort Phil Kearny
The next morning Curley gave me a good
warm breakfast while it was still dark and
I returned to the office, got my valise, box
of grub and blankets and put them at the
gate near by, to await for my transporta-
Very soon the wagon drove up and a
mounted man was with it. I learned after-
ward that he was wagon-boss for the outfit
and his name was Stanton.
He asked if I was the boy that was going
up with them and on my answer "yes, sir,"
he said, "All right, I will fix you up." He
dismounted, untied the cord which held the
canvass cover at front of the wagon and
climbed up inside. He pulled down a couple
of sacks of corn and filled the space between
them with empty gunny sacks, thus making
a good seat. I handed him my box of grub
and valise, which he piled up in back and
as he got down I climbed in. He then hand-
ed me my blankets and told me to arrange
them to suit myself.
He had fixed my seat about two feet or
more from the front board and loose hay
was packed in the front half way to the top
of the box. On top of this was spread a
couple of gunny sacks and he explained, that
space was arranged for the dog and he rode
In a few minutes the Captain rode up, the
dog jumping and barking around him. The
officer himself dismounted and giving his pup
a boost, landed him at my feet. Surveying
the arrangements the officer remarked, "I
guess you'll both be as comfortable as can
be expected," and right here I will say, al-
though the men did suffer awfully and frost
bites and freezing were numerous, I was not
even cold at any time during that ride to
Phil Kearny. The dog was more protection
than hot bricks or warming pan could have
By referring to my little memorandum
book I find the following entry:
"February 21st, 1867.
"Started for Fort Phil Kearny with two
companies 2nd U. S. Cavalry. Thermometer
20 degrees below zero."
After we got out on the prairie and away
from the protection of the stockade the wind
was awful cold, so I tied the canvass cover
down in front to a ring, and pulled the cape
of my overcoat over my head. My hair was
unite- long and came down over my ears and
neck, so with all of this protection I was the
luckiest one in the whole outfit so far as
protection against the elements was con-
We reached Crazy Woman Forks that
night and a place for camp was selected well
down in the underbrush and near a bluff
on the south side and thus received some
protection from the cold and bitter wind.
I remained in my snuggery until camp fires
were well under way and then, providing
myself with some crackers and a can of
chicken, I got out of the wagon, but was so
stiff and cramped up from the long ride in
such close quarters, with a dog to hold me
down, that I had to jump around for quite
a little while to get limbered up and the
cramps out of my legs.
Finally I went to one of the fires and put
my can of chicken among the coals to warm
it up, of course cutting off the cover first.
Just as I was beginning to eat, a soldier came
over to me and said, "The Captain wants to
know if you'd like a cup of hot coffee?" I
was very quick to answer, "You bet I would,"
and he turned away, but in a very few min-
utes returned with a tin cup that held over
a pint of hot coffee, f surely did enjoy that
supper and then went over to return the cup.
As. I was telling the soldier to thank the
Captain for me a voice spoke up from a tent
near by. "Come in here." The soldier nod-
ded his head towards the tent saying, "Go
in, he wants to speak to you," so I entered.
There was a small box heating stove, a
couple of empty boxes, one of which was
used as a candle stick by melting enough
grease to hold the candle perpendicular, and
his bedding arranged on the ground. He re-
tained his seat on the other box and I stood
by the warm stove.
"Captain Proctor told me that you had
served under General Phillip St. George
Cooke," said he. "Yes, sir; I was with him
over two years," I answered. He smiled as
he continued, "I served under him for over
eight years before the war as a soldier in the
2nd Dragoons. He was our Colonel and it
was he that recommended me for a commis-
This of course brought forth quite a con-
versation dealing with the idiosyncracies ol
the old General. I remember in particular
he asked me if the General was still inter-
ested in trying to improve upon his "Tac-
At the beginning of the civil war "Cooke's
Cavalry Tactics" was the standard for cav-
alry, as "Hardee's" was for the infantry, li
told him that very much of the work I had
done for the General was copying materia
referring to tactics. He laughed and saic
that more than once after the Colonel hac
drawn up a plan of formation or evolution
they would go out and put it into practice
and sometimes there would be an awful mb
The Colonel would grunt and swear, dis
miss the drill and go back and work it al
over again until he succeeded in making i|
nearer perfect.
He concluded the interview by sayin|
"Proctor showed me a letter he had fron!
General Cooke in which he gave you a lim
character and if there is anything I can do
ior you up here I will be glad to do it."
I thanked him, bid him good night, and
returned to my wagon. When I got there
[ saw Stanton, the wagon-boss, standing near
tnd I asked him what the Captain's name was
is I had not even heard that yet. He re-
plied, "Why, that's old Captain Patrick; he
tias been in the army over forty years, come
up from a private soldier and I guess he must
je sixty years old or older." My curiosity
■as satisfied and I went to bed.
1 had a good night's sleep and was quite
romfortable, but I did miss the dog; he had
■emained in the tent with his master.
We made camp the next night at Clear
Creek and the Captain again sent me a big
:up full of steaming hot coffee. Nothing
further of interest occurred here.
We got an early start the next morning
Hid some time in the afternoon we passed
ilong by Lake DeSmet, crossed Piney Crook
ind coming around the point at base of Pilot
Hill, Fort Phil Kearny was right before us.
The approaches were far different from
those at Reno. There, our first view of the
fort had been from a high elevation and its
whole interior and surroundings were visible
it a glance, but here, we were in a sort of
l>oTr&m or low land, and the fort was on a
high plateau and only the stockade and roofs
af a few of the buildings could be seen. The
flag on its high staff flew out glorious and
it was a welcome sight.
Our appearance was quickly noticed and
men appeared at different gates giving us a
welcome similar to the one we had received
dii recalling Reno. Winding our way up the
hill the wagon I was in went in at the water
i?ate and passing by a sort of corrall with
hay stacks and forage piled up, we drove
up to a very long and narrow building ex-
tending north and south and stopped at the
door about middle of the south side.
The teamster got down and commenced
to unload things from back part of the wa-
tpii. The wagon-boss rode up and told me
f could put my things in these for the pres-
I went inside and found a large room with
^ix or eight bunks built up; a big heating
>tove and some feed boxes.
He informed me the room was used by
wagon-bosses only, but would fix it so that
[ could bunk in there until I could get locat-
ed. Told me to put my traps in one of the
Empty feed boxes and then rode off.
And so 1 had arrived at Fort Phil Kearny.
My First Day at Fort Phil Kearny
I had secured a lodging place and having
several hours to spare before bedtime I con-
cluded to do as I had done on all previous
occasions where I first arrived at a new Post
— go on a prospecting tour and get the lay
:>\ the land, location of buildings, etc.
About one hundred feet to the west of
the building in which I was located, another
stockade extended across from the north to
the south with an open space of about fifteen
feet not far from the south end. About the
center of this stockade was a two story
building, one-half of which was built up on
each side of the stockade, with a cupola or
observatory on top.
Passing through the open space, or gate-
way, I found myself in the Fort proper.
Along the south side, and at my left, was a
long row of buildings, one of which I quickly
discovered was the sutler's store, and beyond
it was a row of stables.
Ahead of me, and not far from the center,
was the Commanding Officer's house. Dis-
tributed around on three sides were barracks,
and of course a flag pole in the center of
the parade ground. Over on the north side,
and close up to the stockade were several
buildings used as officers' quarters and of-
There was a gate on the north side, just
to the left of which was a building which 1
soon learned was the district quartermaster's
Of course I naturally drifted into the sut-
ler's store the first thing, and the men I met
there and the acquaintances I there formed
will be left for another chapter.
Along after dark I returned to my bunk
room and sat up until quite late listening to
the conversation of those wagon bosses and
packers, and right there and then I formed
opinions which I have never had occasion
to change. One was that they and their
subordinates had not been fully appreciated,
nor had public sentiment ever been ex-
pressed as to the dangerous nature of their
The military, both officers and men, per-
formed deeds of valor and courage, and en-
dured all manner of privations and suffer-
ings, and they have received honor, both in
song and story and many by personal men-
The old-time scouts, guides, trappers, and
mountain men made history, and writers have
sought them out to preserve a record of their
wonderful deeds and achievements, both as
individuals and as a class; but who ever read
of the work performed in those days by
wagon bosses, teamsters and packers? I
never have, and yet more than often they
endured all that others did in addition to
their regular duties.
In published accounts of depredations, or
in Indian attacks, there has been sometimes
occasional mention "a teamster was killed,"
but never have I seen either eulogy or public
expression of credit to their service.
On the trail when there were indications
of an actual attack or a genuine battle with
Indians, the packers and teamsters, were the
ones to make the corral and keep control of
their stock. Under undue excitement one
or two mules might stampede a whole out-
fit, and a stampede under such conditions
was fully as disastrous as a successful charge
of wild Indians.
A Sunday school teacher in a den of wild
animals, in an endeavor to subdue or pacify
them, would not meet with more danger or
be placed in a more critical condition requir-
ing a cool head and a steady hand. He
would be about as successful as a weakling
or an inexperienced person. These packers,
teamsters and wagon bosses may have been
considered as tough characters. They had
to be, for theirs was a tough job.
Many of them were hard drinkers, hard
swearers and addicted to all the vices, but
in their particular line they were a necessity
and most valuable men — I might better say
absolutely indispensible. In cases of neces-
sity they always proved their efficiency and
It was with such a body of men that I
spent my first evening at Fort Phil Kearny.
Stanton, as the latest wagon boss arrival,
occupied the center of interest, and was kept
quite busy answering questions from those
who were liable to accompany the next out-
fit going down the trail over which we had
just arrived.
His descriptions of the difficulties encoun-
tered were not only interesting to me, but
seemed to impress his co-laborers as they
might benefit from his information.
There were several men at the store that
evening who had been in charge of wood
trains and other work in the vicinity of the
fort and their stories were both thrilling and
And yet, no public expression, giving them
credit for their great and arduous work, has
ever been made, to my knowledge. And so
ended my first day at Fort Phil Kearny.
The above military history was taken from
the original manuscript of Major Ostrander
and is owned by the Wyoming Historical De-
Headquarters, Fort Reno, D. T.
August 9th, 1867.
Bvt. .Major H. B. Freeman, U. S. A.,
Captain B, 7th Infantry,
Commanding Escort.
Major :
Having been officially informed by Mr.
Litchfield, Wells Fargo and Company's agent
that there are on the road between this post
and La Prele, eleven (11) ox trains, enroute
for Fort Philip Kearney and Fort C. F.
Smith; eight (8) of these trains being under
one escort of 30 men from La Prele and the
advance of these trains being expected to
arrive tomorrow; you will remain at this
post till the advance train arrives, when you
will proceed with the train now here in such
manner that you will afford partial protection
to the trains following in your rear. Two
trains as an advance. Can leave this post
together, under your own personal charge —
with the beef cattle belonging to Govern-
ment and it is requested that you leave, say
IS men — to follow you with the next train.
Escorts of ten men from this post will be
given to each train that follows after and
these trains will be hurried up, so that there
will not be a greater distance between trains,
than is necessary to obtain water.
It is believed that you might with pro-
priety, let these trains close to a shorter dis-
tance after you reach Crazy Woman — or
plenty of water. You will use your discre-
tion, however, in the matter, doing what you
think is best.
It being impossible on account of the want
of water between this and Crazy Woman —
to send these trains together and it bein
impossible to furnish large escorts to eac
from this point, the undersigned assumes tn
responsibility of holding you here, in ordf
to carry out, what he decides the best maniu
of getting these trains to Fort Philip Keai
I am Major. Very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
Major 18th Infantry,
Comdv Post.
St. Mary's Cathedral, Cheyenne, Wyomin
The history of the Church in Cheyenne i
its early years is practically a history of th
diocese; for after Fort Laramie it is one i
the oldest settlements in the state. With th
building of the Union Pacific Railroad in tli
fall of 1867, there was a great influx of se
tiers, and Cheyenne grew up, so to speal
over night. The Rev. Wm. Kelly was sei
by Bishop O'Gorman of Omaha, to who*
jurisdiction this territory belonged, to orgai
ize the Catholics and build up a parish. A
has been noted in the general history of th
diocese, his territory extended from Sidney
Nebraska, to Wasatch Canon, Utah, and t
the north as far as Ft. Laramie. There wer
no settlements north of Ft. Laramie.
Fr. Kelly set to work with characteristi
energy and in 1868 was able to dedicate
frame church (under the patronage of S
John Baptist) at 21st and O'Neil Streets, o
the northwest corner, on four lots donate
by the Union Pacific Railroad Company. .
few rooms attached to the church served a
the parochial residence, and the entire coi
of the building was $4000.00. Most of th
congregation came from Camp Carlin, a gm
ernment supply station situated half way b(
tween the present Cheyenne and Fort Ru<
sell. Fr. Kelly remained in charge lint
October 9th, 1869. After leaving Cheyenn
he did general missionary work in Nebrask
and in the early '80-s retired to St. Phik
mena's Cathedral, Omaha, to pass his declii
ing years. His death occurred in Novembe
1907, within a month of the selling and m
molition of the cathedral which was crowde
out to make room for the rapidly extendi!
commercial life of the city.
He was succeeded by the Rev. Phili
Erlach (from October 9th, 1869, to Apr
16th, 1871) who was afterwards pastor of a
Irish colony at St. John's, Nebraska, ( n«
Jackson) and there passed to his reward.
Rev. William Byrne took charge and r<
mained until September, 1873. After Bisho
O'Gorman's death, he acted as administrate
of the Vicariate. He died of tuberculosi
while serving as pastor at North Platte. A
the present time (1918) a brother Jam€
Byrne resides in Omaha, and two cousin:
Mr. Patrick Fitzgerald and Mrs. Ellen Mui
phy reside in Cheyenne.
Rev. John McGoldrick was then appointe
and served the parish until October 18tl
1877. Considering the old church propert
inadequate to the needs of the growing cor
gregatiou, he secured two lots at the north
east corner of 19th and Carey Avenue, as
site for the new church. He also secured a
plot of ten acres to be used as a Catholic
Through the good offices of Mr. Lawrence
Bresnahan this ground was donated by the
:ity. Mr. Bresnahan as Mayor gave a bond
April 28th, 1876, to the church authorities,
pledging the transfer of the property as soon
is the city could secure a patent from Wash-
ington. Feeling that this plot was not suf-
ficiently large for burial purposes Messrs.
Lawrence Bresnahan and Tim Dyer later on
persuaded the city through Mr. Heck Reel
as Mayor to give another bond (September
25, 1885) whereby it pledged to convey ten
acres more to Rev. F. J. Nugent as trustee.
On May 8th, 1888, the city deeded to Rt.
Rev. Maurice F. Burke 18.32 acres for $45.80.
Presumably the city did not get the full 20
acres from the United States government.
On November 23rd, 1903, Most Rev. John
J. Keane and Rt. Rev. Henry Cosgrove, as
administrators of the estate of Rt. Rev.
Thomas Lenihan; transferred this property
to the Church of St. Mary. These facts were
secured from the records of the Court House.
Father McGoldrick died in Cheyenne of tu-
berculosis but was buried in Omaha.
Rev. John Jennette next guided the des-
tinies of the parish from December, 1877, to
August 4th, 1878. He laid the foundation of
the brick church on the property purchased
by Father McGoldrick, and the second church
like the first was dedicated under the patron-
age of the St. John the Baptist. The families
of the congregation at this time numbered
from 50 to 75, and the only railroad in Chey-
enne besides the Union Pacific was a spur
to Boulder and Denver known as the Colo-
rado Central. All communication with the
country to the north was by stage. During
lis incumbency at Cheyenne Father Jennette
erected a church at Sidney, Nebraska, but
was later on given charge of the newly cre-
ated parish of St. Patrick, Omaha, which he
served for a number of years, beloved by
Hrery one. For the past two decades he has
been serving as Chaplain at St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, Omaha, and has been Dean of the
Omaha Deanery. He passed to his reward
August 25th, 1918.
Rev. John Hayes succeeded Fr. Jennette as
pastor and governed the parish up to Novem-
ber 18th, 1882. During the first year he was
assisted by Rev. John T. Lee. The church
begun by his predecessor was brought to
completion and solemnly dedicated in Mav,
B79, by Very Rev. D. I. McDermott, G. G~.,
the Bishop at the time being present at the
dedication of St. Patrick's Cathedral, New
York. The other clergymen in attendance
were Revs. Hugh Cumminsky, M. F. Cas-
sidy, Daniel Hayes and the pastor. Father
McDermott preached in the morning on
Faith and in the evening on the Blessed
Sacrament. Father Hayes died November
18th, 1882, and was buried in Cheyenne. Dur-
ing Fr. Hayes' pastorate a substantial brick
parochial residence was built adjoining the
Rev. Francis J. Nugent was in charge from
November 25th, 1882, to June 20th, 1886.
He started a parochial school which was
temporarily located in the old frame church,
and placed it under the direction of the Sis-
ters of the Holy Child Jesus. It was shortly
moved to the new brick building erected
for that purpose at the rear of the church.
He also secured the splendid school property
adjoining the state Capitol and superintended
the construction of the present academy. A
man of boundless energy he founded and con-
ducted, with the help of Mr. Joseph McGill,
(at present lives near Cody, Wyoming) a
weekly paper known as the Catholic Mirror,
which however was foredoomed to failure
owing to the smallness of the Catholic popu-
lation. After leaving Cheyenne Father Nu-
gent served as pastor at Rawlins for a year
and half, but was again brought back to
Cheyenne where he remained from January,
1888, to March, 1891. A very successful mis-
sion was conducted in the parish in October,
1888, by Rev. Arnold Damen, the famous
Jesuit Missionary. Father Nugent went from
Cheyenne to Lincoln, Nebraska, where he
was rector of the Cathedral. He joined the
Benedictine monks at Birmingham, England,
where he was professed September 8th, 1902^
and died in London, March 15, 1920 (he was
born in county Tyrone, Ireland, in 1859, and
ordained at Baltimore, Md., by Cardinal Gib-
bons in 1882). Father Nugent was an inde-
fatigable worker, but a poor financial man-
ager. The Bishop on his return from a pro-
longed sojourn m Rome, was compelled to
borrow money to pay various debts contract-
ed by Father Nugent.
Rev. John T. Smith was pastor from July
9th, 1886, to November 23rd, 1887. It was
in this latter year that Cheyenne was created
a diocese, and on the arrival of the first
Bishop, Rt. Rev. Maurice F. Burke, D. D.,
Father Smith returned to his own 'diocese'
and was stationed at Hubbard, Nebraska, for
a short time, then at Sacred Heart Parish
Omaha, and finally at St. Patrick's Church!
Omaha. He cleared that parish of a large
debt and erected a beautiful new brick church
and died there February, 1915. At the ad-
vent of Bishop Burke a $6000.00 addition was
made to the parochial residence for the ac-
commodation of the bishop.
Rev. M. J. Carmody *vas in charge from
May, 1891, to March, 1892.
Rev. Edward Fitzgerald from July, 1892,
to November, 1893. He followed the Bishop,
on the latter's transfer to St. Joseph, and
later was appointed Chaplain in the United
States Army and retired with the rank of
Major, residing in southern California until
the outbreak of the present war when he was
recalled to duty and is now serving at Ft.
Douglas, Salt Lake City.
Rev. Thomas Conway assumed charge in
December, 1893, and remained until Novem-
ber, 1897, leaving for Colorado after the ar-
rival of Bishop Lenihan. He is now doing
effective work in Grand Junction, Colorado,
where he has built a brick church and
Rev. P. U. Sasse was in charge from No-
vember, 1897, to December, 1900. From
Cheyenne he was sent to Sheridan where he
built a brick church; then to Rawlins and is
now pastor at Golden, Colorado.
Rev. George J. Bryant served as pastor
from December, 1900, to January, 1902; he
was then sent to Casper, where he built a
frame parochial residence. He is now as-
sistant at St. Augustine's church, Oakland,
Rev. Michael A. Kennedy served the parish
from May, 1903, to December, 1903. He held
other charges in the diocese, and died in
1911, pastor of Rock Springs.
Rev. James A. Duffy was in charge from
November, 1904, to April, 1913. He was of
invaluable assistance to Bishop Keane, dur-
ing whose administration the new cathedral
and Bishop's house were erected. After the
opening of the new cathedral a mission was
conducted by the Paulist Fathers of New
York City. Father Duffy's splendid work
was recognized by his ecclesiastical superiors,
and he was appointed bishop of the newly
erected see of Kearnev, Nebraska, Januarv,
Bishop McGovern took personal charge
until May 1st, 1915, when he appointed Rev.
James A. Hartmann rector. It was during
the latter's able administration that the small
debt remaining on the cathedral was liquidat-
ed, three houses and lots on 21st street join-
ing the church property purchased, and Ca-
thedral Hall erected as a social center for
the people of the parish. This last mentioned
institution, with the ground on which it
stands, represents an outlay of $120,000.00
and has no rival between the Mississippi
river and the Pacific coast. Fr. Hartmann
also improved Olivet cemetery by the addi-
tion of beautiful and substantial gates, by
placing the monuments in straight and par-
allell lines, and by getting most of the lots
under perpetual care. The beautiful Celtic
Cross of Barre Granite in the center of the
cemetery* erected in 1923 at an expense of
$3000.00 was the gift of Bishop McGovern.
A two-weeks' mission was conducted by
Rev. P. B. Donnelly, D. D., an Oblate Father
from London, England, from November 11th
to 25th, and another two-weeks' mission by
Revs. J. Cunningham and J. McGuire, both
of the societv of Jesus, from September 24th
to October 8th, 1922.
The following legacies have been left to
St. Mary's cathedral since 1908:
From James Duffy, property valued at
from $2000.00 to $3000.00; from William
Moffatt $500..00; from Nora Van Dyke
$1000.00; and from Ellen Conroy $2728.00,
half of which, however, was voluntarily turn-
ed over to her niece, Ellen Welch.
Among prominent members of the parish
may be mentioned: Messrs. John F. Crow-
ley, John Martin, P. Jacob Gauff, Dennis
J. O'Connell, Joseph Cahill, Charles Mc-
Garvey, Dr. J. H. Conway, Thomas Mc-
Inerney, Frank Bon, William Mullen, Dr.
T. J. Henneberry, John T. Bell, William
Dinneen, John H. Smith, John McDonald
Joseph O'Mahoney, Walter Phelan; and
Mesdames A. E. Roedel and Mary Schmidt.
Sheridan County
Organized in 1888, named for General Phi
Sheridan, 90 miles east and west, 30 mile*
north and south making 2700 square miles.
Organized in May, 1888, under the count}
organization act of territory legislature
passed March 9, 1888.
Sheridan County was created from th(
northern portion of Johnson County. Apri
12, 1888, Governor Moonlight appointed th<
following as commissioners to organize Sher-
idan County: Henry Baker, Dayton; Cor-
nelius Bulware, Big Horn; and Marion C
Harris, Sheridan. The election resulted I
choosing the following officials:
Sheriff — Thomas J. Keesee.
Clerk— Frank McCoy.
Treasurer — James P. Robinson.
Attorney — William J. Stover.
Commissioners — M. C. Harris.
Commissioners — W. E. Jackson.
Commissioners — Peter Reynolds.
Superintendent Schools — Richard Mc-
Assessor — Pulaski Calvert.
Surveyor — Jack Dow.
Coroner — Dr. Wilbur F. Green.
Road Superintendent — James T. Glasgow
Total vote footed up 958.
County seat vote was as follows: Sheri-
dan 486, Big Horn 248 and Dayton 224.
The Commissioners appointed three quali-
fied electors in each voting precinct to acl
as Judges.
Pass Creek — T. R. Dana, Samuel Church
and Wesley Brittain.
Ohlman — D. A. Ditz, Emanuel Achenbacb
and John W. Bill.
Dayton — Ed. R. Dinwiddie, Joseph D
Thorn and Dennie G. Frisbie.
Bingham — Wm. Garrard, George W. Abee
J. W. Patterson.
Tongue River — Samuel H. Early, William
E. Wagner, J. M. Barnett.
Sheridan — Oliver P. Hardee, Marcellers E]
Sawin, Henry Held.
Beckton — R. W. Moline, James R. Robin-
son, Harry Fulmer.
Big Horn — Richard D. Darlington, Charles
W. Skinner, Alfonso Lambrugger.
Banner — James Terrill, John W. Price,
Wm. W. Hazen.
Lower Prairie Dog — Arthur P. Dow, John
C. Patterson, Oscar T. Smith.
Piney — John H. Dunlay, Barnes Burris,
Frank Sturdevant.
Bear Creek— -J. Smith, J. J. Davis, William
H. Hunt. .
Notice in Post calling election April 25,,
Seal adopted on the organization of Sheri-
dan County Mav 9, 1888.
Sheridan, Wyoming, May 9th, 1888, 1:30
p. m.
The commissioners met, there being pres.- •
ent Henry Baker, Chairman Cornelius Bou-
laure and M. C. Harris.
Sheridan having received the highest num-
ber of votes cast for the county seat is de-
clared the county seat of Sheridan County.
First county officers elected in Sheridan
Sheriff, Franke Keesee; County Clerk,
rank McCoy; Prohate Judge and County
reasurer, James P. Rohinson; Prosecuting
ttorney, Wm. J. Stover; county commis-
oncrs, Marion C. Harris, Wm. E. Jackson,
eter Reynolds.
County Supt. of Schools — Richard Mc-
Coroner — Wilbur T. Green.
County Surveyor — Jack Dow.
Assessor — Pulaski Calvert.
Road Supervisor — James T. Glasco.
Justice of Peace — John T. Yeakey (Tongue
Ever District).
Constable— W. H. Wilerson (Sheridan Dis-
County After It Was Organized
the spring of 1880 in company with
Works, we left Bedford, Iowa, with a
team bound overland for Bozeman,
lontana. We proceeded on our journey
ithout any mishaps and crossed Big Goose
t the present site of the town of Sheridan
bout the twentieth of June, was favorably
npressed with the locality and fertility of the
auntry, but wishing to see more we pushed
n ana camped June 26th, on Custer's battle-
eld on the Little Horn, just four years after
le fight. Saw where the men fell, as there
ad been no effort made to bury them in a
rave but had just thrown dirt over them,
;aving some of their feet with their boots
n sticking out. Their lines was in the shape
a V as they came down a ridge towards
ne river, one line on each side coming about
ne and a half miles from the river with
'uster at the point.
We arrived at the end of our destination,
lozeman, on the 11th day of July. Here we
tayed a couple of months and seeing noth-
lg that suited us as well as the Goose Creek
Country. Mr. Works took the team and in
ompany with Judd Dunham returned to
lat place, where he arrived the first of Octo-
er and built a cabin on unsurveyed Govern-
lent land, about three miles above the pres-
nt location of Sheridan. I bought a pony
ufit and took a trip through the Yellow-
tone Park, returned to Bozeman and took
he stage in October for Red Rock, Mon-
ina, then the terminus of the U. and N.
pilroad, spent some little time at Virginia
Sty and intermediate points, and at Ogden
aok the overland R. R. for home in Iowa,
n the spring of 1881 packed up our goods
nd started back to this country "via" St.
>aul and Bismarck, then the terminus of the
§ P. R. R. Here we took a small steamer
ound for Miles City. On our way, at old
•'ort Berthold we visited the Indian camp of
700 of Sitting Bull's surrendered Indians.
Be arrived at Miles City in June, 1881. On
he opposite side of Tongue river from Miles
ty and below Fort Keogh was "Rain in
he Face's" band of 1600 Indians waiting
ran-'-ortaiion to Standing Rock Agency on
he Missouri in the Dakotas. The steamboats
oon arrived and the landing commenced. It
fes an impressive scene, the Indians were
camped on the Yellowstone, which was very
high at that time of the year, above them
Fort Keogh, below them Tongue river and
in their rear soldiers with cannon at com-
manding places. For two days and nights
while getting everything in readiness, the
Indians and more especially the squaws kept
up their dismal howlings on taking their
farewell to their beloved homes and hunting
grounds. On the morning of the third day
they were forced, at the point of the bayonet
and the cannon, on board of the several
steamers, and were soon wending their way
down the stream. Thus departed Sitting
Bull, Rain in the Face, their brave warriors,
squaws and papooses, with all their glory,
to take up the degrading life to them, of an
agency Indian. Their country, once theirs,
was now open for settlement by the whites.
I remained in Miles City, that summer and
winter, when the N. P. R. R. was completed
to that place. On the first day of March,
1882, in company with Hon. John McCormick
(leaving my family in Miles City) we started
with teams for the Gcose Creek country,
arriving there about the 20th of March, hav-
ing camped out the bigger part of the way.
Sackett & Skinner had settled on, and built
a small store on the new7 present site of Big
Horn. Hon. George T. Beck had located
and was living on a ranch on Big Goose, now
called Beckton, Richard McGrath was keep-
ing stage station on Wolf Creek. R. F. Mock
kept the post office called Bingham on
Tongue River and John Rhodes, (J. M.
Work's son-in-law) was keeping the Mondell
post office at the Big Goose crossing. I
found my old friend J. M. Works comfort-
ably situated on a ranch three miles above
the crossing. I took up a claim (which we
now own) two miles farther up. This was
in March, 1882, the land had been surveyed
during my absence in the fall of 1881. Mr.
Rhodes wishing to leave for a more prom-
ising country. I bought his outfit and took
charge of the post-office about April the 10th.
I walked about ten miles to be sworn in and
walked back the same day and on this walk
I conceived the idea that at the crossing and
at the junction of the two streams, was a
natural location for a small town or trading
post. And forthwith I invited what few set-
tlers I could find, J. Walter Scott, M. L.
Sawin, J. G. Hunter, Ken M. Burkitt, Alex
Gould, who met at my place on the first of
May, talked the matter over and agreed it
was worth attempting. We met again in a
few days, organized a company of which
I was elected President, J. Walter Scott Sec.
and Ken M. Burkitt Treas. We talked over
the prospect of building up a town and came
to the conclusion that forty acres was more
than enough for years to come. As Presi-
dent I advanced three dollars, the registering
fee, sent to Cheyenne, presented it as town-
site and had it withdrawn as such, from the
market, and on May the 10th, 1882, with
Jack Dow for surveyor we commenced to
stake out the town. At a subsequent meet-
ing we named our staked out town Sheridan,
and in order to raise funds to pay expenses,
we required every one who took a lot to pay
the sum of $2.50 for the first and fifty cents
for each additional lot. Besides the building
which I occupied, (which was built by George
Mondel) at the crossing, was a small log
house used for a dwelling, and quite a large
log building used for a stable, both buildings
were said to have been built by horse thieves
and used for their purpose.
The mails were carried through this part
of the country on buckboards, and when the
streams were high they could not cross, but
would stretch a rope across and pull the mail
over on it, and sometimes passengers when
they would visit it the drivers would then
turn round and go back to the next stream
or station. Big Goose, being one of the un-
crossable streams, the driver quite often had
to wait here and sometimes stay all night.
There was at this time a big six footer by
the name of Foster driving on this run, who
was stopping with me one night, when at
about dusk five big buck Indians came march-
ing in, asked for something to eat,. (I was
just getting supper ( and stay all night. As
it was raining I did not like to turn them
out, and did not like the looks of them either,
they were big ugly looking fellows and well
armed. I knew they were not Crows, they
seemed sullen and would not talk much, Fos-
ter said they were Cheyennes and were out
on mischief and for me not to let them stay,
as they would certainly rob and maybe mur-
der both of us. I thought I could better
control them inside than out, at least I did
not want to let them know I was afraid of
them; I told them yes, and went on cooking
supper, paying no more attention to them
until supper was ready. I then filled full
tinplates for four of them, then set supper on
the table for Foster and I then addressing
the one I took for leader, told him, Foster
my friend. You my friend, sit down and eat
with him, he looked at me and then at the
others. I said again, you my friend, and mo-
tioned to him to sit up in my place, at that
the others said "How" then he said "How"
and took the seat, then I knew all was right.
And when we came to go to bed, they spread
their blankets on the floor (ground floor),
they gave me their guns and belts to keep
until morning, and to show them that I
trusted them, I stood their guns up at their
heads when they said "How" again. Foster
took his blankets and crawled through a hole
we had for a window and took for the brush,
saving that he was not going to trust his
scalp in the hands of no treacherous Indians.
I laid down and slept as soundly as ever
knowing that an Indian never went back on
friendship. Next morning at daylight all
were up and they seemed pleased to find
everything as we had left them. I gave them
their breakfast, some tobacco, bacon and
Hour and started them on their way with a
hearty "How." Foster didn't show up until
after they were gone, seemed surprised to
find everything all right, said he did not have
very pleasant time of it, laid awake all night
expecting every moment to see the shack
afire. On the next morning one lone Indian
came riding up, said "How" and then pro-
ceeded to stretch and nail upon one end of
the cabin, two freshly caught beaver hides
witli the remark "you keep," then I recog-
nized one of my friends of the day before
and with a "How" he was off. Henry Helc
built and operated a blacksmith shop, the
first permanent building on the townsite, R
Cornwell built the first residence, and his
family was the first to live in the town, the
next building was a saloon. This was aboi|
the first of July. I sent for my family abotlj
that time, cost me $150.00 to bring them frorj
Miles City a distance of 150 miles, were fif-
teen days making the trip, no bridges at thai
time and had to ford streams quite often
which at times were dangerous, I had at this
time increased my stock of goods. Hon
Robert Foote of Buffalo, kindly and mater
ially aided me, for such unselfish deeds tc
the early settlers, he is entitled to the gratii
tude of the country. And among my firs
customers, after I received my first load a
goods, was "White Horse" and his band o
about one hundred Indians, squaws and pa
pooses, of the Crow tribe. They campeo
on the opposite side of the creek for abou|
three days. The first day was spent wit!
them in looking over things, pricing, etc.
towards evening a small band of bucks carai
marching in, headed by an ugly and ill-tem
pered looking fellow, who demanded "Whis
key." I told him I did not keep it, he di<
not seem satisfied but proceeded to hunt fo
it, he come around behind the counter,
stepped before him, and asked him agaiij
what he wanted, he said "Whiskey." I tol<
him again I did not keep it, at that he carai
close up to me and said in my face "vol
I grabbed him by the shoulders, turned hin
around and pushed and kicked him out of tb
door, the others stood looking on, grinninj
and grunting their approval, and followed hin
out and hissed him back to camp, after tha,
I had no more trouble. The}' cleaned m>
out of sugar, bacon, flour, red and blue calici
and went their way rejoicing, and I cleanei,
them out of buffalo robes, beaver hides am.
what silver dollars they had and ever afte]
we were good friends. During the summej
and fall several families moved in and tool,
up claims in the near vicinity. That fall war
general election, we had ^ voting precinc,
established and as 1 was one of the Judge
we used my kitchen for a voting place. A
this election, I saw for the first time womqi
at the polls voting, and let it be said to th
credit of the "Wild and Wooley West," cow
boys, hunters, trappers and ranchers, wh
were assembled there, that I never saw
more orderly, or well conducted election i:
my life, when the ladies came up to vot
(there were seven of them), loud talkiiv
ceased, the crowd opened ranks, hats off an
woe to any one who would have dared t
utter an oath or slurring remark in thei
presence. We polled somewhere near on
hundred votes. At this election party line
were not drawn, each one voting for, as w j
thought, the best man for the place. Duriri
this fall we made application to be represent
ed in the Big Horn school district, whic|
was done". The man that had taken th
claim that the little log house was on cor
eluded that he did not want it, so he move
it over for us a kitchen, and in this we ha
first school of fifteen scholars. Miss
ira Works (now Mrs. Moehler of Buffalo)
s our first teacher, wages $75.00 per month,
bad made application and was appointed
itary Puhlic, was then the only officer who
lid administer oaths, take acknowledge-
nts, etc., within a large scope of country,
inter set in early and cold, snow was deep,
.1 I saw the thermometer go down to 46
o\v zero the first of February. A great
ny cattle died that winter for several cat-
companies had located in the numerous
;leys, and had brought in vast herds,
long these were the Grinnell Live Stock
mpany, Hardin & Campbell, Patrick
others, Conrad and Company, Ferguson
others, Cross & Dunnick and a few others.
winter set in early spring opened early
). Crops were put in and a big harvest
urned, settlers came in thick and fast and
the first of December, 1883, nearly every
in town was occupied by some one with
|ry conceivable kind of a lodging place.
I. H. Conrad & Company had built a large
ire in the spring and had filled it with a
>ck of general merchandise. I had also
ilt quite a large building (now occupied
the First National Bank) and filled it with
ods. The school district had built a $1,-
).UU school house and other buildings such
hotels, livery barns, saloons, blacksmith
:>ps and dwelling houses showed the pros-
rity of the town. We had built a bridge
-oss Big Goose and settlers still continued
come, ditches were being taken out of the
feral streams and the soil responded boun-
Lilly to the industry of the pioneer settler,
le first marriage took place in Sheridan
s summer, the bride was a Miss Cole, and
rather funny or to them serious mishap
break occurred right here, as I was a
tary public the groom (being ignorant of
i duties of that officer) took for granted
it I could perform the marriage ceremony
well as to administer oaths, etc., supper
is ready and everything else including the
ide. When the groom came over to in-
m me that my presence was needed in an
icial capacity to solemnize the marriage
es but I (Oh how I hated to do it) had
inform him that the law did not permit
\ to perform that pleasing ceremony, and
it he would have to look elsewhere, with
le western grit he saddled up a bronc,
irted out on a 12 mile trip to the home of
der Benton above Big Horn, arrived back
2 a. m., found the bride and supper still
liting and was soon joined in the bonds
matrimony by the Flder in true orthodox
,-le. In the fall and winter of 1883 we
aught ourselves of enough importance to
rorporate. So R. M. Cotton, an attorney
)m Colorado, who had opened up an office
Sheridan and myself drew up the neces-
ry bill which passed the Legislature in Jan.,
k We held our first election on the 2nd
lesday in March, when the following offi-
rs were elected. Mayor, J. D. Loucks,
ustees. M. C. Harris. Robert J. Mills and
ios. M. Cotton. Thus we became an in-
rporated town in the midst of a prosperous
mmunity. To show the peaceable char-
ter and disposition of the early settlers I
will mention this incident. In the fall of '84
we elected George Brundage, Justice of the
Peace and during the two years he served
he had but one case before him which took
place in this primitive style, the constable
arrested a man for some offense and started
with him for the home of Mr. Brundage,
which was then too high to cross, so stand-
ing on the bank with the prisoner, he yelled
over to Mr. Brundage, who was working in
sight. He came to the bank and wanted to
know what was wanted, the constable told
him who he had, the nature of the crime,
etc., the justice then asked the prisoner if the
charge was true, to which he answered yes.
"Men the verdict of this court is that you
pay in the hands of the constable five dollars,
and when it is paid you are at liberty," the
prisoner paid the fine, started up the creek,
the constable back to town and the Justice
to his work.
During all this time there had not been
a single sermon of any kind preached here,
although a Sunday school had been success-
fully carried on. In the spring of '84 there
got off the stage one morning quite a young
man by the name of Probert right from
Wales, England, who said that he had been
sent to Sheridan by the Congregational Mis-
sion Society, and on the following Sunday
he preached the first sermon in Sheridan.
He stayed one year and was then transferred
to Africa. Rev. Jennings took his place and
remained two years. In the summer of '87
Rev. Rader, superintendent of Wyoming of
the M. E. Church arrived and organized the
Methodist Church. Rev. Vosselter the first
M. E. minister. Then came Rev. T. T. Howd
and organized the Baptist Church. The firsT
newspaper, "The Sheridan Post," put out its
first edition in May, 1887, J. D. Loucks and
Thomas M. Cotton publishers. Thos. M.
Cotton editor. In the fall T. T. Tynan &
Fay Sommers launched forth the Enterprise.
At the election in the fall of 1886 the Re-
publicans put forth their first party ticket
with J. D. Loucks at the head for Council-
man, who was elected as was the bigger part
of the ticket. During the year of '87 we of
the northern part of Johnson County, not
liking the treatment we were receiving at
the hands of the southern part concluded we
would be better off if we had a county of
our own. With this feeling and wish of the
northern part, in conjunction with Mr. Guern-
sey of Lusk we introduced in the Council
of the Legislature of 1888 a bill creating
four new counties. I was chairman of the
committee on Counties in the Council, took
the bill up promptly and had it passed 11 to
1. But in the house it met opposition and
was amended to three counties. A confer-
ence committee was then appointed and the
council agreed to the amendment, but before
it was completed in the house, some one stole
the bill in the evening of the last day of the
session, and as there was only one more bill
to pass, the appropriation bill, it looked as
if that was the end of the three new counties.
Nothing daunted, we called our forces to-
gether, engaged four good clerks, and while
the house was putting the finishing touches
to the appropriation bill, we drew up another
County Bill. I had anticipated some trouble
of some kind, so had the engrossing clerk
to make me a copy of our part of the bill,
the part pertaining to Sheridan County, some
few days previous, so I could be prepared for
any emergency and could tack it on some
other bill, and in order to gain time, when
the appropriation bill was brought in the
council. I moved that it be sent back for
(some imaginary) correction, and it was so
done and as it was nearing the hour of mid-
night I, the President, asked to have the Ser-
geant at Arms to stop the clock which was
done at 11:45, we then voted to have lunch
and by 1 A. M. the clerks had the county
bill prepared, was then called to order, the
appropriation bill was then read the first
time, referred to proper committee, reported
favorable, read the second time before the
committee of the whole, when I moved to
amend by annexing the county bill which
was done and passed the council at about 4
a. m., then sent to the house for concurrence,
passed and sent to Governor Moonlight by
5 a. m. when he vetoed the whole thing, and
the funny part of it was, he dated his veto
the day before, as he had been up all night
signing bills and sending to the council for
concurrence, appointment to office, he had
forgotten another day had commenced. When
Johnson County brought suit to enjoin Sheri-
dan County from organizing on the account
of the illegality of the act as they claimed
it was passed the day after the date fixed by
law for the legislature to have adjourned this
was the important factor in our favor.
The bill was returned to the council by
6 a. m., passed over the veto by both houses,
sent to the secretary of the Territory and
returned to the council with his certificate
of filing by 8 a. m. when we adjourned sine
die. Hon. J. A. Riner President of the coun-
cil. I immediately wired to Sheridan via
Fort McKinney the results when they im-
mediately started for Cheyenne the necessary
petition, which the Governor refused to rec-
ognize, because he said the bill said a peti-
tion and this was in two sections.
So the work had to be done over again
which was accomplished in a few days, and
upon this petition the Governor appointed
the required commissioners to organize the
new county of Sheridan. Said Commission-
ers M. C. Harris of Sheridan. W. E. Jackson
of Big Horn, Henry Baker of Dayton, who
called an election, and some time in May,
1888, the county was fully organized bjr elect-
ing the regular officers and swearing them
in office.
Sheridan was chosen County Seat, and thus
out of difficulty the northern star of Wyo-
ming arose and blazed forth never to set,
and may its light never be dimmed by in-
famy or dishonesty.
Rawlins, Wyominj
May 21st, '91
Col. Coutant,
Dear Sir: —
Mr. Tom Sun tells me that in 1880 Williai
Daley and others selected a route from Rav
lins to Lander. They were accompanied *
guards by some soldiers, one of whom wai
dered away from camp on what is now Lo.1
Soldier Creek and losing himself wandere
east to Tom Sun's ranch. The latch stria
was out but the soldier removed two pane
of glass and unbuttoned the hinged sash, ej
tering the cabin in this way found victual
to satisfy his hunger and a place to sleei
From this came the name Lost Soldier. Tor
Sun says a man who has not sense enoug
to go into a man's home by the door when
was left open would get lost anywhere,
see Jim Baker died last Tuesday, the 17tl
81 years old. This makes Washakie 84 year
old. Best regards and best wishes frol
Dr. Grace R. Hebard has brought ou
eight counties of her Place Names Series
The}' have been published in the newspaper
of the counties she writes about. She is alsi
working on her Biography of "Sacajawea."
"The Bullwhacker," by Win. F. Hookei
is just from the press. Turning the pages a
random the eye catches the familiar name
"Tim Dyer's Tin Restaurant," Cheyenm
Trail, Fort Fetterman, La Bonte Creek
John Hunton, Charley Clay. Ben Nash —
but why go on — the book is replete witl
Frontier History. The Wyoming State His
torical Department has purchased one copy
"Uinta County, Its Place in History," i:
the title chosen by Elizabeth Arnold Stom
for her history which is now on the press.
Mrs. Stone has traveled extensively al
supplemented her college training with til
years in Europe. She was a member of th<
first faculty of the University of Wyoming
where she taught French and German. Shi
has inherited literary talent, has published «
small volume of verse, and is a frequent con-
tributor to newspapers and periodicals. She
was born in Ohio, but has lived in Wyominj
most of her life, and in the county of which
she writes since the year 1875. In scope her
book covers the natural wonders and beau-
ties of the region, early discoveries and his-
tory, and the development of this importaia
original county into the divisions of Tetoa
Sublette, Lincoln and Uinta Counties, as well
as the Yellowstone National Park. The book
will be well illustrated and will carry maps.
It will be of such value as source material
that it should be in every library in the state.
It will be on the market the middle of No-
vember. Published by The Laramie Print-
ing Company. Price, regular cloth bound
copies, $3.5(i. Special Autograph Edition
bound in pantasote and limited to 200 num-
bered volumes, $5.00.
July 1, 1924— October 1, 1924
All accessions are gifts, unless otherwise stated
uford, Miss Picture of "Calamity Jane."
askell, P. L Powder horn.
Buckshot mold.
Caps of muzzle loading gun.
allagher, Mr Two pictures of "Hell's Half Acre."
Fragments from bottom of "Hell's Half Acre."
Btts, Mr. A. E Old gun.
Stage coach whip (Black Hills route).
Mounted eagle.
A. T. Douglas, spurs.
ebard, Dr. G. R Campaign 1899 Statehood badge.
Statehood celebration badge.
Frontier badge.
ickey Mr. Samuel Sash and medallion for Grand Marshall Staff, McKinley,
turgis, Mr. Wm Six maps.
G. B. Goodell chaps, 1873.
Muzzle loading fowling piece.
Powder horn.
Shot pouch.
Civil war rifle.
Haversack, 1863.
Model hay rick, Sturgis.
Badge, Governor Warren's Inauguration 1899.
Card to Inaugural Ball, April 9, 1889.
asper Chamber of Commerce Picture of "Unthank" grave (1850) on Oregon Trdil.
ifsTS'rown and Bill Hooker.. Piece of post planted by the Gordon party December, 1874.
Isey, Mrs. Henrietta Piece of head-light from ship sunk at Battle of Manila.
Historical Library
Original Manuscripts —
m. Thomas Maghee.
[r. Fin Burnett.
[r. Ed. Farlow.
[rs. Jennie Boland.
Ir. T. J. Bryant,
[ajor A. B. Ostrander.
t. Rev. Patrick McGovern.
[r. T. S. Garrett.
[rs. Leisberg.
[rs. Charles E. Ellis.
Ir. Chester Baldwin Lander records.
V. C. B. Stafford "Unthank" correspondence.
rs. J. C. Coble Copies of manuscripts, letters and five copies "Tom Horn"
heyenne Chamber of Com-
merce Letter.
rs. Nannie Steele Original legal document.
r. Wm. Sturgis Original legal documents.
24 newspapers.
Cheyenne Club Year Book, Vol. 1, Nos. 6 and 9.
' A collection of pamphlets, receipts, etc., total 190.
Bss Burrill- Manual of General Court of Massachusetts. State House,
dwin M. Smith..: Bound newspaper. "The Cottontail," edited and published
bv Edwin M. Smith (12 years old).
illette Woman's Club Year Book for 1924-25.
urchased by the Wyoming
Historical Department Two copies "Seventy i'ears on the Frontier," by Majors
(Paper). One copy "The Bullwhacker," by William
F. Hooker.
Newspaper clippings and magazine arti:les containing Wyoming history have been
mtributed by Mrs. J. C. Coble, Mrs. A. H. Beach, Mr. R. S. Ellison, Mr. Burke Sinclair,
r. C. B. Stafford, Mr. Greenburg and Colonel Stokes.
War History
rs. H. B. Henderson Historical Records of World War Soldiers, Series of month-
ly bulletins issued by Department of A. L. A., collec-
tion of newspaper clippings, correspondence, annual
reports and programs by counties,
rs. J. C. VanDyke Letter.
Vol. 2
Cheyenne, January 15, 1925
No. 3
The history of the settlement of Wyo-
ming begins with those venturesome ex-
plorers who were in search of furs to supply
the urgent demand in European capitals.
While they seldom settled permanently in
one place, they nevertheless paved the way
for the march of civilization that followed
in their wake. As fur-bearing animals de-
creased in numbers it became ever more
important that new sources of fur supply
be discovered. In the search for new trap-
ping fields first came Sieur de la Verendrye
ind his three sons, assisted by Pierre Gau-
thier de Varennes, pushing out from the
head waters of the Missouri in search of a
gateway through the mountains. (1)
Perhaps it was fortunate that De la Ver-
aadrye failed in his object and returned
lome after eleven years without discovering
i way across the mountains. Before France
jpuld make another attempt the Seven Years
War with England left the trading posts in
the hands of the English, who left exploring
altogether to the fur companies. Following
:he American Revolution the posts became
possessions of the United States and in 1804
the government sent out Lewis and Clark
to explore the country to the Northwest,
including that which lay in the new Louisi-
ana Purchase from France. (2)
Lewis and Clark encountered trappers of
the Missouri Fur Company from the south
ind of the Hudson Bay Company from the
north but at no time did the expedition
travel over any of the country now occupied
}y Wyoming though they came within fifty-
Six miles of the northwest corner of the state
ind heard of the wonders of the Yellowstone
Park. They opened a new country and
jlazed a path for western progress and it is
due to this step in the march of civilization
that we find in Wyoming a lake named for
Lewis and a town and stream named for
Clark. From this time on there is more or
less authentic information as to the settlers
ind traders of Wyoming. There are many
unsubstantiated reports of the expeditions
made into the state across the southern bor-
der by early Spaniards but there are no
written records of these explorers. Probably
the country was visited by daring adven-
turers before the time of Lewis and Clark
but history has not yet proved how they
came nor when they left. (3)
There is a record of a body of twenty
trappers under the leadership of Ezekial Wil-
liams who came into the region now known
as Wyoming but they accomplished nothing
of importance in producing furs because they
(Copy rig
were not used to fighting their way through
a hostile country. They encountered some
friendly Crow Indians who treated them so
royally that one of their number, an Edward
Rose, decided to remain with the tribe. He
afterwards became a chief and is known in
history as the first American to take up a
permanent residence in the Big Horn coun-
try and as near as can be determined was
the first permanent American resident in
Wyoming. (4)
Among the early trail breakers in this un-
traveled country were Wilson Price Hunt
and Robert Stuart. In 1810, Hunt, as a
member of Astor's Pacific Fur Company
started westward on his way to the Pacific
coast intending to develop a fur trade in the
Rocky mountain country. Because of Indian
hostility he had to go far to the south of
the Lewis and Clark road and in so doing
established the first trail across the state.
This trail, though not the easy road across
the mountains, opened the way for the great
American fur trade. The soldier followed
and stilled the country to the point where
permanent settlement took place. (5)
The following year, a return party under
Robert Stuart started to St. Louis from Fort
Astor, Oregon. Upon reaching the western
boundary of Wyoming a well beaten Indian
path was found leading to the southeast. The
trail was not difficult to follow and the party
headed toward the rift in the mountains later
known as South Pass. The exact place of
crossing the mountains is not known but they
went as far south as the trail which soon
became famous as the Oregon Trail. They
reached the mouth of Poison Spider creek
where it empties into the North Platte some-
what southwest of the present city of Casper.
Here an early snow storm overtook them
and they went into winter camp. They in-
tended to stay until spring and built a warm
log cabin, the first building to be erected in
Wyoming by known white men. They were
soon discovered by Indians and fearing an
attack they moved on down the Platte and
reached St. Louis in the spring of 1813. (6)
It should be remembered that Stuart led
his men through a wilderness during the most
severe season of the year. His was the first
party of Americans to traverse the valley of
the Sweetwater and some authors think it a
great oversight that the stream does not bear
the name of Stuart. The wanderings and
explorations of these men are closely asso-
ciated with the settlement of Wyoming. The
first explorers of the North Platte had opened
a way which led to the settling of Oregon
and California and eventually to the scttle-
ht 192S)
Published by the Wyoming State Historical
State Historical Board
Governor — Mrs. William B. Ross.
Secretary of State — F. E. Lucas
State Librarian— Flo La Chapelle
State Historian — Mrs. Cyrus Beard
Secretary of the Board
Advisory Board
Rt. Rev. P. A. McGovern, Cheyenne
Dr. Grace R. Hebard, Laramie
Mr. P. W. Jenkins, Cora
Mrs. Willis M. Spear, Sheridan
Mr. R. D. Hawley, Douglas
Miss Margery Ross, Cody
Mrs. E. T. Raymond, Newcastle
Mr. E. H. Fourt, Lander
The Fur Traders Owen
St. Peter's Church (Sheridan) Bell
Notes - - ..Surveyor General
Ames Monument - Coutant
Wm. Trufant Coutant
James Talbot Coutant
The Natural Fort Coutant
Letters - Coutant
Told at the Camp Fire Ordway
Necrology - Historian
Accessions Historian
ment of Wyoming though the latter did not
take place on a very large scale till nearly
a century later. (7)
After the trail through the mountains had
made new trapping fields available men be-
came interested in gathering furs. St. Louis
as the frontier town on the border of civiliza-
tion became the chief outfitting post of the
fur trade. Men with small capital as well
as large organizations like Astor's made ex-
cursions into the new west and pursued the
perilous task of fur trapping. (8)
The most important of these fur trading
expeditions that concerns this state was the
one made by Wm. Ashley of St. Louis, who
saw an opportunity to enter the fur business
while the Missouri Fur Co. under Manuel
Lisa and the Hudson Bay Co. were compet-
ing against each other. Ashley's plan was
to make friends with the Indians and employ
them to trap in his service. In 1822, he
started with a small company of men for the
mountains. He established a post on the
Yellowstone as a base for operations and cov-
ered the country far to the southward in a
region not yet touched by the great fur com-
panies. Following up the Big Horn as far
as the Wind River Valley, he trapped on the
Big and Little Wind rivers, Big Popo Agie,
Little Popo Agie, North Fork and Beaver
creek. He returned to St. Louis for the win-
ter and came back the next spring with a
much larger force. (9)
Ashley found the business so profitable in
the Sweetwater country that he sent back
for men to join him. Meanwhile he reached
the Spanish river, the name of which he
changed to Green river in honor of one of
his St. Louis partners. Along the Green
river they found beavers so tame that they
could shoot them with a rifle. On one of
the tributaries they saw many horses grazing
in the meadows and for this reason named
the stream Horse creek. (10)
Among other members of Ashley's organ-
ization were Andrew Henry, Jediah S. Smith,
Wm. Sublette, Milton Sublette, David E.
Jackson, Robert Campbell, James Bridger,
Etienne Provost, Fitzpatrick and many men
whose names became famous in the history
of the west. One of these men led a party
through a rift in the mountains later known
as South Pass. Although easy of passage,
its ascent and descent being so gradual as to
be hardly perceptible, the significance of this
gateway on a road to the west was one of
vital importance because it unlocked the
mountains that had been an arresting barrier
until that time. From South Pass the little
band journeyed down the Big Sandy to its
junction with the Green river, a site that was
soon to become famous as the Green river
rendezvous. (11)
General Ashley completely revolutionized
the methods of trapping. Before his time the
trappers had journeyed in canoes and the
trapping fields lay along streams that could
carry furs by boat to St. Louis. Ashley had
to mount his men on horseback and he se-
lected only good riders and expert rifle shots.
"These trappers soon became as expert in
horsemanship as the redman, and being bet-
ter armed, could outfight the Indian, yet in
spite of the advantage the Indian found
means to wage a war almost to extermina-
tion on the trappers. The savage learned
to know the routes as well as the resorts
of the white man on horseback and they
made war by waylaying them on their jour-
ney. They hovered about their camps and
made life with them a perpetual warfare. This,
in time resulted in greatly decimating the
ranks of the trappers." It is thought that
three-fifths of the trappers in Wyoming were
killed by Indians, and the most of them were
cut off while examining their traps. Yet the
fascination of the mountain life kept the
ranks recruited until the streams were de-
pleted of fur bearing animals. (12)
In 1826, Ashley sold out his interests in
the fur business to Captain Sublette who was
head of an organization soon to become
known as the Rocky Mountain Fur Co. Un-
der this new organization the fur business
continued to grow by leaps and bounds and
the following year four hundred trappers had
entered Wyoming to gather furs. Their sup-
plies were hauled in by wagon and distribut-
ed at the rendezvous which took place every
summer. These wagons were drawn by
mules and the load for each vehicle was 1,800
pounds. These were the first wagons brought
into Wyoming and they followed the North
Platte and the Sweetwater but did not cross
the continental divide. The Indians looked
upon this wagon train as quite beyond their
comprehension and feared they would even-
tually be forced to vacate. The Blackfeet,
Sioux and Cheyennes became less friendly
and Sublette was forced to unite for protec-
tion with the American Fur Co. whose activi-
ties had brought them into the field. These
two companies were united only for their
ow n safety and the}'' competed against each
other for furs. ( 13)
The Rockv Mountain fur trappers obtained
$175,000 worth of furs in one year, 1832. A
large part of them was taken from the coun-
try now known as Wyoming but the fur
business was on the decline. It was now-
realized that the immense fortunes of the
business were a thing of the past. The Rocky
Mountain Fur Co. sold out to their old rivals
and the trapping henceforth was carried on
by the American Fur Co. and a few free
trappers. (14)
To the trappers belong the credit of hav-
ing first made homes in Wyoming. Many
of the men who came out with Ashley, Sub-
lette and later under Bonneville conceived the
ifrtafof making the mountains their abiding
place. These pioneers first broke the way
through a wilderness where everything was
against them. They traveled desolate moun-
tains and barren prairies that showed no
signs of habitation except that of the savages.
They beheld ranges of mountains in front of
them but knew nothing of their defiles or
how to cross them. Those who settled down
to make homes in the wilderness far from
civilization were the brave and adventurous
ones. Many of them took Indian wives
which protected them from that particular
tribe to which their wives belonged. For
the must part they lived honorably with their
native women. The surroundings prohibited
any chance of education but education was
not the common thing even in the states. (15)
Following in the tracks of the fur traders
came other persons into the west. Captain
Bonneville had long been fascinated by the
work of fur trapping and decided to visit the
new regions with the double purpose of gath-
ering furs and of mapping the country
through which he went. On May 1, 1832,
he started from Fort Osage on the Missouri
and led a band of 110 experienced hunters
and trappers into the region now known as
Wyoming. Because the fur business was on
the wane and because the American Fur Co.
was too powerful and experienced an organ-
ization to compete with, he did not make any
money from furs. He gained much informa-
tion, augmenting our store of geographical
knowledge that in the end helped to push
settlement further westward. The data he
collected is considered fairly accurate for the
means employed in those days; his maps
were the first to give even the roughest ap-
j proximation of the principal geographical
| features of this region. (16)
Bonneville proved that a wagon train could
reach to the crest of the Rockies and started
a procession of settlement wagons into the
west. The fort he built in Wyoming, Fort
Nonsense, was not a permanent settlement
but it proved a guide beacon for other ad-
venturers, some of whom tarried by the way
and became the markers of the Oregon
Trail. (17)
In 1843, John Fremont, a man whose past
training particularly adapted him for the job
of exploring the west, set out westward to
prepare maps for the government. Five
times he made a journey into the new coun-
try and came back with much needed infor-
mation. He possessed the genius of an ex-
plorer and gave to the world a comprehensive
knowledge of things as they were at that
time. By means of his written reports,
which were published by the government,
the masses of the people were greatly inter-
ested by the messages, the cloud of mystery
which had covered mountain and plain of
Wyoming was cleared away and the locality
was given its proper place on the map of the
west. As a direct result of these printed
pamphlets which the government distributed,
many immigrants sought homes near and be-
yond the Rockies. Into the hands of Brig-
ham Young came this information which was
largely responsible for his consequent selec-
tion of Utah for a home for his adherents.
These followers soon spread back into west-
ern Wyoming and a settlement was begun
in the neighborhood of Fort Bridger. (18)
Ashley had made a fortune on the head-
waters of the Platte river and those streams
just beyond. The American Fur Co. then
drew the attention of eastern adventurers
who started westward. Bonneville, following
along the Platte with his creeking wagons,
helped to cut a deeper print in the road that
the sands could not soon efface. The numer-
ous passages including those made by the
missionaries and by Fremont, plainly marked
a highway between east and west. When
Santa Anna prohibited commercial relations
with our country and the Mexican govern-
ment became very hostile, the Santa Fe road
could no longer serve its purpose. The north-
ern trail became a necessity. By the middle
of the century so many people had travelled
the trail that the Indians called it "The Great
Medicine Road of the Whites." Because it
was the most direct way to Oregon the road
is usually called the Oregon Trail. (19)
Since the trail was a long one and tra-
versed a barren country for great distances
it was essential that posts be established at
certain intervals along the way as had been
recommended by Whitman, the missionary,
and by Fremont, the soldier. Already there
had grown up an old fur trading post at Fort
Laramie and this old fort eventually became
the most famous fort in the history of Wyo-
ming settlement. Long before the white men
had attempted colonization in this locality the
whole section was a grand hunting ground
for several tribes of Indians. In the year,
1834, two men, Wm, Sublette and Robert
Campbell, trapping in that locality, found it
necessary to build some kind of protection
against roaming bands of vagabond Indians
that stole everything in sight along the Platte
river. They therefore erected in that year
upon the site of Fort Laramie a square stock-
ade, fifteen feet high with a number of small
houses inside for themselves and employees.
In 1835 these two men sold out to Milton
Sublette, James Bridger and three other trap-
pers who a short time afterwards went into
partnership with the American Fur Co. (20)
The American Fur Co., in 1832, in order to
extend their business and make it as profit-
aide as possible decided to organize the In-
dians to work for furs and chose the fort for
a central post. They accordingly sent Kep-
lin and Sabille to Bear Butte and the Black
Hills of Dakota to persuade the Sioux In-
dians to come over and hunt their game and
live in the vicinity of the fort. The am-
bassadors returned with one hundred lodges
of the Ogallala Sioux under the Chief, Bull
Bear. This was the first appearance of the
Sioux nation in that portion of the country.
These Indians were well impressed with the
hunting ground and sent back for more of
their tribe. After becoming established near
Fort Laramie they expanded northwest into
that fertile hunting ground in northern Wyo-
ming and into the Big Horn Basin. They
soon overran the country and drove away
the Cheyennes, Pawnees and Crows and later
were the most hostile Indians with whom the
soldiers had to deal. (2D
The people who lived inside the fort called
it Fort John but the name was never popular.
The original fort began to rot in 1836 and
the American Fur Co. reconstructed it at a
cost of ten thousand dollars. The descrip-
tions of the old fort are based on the recon-
structed buildings made by the Fur Co. In
many ways it was similar to the old English
medieval castles, being built for defense as
well as for a store house. It was a quad-
rangular structure of large, heavy, sundried
bricks or adobes built after the fashion of
the Mexicans. The walls, about fifteen feet
high, were surmounted by a wooden palisade
forming portions of outer walls of houses
which faced and entriely surrounded a yard
one hundred and fifty feet square. The doors
and windows of each apartment opened on
the inside. Directly opposite each other and
midway of the wall were two entrances, one
of which was a large public entrance; the
other a smaller and more private one, a sort
of postern gate. Over the great entrance
was a square tower with loop holes built of
adobe. At two corners directly opposite each
other were built large square bastions so
arranged that riflemen inside could cover the
four walls of the enclosure. (2)
In 1849 the American Fur Co. sold this
old fort to the government for $5,000. After
this there was a garrison continually at the
fort for the Indian danger was drawing ever
nearer and the government wished to protect
the emigrants along the Oregon Trail. Soon
a large number of additions were made to
the buildings of the post. One was a two
story structure known as "Bedlam," con-
structed in the early days for officers' quar-
ters. It cost the government the very neat
sum of $60,000. Every stick of timber in it
was hauled by wagon from Fort Leaven-
worth, Kansas, a distance of eight hundred
miles. (23)
The second permanent settlement made in
Wyoming was at Fort Bridger where a fur
trading post had been established by James
Bridger in 1842. Colonel Brackett writes of
this old fort as follows: "Here the old moun-
taineer lived in a sort of barbaric pomp, sur-
rounded by the dusky children of the moun-
tains, owning considerable flocks and herds,
and being in fact a frontier baron. Here he
lived until long after the advent of the Mor-
mons and in 1854 sold his Mexican grant of
thirty miles of land including cabins to them
for $8,000. The deeds of this property are
now in the possession of the dignitaries at
Salt Lake City." The Mormons then made
improvements to the sum of another $8,000
and made it the county seat of Green River
Utah of which it was then a part. When
Colonel Albert Sidney Johnston arrived in
1857 to invade Salt Lake Valley the Mormons
destroyed the fort as they retreated before
him. In 1858 the fort was rebuilt, this time
made of logs and neatly whitewashed. It was
near Fort Bridger that Uncle Jack Robinson
resided; it was he who rendered such assist-
ance to the emigrants on the way to Califor-
nia, helping them to repair their worn equip-
ment. He was a personal friend of Bridget"
and is known in Wyoming history as the
oldest settler in the territory, having lived
there since 1832. (24)
The history of Fort Laramie and Fort
Bridger deals with the first permanent colon-
ization in the country now known as Wyo-
ming. Stuart had built a cabin for protec-
tion from the winter, years before, but had
immediately passed on. Many fur traders
spent a large part of their lives in the coun-
try and a few took up their permanent abode
with the Indians but these two forts were
land-marks on the old Oregon Trail and play
an important part in the development of the
west for they remained as guarding posts fori
the emigrants along the road, the only means
of armed protection within many miles. (25)
It may be wondered why Wyoming so long
remained a wilderness while the road of emi-
gration led directly through the region. The
few who idled along the way did not greatly
add to the population. It will be noticed
that the easy way across the mountains was
the most desolate part of the west but had!
nature made the region a little further north
easy of access, Wyoming would have proved
worthy of attention long before it did. (26)
The Indian liked the country north of the;
Oregon Trail and for it was willing to sacri-
fice anything. The discovery of gold in Mon-
tana was the cause of a big movement in that
direction and by 1865 the population had
reached 120,000. This large number of peo-
ple had to be furnished with supplies from
outside the territory and the Bozeman Trail
marked the quickest way to get there. But
the magnitude of the caravans crossing Wyo-
ming enraged the Indians to hostile activity,
for penetration of their land meant destruc-
tion of the wild game and control by the
whites. (27)
Without getting the Indians' consent to
cross the territory, the United States govern-
ment proceeded to establish three forts along!
the Bozeman road. While Fort Reno was
being enlarged. Red Cloud gave notice that
any one would be killed who went further
north, as building of forts in the Powder
River country was in violation of an agree-
ment existing between the government and
the Indians. However, the army went on
and built an unusually line post, Fort Phil
Kearney, on the Piney, northwest of Buf-
falo, in Johnson county. From the time of
the first survey of the land, the fortification
was in a constant state of siege, the Indians
looking upon the structure as a sign of usur-
pation. The Fetterman massacre followed
and the government awoke to the fact that
the army was fighting a brave and desperate
enemy, formidable beyond numbers, who was
trying to outdo by cunning all the advantages
the white man possessed by intelligence and
better arms. (28)
The treaty of Fort Laramie followed
wherein the United States government agreed
to withdraw from the three forts along the
Bozeman road and set apart the great Sioux
reservation of 22,000,000 acres. The govern-
ment agreed that the country north of the
North Platte and east of the summits of the
Big Horns should be unceeded territory and
that no white person should be allowed to
settle without the consent of the Indians. (29)
The Indians were the main cause of the
tartly development of that part of Wyoming
lying north of the North Platte river. For
years after the Fetterman massacre the emi-
grants sought a more safe route to Montana,
though it was a much longer road. After
the summer of 1868 there was no travel over
the Bozeman trail between the Platte and
the Big Horn river until Crook's expedition
in 1876, except by one or two small mining
expeditions going to and from the Black
Hills in Montana. From 1868 to 1876, no
traffic was carried on north of the Platte.
By the treaty no white man was allowed to
enter the territory north of the river. (30)
Neither the Indians nor the white men rig-
idly enforced the terms of the treaty. The
red man instead of sticking to the reserva-
tion meandered at will to the south, stealing
the white man's cattle and milch cows. By
1874 seekers of gold and a home pushed out
into the forbidden country and started that
larger movement which resulted in Custer's
last battle. (31)
Thus we see certain forces at work which
led to the beginning of settlement in Wyo-
ming. After the map-makers had advertised
the country, the Oregon trail brought the
emigrants who mostly passed on through the
state but it also brought the army forts
which became the first permanent settle-
ments. The first settlement was at -the east-
ern end of the territory and the second one
at the opposite end with practically none in
between. Dry farming was not then de-
veloped to the point where crops could be
raised on fifteen inches of rainfall and irriga-
tion had not developed extensively. The
country around the Bozeman road was adapt-
ed to settlement but the Indian's hold on the
region could not be broken and Wyoming
had to wait several decades before the vast
resources could be brought to the attention
of the public. (32)
( 1 ) Coutant, History of Wyoming, Vol.
I, pages 35 and 36.
(2) Ibid., page 40. See also Bancroft,
History of Wyoming, page 678.
(3) G. A. Dorsey, An Aboriginal Quartz-
ite Quarry in Eastern Wyoming. Anthro-
pological series, Publication 51, Vol. II, No.
4, page 237.
(4) Coutant, History of Wyoming, Vol.
I, pages 70-72.
(5) Hebard, Marking the Oregon Trail;
page 6; a pamphlet in Archives. Hebard,
History of Wyoming, page 36.
6) Ibid., page 7; Oregon Trail.
(7) Coutant, History of Wyoming, Vol.
I, page 118.
(8) Ibid., page 119.
(9) Col. A. G. Brackett, First Settle-
ments; found in Wyoming Historical Col-
lections of 1897, page 65.
(10) Coutant, Historv of Wyoming, Vol.
I, page 123-124.
(11) A. G. Brackett, First Settlements;
found in Wvoming Historical Collections of
1897, page 66.
(12) Coutant, History of Wyoming, Vol.
I, page 128.
(13) Ibid., page 130-132. See also A. G.
Brackett, First Settlements; found in Wvo-
ming Historical Collections of 1897, page 26.
(14) Ibid., page 147.
(15) Ibid., page 188. See also Irving,
Bonneville, page 34.
(16) A. C. Veatch, Coal and Oil; found
in U. S. Geol. Survey, Professional paper
No. 56, page 9; a booklet. See also Coutant,
Vol. I, page 153.
(17) Brackett, First Settlements; found
in Historical Collections of 1897, page 67.
See also Hebard, Oregon Trail, page 23;
(18) Hebard. Marking the Oregon Trail,
page 5; a pamphlet issued by the D. A. R.
See also Hebard and Brininstool, The Boze-
man Trail, Vol. I, page 43, 44.
(19) Hebard and Brininstool, The Boze-
man Trail, Vol. I, page 33.
(20) W. H. Powell, Fort Laramie; found
in Wyoming Historical Collections of 1897,
page 176.
(21) Ibid., page 177.
{22) A. G. Brackett, Fort Laramie; found
in Wyoming Historical Collections of 1897,
page 67.
(23) W H. Powell, Fort Laramie; found
in Wyoming Historical Collections of 1897,
page 177.
(24) Brackett, First Settlements; found
in Wyo. Hist. Coll. of 1897, page 68.
(25) Ibid., page 68. 69.
(26) Parrish, The Great Plains, page 299.
(27) Hebard and Brinistool, The Boze-
man Trail, Vol. I, page 220. See also Bart-
lett, History of Wyoming, Vol. I, page 282.
(28) Hebard, Marking the Bozeman
Trail, pages 39 and 40; a pamphlet in ar-
chives, Wyoming Material, Vol. III.
(29) Doane Robinson, History of the
Sioux Indians; found in Dept. of Hist., Coll.
of South Dakota, Vol. II, pages 386 and 387.
(30) John Huntoom a letter dated Aug.
5, 1920; in Hebard and Brininstool, The
Bozeman Trail, Vol. II, page 258.
(31) Thayer, Governor's Message to
Fourth Legislative Assembly, 1875, page 22.
(32) Hebard, Marking the Bozeman Trail,
page 39. Brackett, First Settlements; found
in Wvo. Hist., Coll. of 1897, page 72.
Rev. A. W. Bell, Rector
The first service of the Episcopal Church
was held in Sheridan by the Rev. John E.
Sulger, then archdeacon of Wyoming and
Idaho, on April 22nd, 1891. After several
visits of the Right Rev. Ethelbert Talbot,
D. D., Bishop of Wyoming and Idaho, and
Archdeacon Sulger, lots were bought on
Loucks street and the present building began.
The money was collected by Rev. John Sul-
ger with the following gentlemen as an ad-
visory committee who helped him in every
way. Messrs. Horace Alger, M. A. Upton,
and George L. Smith. The foundation stone
was laid by Bishop Talbot in 1894, before the
building was completed the Rev. Arnold Lut-
ton was appointed by the Bishop as mis-
sionary in charge. He remained till 1896
when he was succeeded by Rev. Thos. H.
Johnston. At the beginning of 1898 the Gen-
eral convention of the Episcopal Church, al-
tered the boundaries of the jurisdiction by
creating a new diocese which included half
the diocese of Wyoming and the whole of the
diocese of the Platte (extending from Sher-
idan, Wyoming, to Kearney, Nebraska) and
placing all under the administration of the
former Bishop of the Platte, the Right Rev.
Anson. R. Graves, D. D., naming this new
jurisdiction, the Diocese of Laramie. Bishop
Talbot was transferred to the east and made
Bishop of Central Pennsylvania, under whom
eventually the Rev. Mr. Johnston got ap-
pointment. The Church remained vacant for
some time, when at the end of April, 1899,
the Rev. A. W. Bell was appointed by Bishop
Graves as priest-in-charge. The church had
been closed for some time, a heavy debt rest-
ed on the building, interest in church affairs
was at a low ebb and a somewhat discourag-
ing outlook confronted him, but by dint of
perseverance and the noble help of the wo-
men of the Ladies Guild, seconded by the
Bishop as well as the men of the Church and
others the debt has been totally wiped out,
almost enough has been raised to entirely
pay for the present part of the neat Rectory
which has been built. A Rector's study has
been built on to the church and paid for.
The children of the Sunday school made a
handsome offering at Easter to entirely pay
for the coat of paint which has lately en-
hanced the beauty of the church building.
The whole of the valuable property has been
surrounded by a neat fence and when the
remainder of the Rectory is built it will be
one of the best in the city.
The spiritual life of the church has been
growing side by side with the material. The
Sunday School has trebled its numbers. Many
members have been added to the church by
On November 12th, 1901, the Rector pre-
sented to the Bishop for confirmation a class
of 1 1 adult candidates, men and women of
high intelligence and respectability. Easter,
1902, Rev. Mr. Bell completes his third year
as Rector of this comparatively new and
growing parish and on that day the small,
remaining debt on the Rectory will be wiped
out. Thus leaving the entire property free
from all incumbrance.
The following records are furnished from
the manuscripts of the Surveyor General's
office by the courtesy of Clyde W. Atherly,
Surveyor General:
Surveyor General's Office,
Cheyenne, Wyoming,
September 29th, 1870.
Major General C. C. Augur,
Commanding Department, Platte,
Omaha, Nebraska.
I have the honor to state that I have con-
tracted with N. P. Cook, Department Sur-
veyor to run a Standard Line from the West-
ern face of the Medicine Bow Mountains,
West to the Western boundary of Wyoming
Territory, near to Evanston. The line com-
mences 12 or 15 miles south of Elk Moun-
tain and will cross the Platte and the moun-
tains south of Rawlins and continue south
of the railroad until it reaches Carter on
Bridger Station.
It is an important line and will serve as
a base for my surveyors along the Union
Pacific Railroad and I wish to finish it this
Mr. Cook is unwilling to enter the field
without military protection — at least as far as
Green River fearing the strolling bands of
Arapahoes which are said to infest the moun-
tains along this line, he prefers infantry and
about 20 men, if it be practicable I hope it
will meet with approbation to furnish this
escort from either Fort Sanders or Fort
I am sir.
Your Obedient Servant,
Survevor General.
Forts 1870
There are seven of these in this Territory:*
Fort Russell, Laramie, Fetterman, Sanders,
Steele, Bridger and Brown, the last being
located near the Sweetwater Mines, for the
better protection of that valuable mining dis-
Fort Laramie was founded by Mr. Robert
Campbell (now Indian Commissioner) and
Mr. Sublette, both of St. Louis, and who
were among the most enterprising fur-traders
of early days.
The Utes on our southern border and the
Shoshones (or Snakes) on our western bor-
der are supposed to be friendly and receive
yearly presents. The Snakes are supposed
to be rightful occupants of the Wind River
Valley, but they are about as unsafe there
as the miners would be; roving bands of
Cheyennes and Arapahoes drive them off and
were the ones who committed the massacre
near the mines early this summer. These
Indians are more warlike and troublesome
than the Sioux but it is hoped the present
policy of the Government may restrain them
better than heretofore.
Red Cloud and his bands claim all North-
east Wyoming — north of the Platte and east
of the Big Horn Rivers. Red Cloud him-
self is believed to desire peace, but some of
his young braves are not easily restrained
and pant for war. The presents handed over
to Red Cloud at this time by Messrs. Camp-
bell and Brunot have pleased them (except
in receiving ammunition) and may keep them
quiet until next spring.
If they obtain a better reservation (say
near the Black Hills of Cheyenne River) and
are allowed traders in whom they have con-
fidence they may possibly be reformed into
peaceable Indians. But the treachery of wild
Indians is almost past finding out and the
pioneers put about same trust in them that
thev do in rattlesnakes.
September 3rd, 1870.
The Department of Immigration has
bfought some of these to Wyoming and they
appear to thrive as well as if indigenous.
They have done their part in opening the
great American thoroughfare to their native
country, and will aid in building many more
railroads in the Rocky Mountain regions.
The Union Pacific Railroad has placed them
along the western divisions to keep up track
repairs and they do the work well.
More will follow in time and relieve other
men, who are needed in the mines and where-
ever else brain has claim over muscle. This
element will continue to come as the demand
requires. It does so in accordance with the
same laws that govern trade, finances and
commerce and should not be recklessly re-
strained. The western part of the continent
cannot do without them, or at least will do
better with them.
Game. Wild Animals
The buffalos are rapidly disappearing in
this territory what remain are principally to
be found in the northern part, along the Pow-
der, Tongue, Big Horn and Yellowstone
The anxiety that Red Cloud and his people
manifested lately at Fort Laramie for am-
munition to kill small game they explained
by affirming that buffalos are becoming quite
scarce in their hunting grounds. Dr. Hay-
dens party found and killed some along the
Sweetwater this summer but they were not
plenty there.
Elk are quite numerous in the northern
part of the Territory but not as plentiful in
the southern part. It is more particularly in
the vicinity of the railroad that scarcity of
game is becoming apparent, which is of
course to be expected. In the remoter parts
of the Territory it is apt to remain plentiful
for many years. In the timber portion of
the mountains bears abound to a consider-
able extent.
Antelopes are abundant; the plains in some
places seem alive with them and they are
frequently seen from the cars in passing
along. Hunters kill them in great numbers,
supplying our markets with a very cheap and
most delicious meat.
Wolves are not as plenty as would be ex-
pected and do not annoy the shepherds to
any great extent.
Beaver and other fur-animals arc quite
plentiful in and about the streams that come
down from the mountains, and considerable
trapping is carried on with good profit to the
You make inquiry in reference to tea and
silk culture. These have not been tried here
but it is probable that the higher altitude
would lie unfavorable for them.
Experiments will be made next season with
the maple, elm, etc., shade trees, also with
grapes, currants and raspberries, blackberries,
etc. Apples can be raised in well protected
localities, though frosts are sometimes heavy
in August as severe as in October and No-
Surveyor General's Office,
Cheyenne, Wyoming,
October 4th, 1870.
Captain Coats,
Fort Sanders,
Wyoming Territory.
Mr. Cook informs me that you have re-
ported to him a reduction of the Ft. Sanders
reservation. General Augur promised me
plat of the late survey but I have received
none. Can you furnish me a copy of the
one lately made? Also please inform me
what reduction has been made in the reserva-
tion and at what point it is made.
Very respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant,
Surveyor General of Wvo. Territory.
General Description:
The initial point for the survey of the
northern boundary of Wyoming Territory
is the Northwest corner of Wyoming as es-
tablished by A. V. Richard, U. S. Surveyor
and Astronomer in the year 1873. The spot
is reasonably well perpetuated from materials
found immediately surrounding the point. It
is in dense fir timber on the northern slope
of a mountain but very near its summit. The
post and its witness correspond with the
description furnished. The boundary line be-
gins in a high mountain region, a portion
of the real Rocky Mountains and continues
in these mountains during the entire distance
surveyed this season, on by over sixty miles.
With the first 10 miles of the line the sur-
veys are almost entirely covered with dense
fir, pine and cedar timber of rather small
size: though in small areas the trees grow
to be seventy or eighty feet high and three
feet in diameter. On the banks of the streams
one finds willows and poplar; but no cotton-
wood. Between the 9th and 14th mile the
line crosses the approaches to and Electric
Peak. It crosses this mountain about one-
eight of a mile south of its extreme highest
point and in the latitude and longitude corre-
sponds tolerably close with those repre-
sented by Dr. Hayden's survey. Between
these mile stations (the 9th and 14th) great
difficulty was experienced in prolonging the
tangent. It is impossible to carry a transit
clear to the divide on the tangent. Having
placed the head flagman on the line east of
us and on the narrow edge of the summit
of the divide we all went around the moun-
tains and then got (in line) on the east side
of Reese's Creek, as nearly as we could by
using the magnetic needle and sighting back
West to the flagman. As soon afterwards
as practicable latitude observations were
made and our exact location was determined.
This was near the 17th mile Station. Elec-
tric Peak was so named on account of the
great amount of minerals on and surround-
ing it. In crossing this barrier our hardships
were peculiarly severe. On the evening of
September 6th, after quitting work on the
line our party started down the mountain to
find camp. We divided into five smaller
companies. The camp was not found until
noon of the next day, all hands having lain
out without shelter or food, since morning
of the 6th. I walked fully 20 miles in trying
to find the pack train, and I think others
traveled as far. We had no guide and the
country was strange to all of us. On the
8th we got on the tangent, on mountains as
above noted. Reese's Creek heads on the
east side of Electric Peak, soon found it im-
possible to chain on the tangent over at the
range just west of Gardiners River. We
traversed around it, getting "into line" by
latitude determinations near the Mammoth
Hot Springs. From the 9th to the 17th
mile stations the country consists of a series
of rocky points and ridges, the entire way.
The valley of Gardiner's River is about two
miles wide on the west side of the river,
but the mountains come clear to the water
on the east side. The walls are nearly per-
pendicular and are some 2000 feet high. Af-
ter getting on top by a triangulation, the line
crosses a table land surface of which is some-
what less rugged, but still more uneven than
a broken or rolling prairie. It is the divide
between the Gardiner's and the Yellowstone
rivers. About the beginning of the 24th mile
the line strikes a steep bluff on the south
side of the Yellowstone river, descending at
the 24th mile corner following near the river
on its southwest side. The descending to the
Yellowstone was an old Indian trail very
stony, steep, dim and dangerous. The cross-
ing causes some solicitude on account of the
huge boulders scattered over the bed of the
river. Altho made with safety by us at this
season of the year (September) the crossing
in high water must be exceedingly perilous
if it can be crossed at all. The lines keeps
in the valley of the Yellowstone for three
or four miles and then begins to gradually
work away from it getting towards the north
and climbing ridge after ridge and cliff after
cliff of the most rugged and difficult breaks
or foot-hills of the mountains, which are still
higher further north. By the time the trail
on Soda Butte Creek, near the smelter was
reached the rocky perpendicular and stony
sided peaks becomes so numerous and close
together on the lines it was found impossi-
ble to chain further any continuous long dis-
tance (one mile or even one-half mile) on
the line. A series of triangles was made
from where connecting with each other close*|
to where we abandoned the survey. The
mile and witness monuments were established
wherever we determine our exact distance onp
the parallel and could reach it with tools..
Most of the worst peaks have been crossed
and from now (60th line) eastward the line
maybe chained most of the way. Although
the last five miles were measured by triangu-
lation almost entirely several corners were
established on the parallel. These triangles
are given in detail in the foregoine notes;
and a diagram showing their continuous con^i
nections also accompanies these notes. The
whole of this distance on the boundary line
(60 miles) is for a great elevation, averaging
probably 8000 feet above the sea. It is about
10,000 feet near the beginning and quitting
points. It never descended below 6000 feet;
and the bed of Gardiner's and Yellowstone
river and 6100 feet and 6750 feet respectfully,
while the summits of Electric and Inded
Peaks are 11 to 12,000 feet above sea leveLj
Clarks Fork Mines are about 9500 and the
Mamouth Hot Springs between 7 to 80J0|,
feet above the level of the sea. The whole
distances with the exception of about five
mile in crossing the comparatively level di-
vide between Gardiner's and Yellowstone,
river, is continuously in the roughest kind oft
a mountain region. It had been predicted
by men who had visited at Yellowstone Park
and the Clarks Fork Mines that we could!
not survey this line by chaining and could
not establish the line corners. Several of
Dr. Hayden's assistants had so expressed,
themselves to me. It will be observed how-
ever, that 46 out of 60 mile stations have
been located including the witness corners!
(set as near the true place improvements
near it; and the Clarks Fork Mines and the
surrounding improvements. Volumes have
already been written describing the Yellow-
stone Natural Park and many surveys and
reports of its wonder have been published.
I shall note only a few recent changes. Block
House stronglv and carefully built during the'
summer (1879) by Colonel P. W. Norris, thJ
Superintendent of the Yellowstone Park usecS
as the headquarters for the Superintendent:
and employees. It stands on a hill about!
one-fourth of a mile northeast of the greati
Hot Basin, in a commanding position and isjj
in strength, fineness and design, one of the
best block houses I ever saw. It is two
stories high, contains six large rooms, cupola
and flagstaff. It is about 50 feet by 30 feet^
in external measurements and probably 30
feet high. A good wagon road has been
built to the upper geyser basin about 60 miles-
south of the house and to Bozeman, Mon-j
tana, about 70 miles north of the house.
Numerous excellent trails also lead from the |
house in various directions. A man named
McCartney keeps a hotel on the reservation
near the house supplys. He sells bad whisky,
encourages gambling and charges exorbitant
prices. He has no permission nor authority
to live on the reservation and should be put
off although it would require physical force
to do it. The wagon roads are good and
were much used by tourists last summer.
I described these buildings because they are
within one and one-half miles of the boun-
dary. There are about a dozen cabins built
and occupied along the Yellowstone river be-
tween the boundary line and 40 miles below.
The nearest one is about five miles north
of the line or one mile below the mouth of
the Gardiners river. Then comes Reese's
ranch, a store and a ferry at that point.
About 30 miles from the boundary on the
route to Bozeman is Boeltler's ranch, the
best one on the river. A toll gate is sta-
tioned about 15 miles north of the boundary
on the road to Bozeman.
The mineral locality is known as the
"Clarks Fork Mines" and is at the head of
the "Clarks Fork" of the Yellowstone river
about one-half mile north of the boundary
opposite the 56th to 57th miles. These mines
were discovered in 1870 and were worked
only with a view of obtaining title until in
1877, a smelter was built by a Bozeman Com-
pany. After taking out a large quantity of
ore, the smelter was worked only one season.
Then it was found that it did not pay to
tTeTg+it the ore 500 miles to the railroad and
the mines are now worked only to preserve
rights under the mining laws. "The Great
Republic" was the first mine discovered. He
owns a fractional interest; and still expects
to realize handsomely from his mine when
they get a railroad. Silver, Galena and Gold
and their products. A large boarding house
and some one-half dozen cabins have been
built at the mines but all were abandoned
when we were there. It is dreadfully cold
in winter, and no one has ever tried to re-
main the year round. The entire distances
surveyed are watered by numerous mountain
rivulets, springs, rivers and lakes. It is ex-
ceptionally well provided with clear cold
mountain streams. Many of the streams and
lakes abound in fine trout. Those caught
in Slough Creek and Soda Butte Creek and
Lake Abundance were also delicious and
man}- of them weighed four or five pounds.
Our party averaging in number 16 men; and
the company of cavalry and escort averaging
50 men. We were kept constantly supplied
with fish and game from the time we left
until we returned to Ft. Washakie, nearly
three months. Elk, deer, antelope and rab-
bits were as num-erous over the entire region
as dogs in an Indian camp. There were
hunters with us who were especially skilled;
one man in particular never going out and
returning without game, as far as I ever
heard. We saw but one buffalo while en-
gaged in work on the survey but on our
march home we saw hundreds and killed a
few; seven in one afternoon. The personnel
af the surveying companies have been re-
organized, soon after finishing the Colorado-
Utah boundary line, also carefully selected.
It was made up mainly from the mountain-
eers; who were adapted to the life and work
and the surveying was cheerfully and well
done. It had been several years since I have
been associated in the field with as efficient.
faithful and agreeable a company of assistants
as this one proved to be; and" we were all
sorry when the work had to be abandoned,
so early in the season. The formation on
Gardiners and Yellowstone rivers and west
of there is of limestone east of the moun-
tains across the divide between Yellowstone
rivers and Clarks Fork which is of quartz
and basalt. There is no prairie of any con-
sequence on this march of the boundary the
mile or two east of Gardiners river, and the
five miles east of it being about the only
stretches of open country worth mentioning.
The soil was rocky and unfit for cultiva-
tion except in the narrow boundary of Gardi-
ner's and Yellowstone rivers and possibly on
the rolling divide between the two rivers
and there it should have been irrigated. We
had an abundance of good water and whole-
some food. The weather was perfect de-
lightful most of the time. It snowed hard
for an hour or two on September 10th; then
cleared off and it did not snow again until
in October 6th, when we had a severe storm
referred to in the preceding field notes. This
long continued snow storm drove us from
our work. We started home on the 9th of
October and arrived at Fort Washakie on
the 23rd, two weeks afterwards. The mili-
tary company lost several of their animals
from exhaustion but we saved ours. Since
returning to Washington I heard that two
of my own had died. I append a list of
locations and distances furnished me by Mr.
A. D. Wilson, before starting away last year.
He was chief topographer in Dr. Hayden's
survey and is now under Mr. Clarence King
in United States Geological and General Sur-
vey. These locations were determined from
a series of triangulations made in 1878 by
Mr. Wilson. It may be observed our loca-
tions correspond close in latitude but not
longitude, I can not account for the apparent
difference as our line was carefully meas-
ured and his locations are usually accurate.
There are also other mines in Bear and
Crevice gulches; some are placer gold. Al-
tho the last 36 miles of our survey was the
establishment of part of the southern boun-
dary of the Crow Indian Reservation we saw
no Indians, nor did we see any at any time
while making this survey. They were on
the east side of the mountains on their reser-
vation and we may expect to see many of
them in continuing the line eastward next
summer (1880). In going to and returning
from the field of operations we met a few
but not many Indians.
Quartermaster, General Office,
Washington, D. C, Nov. 16, 1866.
Hon. Edwin M. Staunton,
Secretary of War.
I have the honor to submit herewith a
plan of the proposed military reservation.
Ft. John Buford on the main fork of Big
Laramie River, Dakota Territory, and also
a general map of the adjacent country. The
following description of the boundary line of
the proposed reservation has been furnished
by Bt. Brig. Gen'l L. C. Eaton, first quarter-
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tisement of the patent medicine had been
written across the face of the monument,
this would be the same as if it were there
in reality, so he did not employ the services
of the sign writer, but boldly made the as-
sertion to a sympathizing world. The news-
papers of the country denounced in severe
terms the so-called outrage and thus the
patent medicine got the full benefit of the
Later a justice of the peace at Laramie
named Murphy, learned that the monument
by mistake had been located on government
land and not on a railroad quarter; so he
hastened to the United States Land Office
at Cheyenne and entered the land as a home-
stead. Returning home he wrote to the
Union Pacific Company that he would be
greatly obliged to them if they would take
the pile of stone off of his farm. The humor
of the thing will be apparent when it is noted
that the whole landscape thereabout is cov-
ered with large holders and being high up
on the mountain top there is not a drop of
water to moisten the thirsty stones, but the
railroad officials saw in spite of Murphy's
grim humor a most serious state of affairs.
An investigation of matters was at once made
and the monument found to be on the land
Murphy had entered.
But pardon a little digression while we get
acquainted with Murphy nad his family. That
man Murphy was in his way a real character
and like most of the Celtic race he was fond
of office. At the time of which I write he
had after an exciting election contest been
chosen to fill the office of Justice of the
Peace. His friends had congratulated him
and the friends of Mrs. Murphy had not
been sparing of good words on her husband's
account. Her female associates were kind
enough to say that it was no nice to have
such a smart man for a husband and this
went on until the fond and happy wife felt
considerably puffed up.
The treasures of the Murphy household
were three children, two girls and a boy.
It is related that the children looked on in
wonder when they heard the father and
mother showered with congratulations and
the oldest girl one day made the interesting
inquiry: "Mother are we all Justices of
Peace?" To which the mother instantly re-
plied, "No, dearie, only me and your pa."
The railroad attorney from Omaha visited
Laramie and consulted with his local asso-
ciates there in regard to the very serious dif-
ficulties in which the judge had placed the
company. The monument had cost $80,000
and as it could not be moved title must in
some way be secured to the ground upon
which it stood. Judge Murphy was not easy
to approach, as he had been persuaded that
there was a fortune within his grasp. Final-
ly the two lawyers called upon him and after
due exchange of courtesies the matter in hand
was mentioned. Murphy would not listen
to any argument that would go to prove that
his farm was not a valuable one. He did
not refuse to sell it however, but mentioned
a price which was way up into the thousands.
The lawyers saw that there was no use to
continue the negotiations on that line, so
they called his attention to what they de-
clared was the serious aspect of the case.
They assured him that for a judge to enter
into a conspiracy and take advantage of his
neighbor was a very grave offence, and
while they were his friends, and wanted to
help him out of the scrape into which he had
gotien himself through listening to bad ad-
vice, they informed him that he could be im-
peached and that meant that he would not
only be deprived of his office but would be
fined no inconsiderable amount, and more
than this impeachment carried with it a sen-
tence from the court which would forever
prevent him from holding office or even vot-
ing. Murphy was horrified at this view of
"he case. Visions of impeachment, his fall
from greatness, and social wreck of his fam-
Ay all stared him in the face.
Great drops of sweat rolled down the ju-
dicial brow; he tried to think but the very
effort made his head swim. Finally one of
the lawyers came to his relief and soothed
his troubled mind by proposing to give him
several city lots which he was assured had
a prospective value of several hundreds of
dollars, if he would release to the United
States his farm on Sherman Hill. Murphy
was glad to fix it up that way and the law-
yers at once drew up the papers and laid
script on the land and thus it became the
property of the Union Pacific.
— From the Coutant Notes.
FEBRUARY 1, 1886. ROOM 27.
Born, January 9th, 1839, at Bath, Maine,
on the Kennebeck river. Lived in Bath un-
til fourteen (14) years of age. Then went to
sea, on Merchant Ship "Sarah Boyd," fa-
ther's name Gilbert C. Trufant, mothers
name Sarah Boyd after whom the ship in
which I sailed was named. First voyage
from New York, 1853 to Panama. In 1856
sailed around the world in the ship "Rock
Light" a merchant ship. On this ship was
chief officer. In December 1862 left the mer-
chant service went to New York by ordel
of the Navy Department, was here examined
ior the service and in 1863 was admitted to
the naval service as acting ensign. Remained
in the service until September 19th, 1865.
Was wounded in the service by the explosion
of a torpedo at Wilmington, N. C. February
20th, 1865 about 10 p. m. Was out as a vol-
unteer to pick up torpedoes to save the fleet'
from destruction. When wounded was un-
conscious for more than a week. Five naval
surveyors consulting gave me up to die, but
I said "I shall not die I am going to live."!
When sent to the guard ship after being
wounded the surgeon said, "What in H — 1
did they send this man here for, for me to
make out a certificate of death for him?"
Was honorably discharged from the ser-
vice September 19th, 1865 with the thanks
of the dpeartment. After being discharged
from the service stayed at home m Bath,
Maine, for eighteen (18) months Then went
to California around Cape Hie ox-traiiturned
across the Isthmus of ffansportation. In
1869 started from Bath for the visit. In
1869 was employed by Union Pacific Rail-
road. On July 1st, 1870 went to Cheyenne
to take charge of the baggage Department
of the Union Pacific Railroad for that town,
where I remained until 1881.
On the 28th of April 1881, was appointed
Superintendent of the New Union Depot at
Denver, which office I now hold.
Was enrolling clerk of the House of Wyo-
ming Legislature in 1878 also, chief enrolling
and engrossing clerk of the 7th Legislative
Assembly for 1880.
r In 1877 was High Priest of Wyoming
Chapter Number 1, of Masons. Was depu-
tized the same year by the Grand Chapter
of the United States, through the General
Grand High Priest of the same, to institute
two other Chapters in the Territory. One
of these Chapters instituted was Evanston,
Chapter Number 2, instituted October 10th,
1877 with Hon. F. M. Foot as High Priest.'
The next chapter instituted was Lebanon
Chapter No 3 at Laramie City, October 12th
1877, with Hon. S. S. Mills as High Priest.'
I was the first Knight Templar initiated in
Wyoming Territory. Was afterwards Emi-
nent Commander of the K. T. for two terms
and in 1880 as Eminent Commander took
rlYe^Vyoming Commandery to Chicago in a
body to attend the Grand Encampment of
the Knights Templars of the United States.
From this fact, Wyoming holds the honor
of being the first Territory ever represented
as a body in that memorable Encampment.
In 1870 Cheyenne was connected by rail to
Denver by the D. P. R. R. and I counted
the rails which were used in laying the track
from Evans to Denver the last connecting
links in the iron chain which now binds the
two towns, together.
Married Martha F. Gannette of Bath,
Maine in 1875, June 10th. Have three chil-
—From Coutant Notes.
Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory
Born in County Tiberany Ireland Novem-
ber 1st, 1838 spent childhood at home on
farm. At 21 years sailed for America choos-
ing to weather an ocean voyage rather than
stand a game law trial. A few days after
arriving in New York, found employment in
the Leigh Valley Pineries. In April '66 left
for Fort Kerney, Nebraska via St. Joseph
boat to Omaha and stage to the fort. Work-
ed about a year for the Western Union Tele-
graph Company on repairs from Fort Kerney
to Wood River east and Plum Creek WTest.
At this time the Indians were very war-like
and made numerous raids on Ranches and
R. R. Men.. Mr. Talbots duty took him over
the road at all hours often without escort or
companion and he remarks that it was only
good luck that saved his head for men were
killed almost daily along the route.
In July was sent to Plum Creek to repair
the line when on arrival found the Indians
so numerous that he decided it too dangerous
to work alone and so returned which was
none to soon for that night they wrecked and
plundered a Union Pacific train just across
the river when the engineer and fireman
were killed also two section men and one
man scalped who in crawling away found
his own scalp which the Indians had dropped.
Afterward went to Omaha where he tried to
have his scalp regrown — which failed. Mr.
Talbot spent much time hunting wild game,
Buffaloes, Elk, Deer and antelope which
were very plentiful at that time on the Re-
publican River. Mr. Talbot says that at two
different times he saw with others of his
party, two of their horses walk up and eat
freely of the fresh buffalo meat that they
had killed and hung up. September 27th,
'67 he arrived in Cheyenne at that date the
railroad was within 35 miles of Cheyenne at
Pine Bluffs east of the city.
Began laying the Sun dried brick which
at that time was selling at $65.00 per M.
These dobie brick were displaced by the
burnt brick on arrival of R. R. On arriv-
ing in Cheyenne pitched tent on ground be-
tween 19th and 20th streets on O'Neil. The
party amused themselves by playing cards
and the outfit consisted of a cracker box for
a table and boxes and saddles for seats. This
night the party were startled by a sudden
volley of fire-arms and upon investigation
found some fifty armed men not more than
twenty yards from their tent on inquiry
found they had shot and killed two of the
men, since that time every old settler records
from that night. In '68 the first building
of any consequence was finished being the
old Catholic Church built by Father Kellev.
Mr. Talbot plastered the same. The first
brick block of any note was erected by Joslin
and Parks, the same being now occupied
by Kahmer, Beuchman and Jackson, Jan. 11,
'70 the city was visited by a big fire on 16th
and Eddy Streets. Mr. Talbot has engaged
in the building of and owns several houses
in the city. Is a good substantial citizen.
— From Coutant Notes.
Twelve Miles Southwest of Cheyenne, Wyo.
One of the noted places in the early history
of the Rocky Mountains is the Natural Fort,
located twelve miles southwest of Cheyenne.
In 1831 buffaloes were scarce in the Crow
country and that tribe came down to the
south side of the North Platte and hunted
over the ground east and south of the Lara-
mie range. A band of Blackfeet Indians,
the heriditary foes of the Crows, for the
same reason came south and hunted buffalo
on the Laramie plains and finally crossed
over Sherman Hill and ran onto the Crow
The Blackfeet took refuge in the Natural
Fort and defied the Crows to attack them.
The latter tribe had no desire to risk a fight
for the possession of the stronghold but it
chanced that there were twenty white trap-
pers with the Crowrs and this class of men
never lost an opportunity to engage the
Blackfeet in battle. Jim Beckworth, the
noted mulatto trapper and Indian fighter was
at that time chief of the Crows and the trap-
pers prevailed upon him to join them in an
attack on the Blackfeet. The assault was
made upon two sides of the fort. The Crows
were led by Beckworth and the white men
by Robert Mildrum, a young Kentuckian,
and it turned out to be one of the most san-
guinary affairs that ever took place in the
Rocky Mountains. There were 160 Black-
feet within the fort and these were killed
and scalped to a man. The Crows lost 40
killed and more than double that number
were wounded. Of the white men Robert
Mildrum was the only man wounded.
The Natural Fort which is located 12
miles southwest of Cheyenne is an old land-
mark and has a historv dating back to fur
trading days. From the advance sheets of
the second volume of Coutant's History of
Wyoming we are enabled to glean the story
of a Great Battle which was fought at the
Natural Fort during the fall of 1831. A vil-
lage of the Crow tribe of Indians came south
on a buffalo hunt, crossing the North Platte
at the mouth of the Laramie and followed
up this stream until they reached the Box
Elder then going south. The hunters killed
a large number of buffalo on the plains east
of the Laramie range and finally followed an
immense herd down Crow Creek, covering
the ground where Cheyenne now stands. In
that neighborhood they ran into a band of
Blackfeet warriors who had headed the big
buffalo herd which the Crows were driving.
The Crows greatly out-numbered the Black-
feet but the first named tribe had with them
twenty trappers and among these was Rob-
ert Mildrum a noted man of the Mountains.
Jim Beckwourth was the War Chief of the
Crows. As soon as the Blackfeet were dis-
covered, the Crows attacked them, driving
them southwest. They soon reached the Nat-
ural Fort, and here the Blackfeet took refuge,
the Crows did not care to make an assault
on the almost impregnable position; but the
white trappers taunted them with being cow-
ards and finally Jim Beckwourth raised a
party and the attack was made.
— From Coutant Notes.
Cheyenne, Wyoming, June 8, 1903.
Mrs. Ida K. Galbreath,
State Librarian,
Columbus, O.
Dear Mrs. Galbreath:
I wrote you on Friday last that I would
later tell you the story of the origin and
significance of the Wyoming Coat of Arms.
The First State Legislature, which con-
vened on November 12th, 1890, passed the
law creating the Seal of the State. The word-
ing of the law was as follows:
A circle two and one-fourth inches in dia-
meter, upon the lower half of which is em-
blazoned a landscape, representing in the
centre, a valley, through which flows a
stream, upon the banks of which cattle are
grazing and a man plowing; to the right of
said valley, a range of mountains, upon the
slope of which said mountains is represent-
ed mining works. Said landscape is surround-
ed by a ribbon scroll reaching from both
sides of said landscape up to the top centre
of said landscape, upon which rests a plat-
form upon the outer edge of which is en-
graved the words, "Equal Rights." Upon
said platform stands the figure of a woman,
with right arm uplifted, pointing to a five
pointed star, within which are engraved the
figures '44. From the said uplifted arm
hangs a broken chain. To the left of said
platform are engraved the figures 1869. To
the right of said platform are engraved the
figures, 1890. Entirely surrounding the said
circle is a plain band three-eights of an inch
in breath, upon the upper half of which are
engraved the words, "Great Seal," and upon
the lower half, the words, "State of Wyo-
ming," in letters three-sixteenths of an inch
After the adjournment of the Legislature
some one called the attention of the Secre-
tary of State, Dr. A. W. Barber, who was
then Acting Gvoernor of the State, to the
fact that the woman spoken of was a nude
figure, and he, in consequence of this, refused
to have the seal made.
There was quite a talk in the newspapers
about the matter and State Senator Chatter-
ton, (now Acting Governor) who was the
author of the bill explained its meaning. He
had been a great admirer of Power's "Greek
Slave" and the woman on the seal of the
State was an exact copy of it, with the ex-
ception that the chain on this woman was
broken, signifying the enfranchisement of
the women of Wyoming.
The next legislature took up the matter
and repassed the law but draped the figure
after the style of the Goddess of Libert}'.
Respectfully yours,
(Signed) C. G. COUTANT,
State Librarian.
Bordeaux, Wvoming,
August 22, 1897.
Mr. D. Houghton,
Dear Sir: —
I have been up in the Reeshaw hills today,
and sixteen years have made quite a change
on the rocks the month, and day of the ;
month is entirely gone but the names and the
year can still be traced, the first is E. R.
Lee 1841, the second is C. W.
Lacy...... ...1841.
I have no doubt myself by the looks of the*
writing today and what I wrote beside it ,
sixteen years ago but that the first writing
had been done forty years before I saw it.
About a year ago my oldest son was up
there, and by hearing me talking about this
writing he looked it up and cut in the rock ,
with his knife, both their names under the
old bleached ones, also the year but no month
and from that I suppose he could not see }
it then, the outlines of the horse is still there,
but no more, the month that once could be
seen between the above names and the year
is February but the day I could not be sure.
Yours very truly,
COLIN MacDougall.
— From Coutant Notes.
1 have before me Captain Nickerson's his-
tory of that part of Wyoming now called
Fremont County. Misnamed, I believe would
>e a fair criticism, that honor should have
Jeen bestowed on Captain Bonneville; who
pas the first explorer to give to the world,
iy the graphic pen of the immortal Irving,
:he first and most vivid picture of its grand
It was perhaps on account of its scenic
charms as well as its natural advantages,
is a hunting country, that the tribes occupy-
ng it made such strenuous resistance against
jeing driven out. The prospectors and set-
ters in that section of the country, that the
Captain writes of, had the hot end of the
warfare; as they had the Arapahoe to deal
,vith and they were the most persistent fight-
ers of all the Indian tribes, though the others
A'ere bad enough to suit any one, who be-
ieved himself gorged with a combative pro-
pensity which caused him to love fighting
or fighting's sake.
"Camping on ones trail" was a saying
iften used, meaning that an enemy was fol-
pwing with his soul filled with an unfriendly
eeling. Speaking of Arapahoes, I once
leard.the old trapper, James Baker, say —
tiuMfio man knew them better — "one of the
Itssed varments might die on your trail; but
le would never camp."
Relentless and cruel, that was their man-
ler of warfare; they supposed it would strike
error into the hearts of their enemies. It
vas the same with the aborigines of all Coun-
ries, the.v could not comprehend the white
nan's theory that savagery must give away
o civilization. After many years of fighting
>ur Government concluded that it was
:heaper to support than to fight them; but
low much sense, of what was strictly just,
nfluenced our egotistical law makers yet re-
nains a wild guess.
However that might be — unto all who rode
he hills and plains, there came a welcome
eeling of relief: when we could leave our
funs in camp and follow a trail to the top
>f a hill without being skewed with arrows
—then by a lance, spitted, like the prover-
lial fowl for the roasting.
The Indians did not have the same feei-
ng of animosity against the trappers, al-
hough they often fought them, as they have
.lways felt against the prospectors and set-
lers. The trappers were more of their way
if living, mingled with them and were friend-
y to some of the various tribes; they also
vcre transient. As to the other classes,
hough, the Indians had the perspicas to see
vere coming to stay and would eventually
leprive them of all that made their lives
^orth living.
An old time writer, wrote a book, the
oral of which was: "Before you judge
vhether the other fellow is right or wrong,
ut yourself in his place." Would the white
nan have submitted without a struggle?
Generals All! They were taking every
(ossible advantage of their enemies, super-
titious fears often contributed to their de-
cat; but they never lost a fight from lack
ol physical courage or by shirking any man-
ner of hardships.
The story that follows happened in the
year of 1864, if memory serves me rightlv,
in the country North of Fort Laramie which
was at that time the Indian undisputed ter-
Told at a camp fire at old Fort Halleck.
Dakota, by Robert Foot on his thirty-fourth
birthday, 1808.
In relating this story I will try to write
it as nearly in his own words as I remember
"I, a Scotchman born, came when a very
young man to this Country; enlisted in a
cavalry regiment and after serving the three
years term, was discharged at Fort Laramie."
"During that time I had saved a small
sum of money; had learned the tailors trade
and was thereby enabled to gather in some-
thing more than what my soldiers pay
amounted to."
"After I was discharged I had accumulated
quite a valuable band of horses, by buying
from immigrants — stock that had been worn
down poor on the trail from the States. "The
grass was very good and the horses soon
got in good condition, so that I could trade
them for more thin stock with outfits coming
"I had employed a half-breed, whom we
all considered very reliable, to herd them
just outside the Government Reservation and
had every reason to believe that I had a fair
chance to rake in a horse stake in the next
three or four years." But, Alas! As Bobbie
Burns so aptly tells it — "The best laid
schemes of mice and men aft gang astray"
— "So went mine."
"There had been a crowd of Coffee Coolers
camping down on the Rawhide and you all
know what they are, generally harmless beg-
gars." "Unfortunately, a band of young
bucks had joined them and they are always
the sour dough that raises the disturbance:
the result was, that one fine evening my
horses failed to come in." "The half-breed
had crossed the river with all my property
and he, together with the whole Indian camp,
had faded away: their trail pointing North."
"By the time I could get an outfit together
to follow they had two days start, John
Hunter and Tom Maxwell volunteering to
accompany me." "The commander of the
Fort sending a squad of cavalry, under Ser-
geant Herman Hass, with orders to go as
far as the Cheyenne River Valley."
"We reached the breaks without any trou-
ble or adventure, worth the telling, and by
the appearance of the trail, we judged that
we were as far behind as when we started;
as the soldiers could go no farther — orders
must be obeyed — it looked like a hopeless
task for three men to undertake." "Equipt
as we were, a great many would have called
it a fool hardy job — I have no doubt."
"An Indian's wealth is counted by the
horses he owns: he will go through hellfire
to get or keep them and we all know, that
in this Country, they are almost a necessity
to a white man's existence— that was the rea-
son that I did not wish to give up the chase
at this stage of the game." "So it was with
my companions: they were not the kind of
men to quit as our friend Athorp speaks it
— If Hell howled before them."
"With many good wishes for our success
and sincere regrets that they could not ac-
company us and be in at the fight, if battle
it had to be, Herman and his troop turned
back while we went on." I suppose there
are many old residents in Cheyenne who re-
member him.
"Two days and a half travel, before we
sighted their camp — about a mile away."
The commotion, the sight of us created in
their camp, was proof that they did not ex-
pect to be followed.
"Half a mile farther on the half-breed
came out to meet us; his tale of woe was
that the young men had taken the horses
and himself with them. When asked would
the Indians give the horses up — he replied
by asking — how many soldiers behind? "We
asked, why you think we got soldiers with
us? He said — you no carry guns, only big
pistols." We did not give him any satisfac-
tion on that point; but told him that the old
men had been about the Fort many seasons;
had always been well treated and if they
made any trouble, could not come there
again. They would have to give back my
property and make no more trouble. He
only shook his head and said — too many
young men. They want horses, then added,
me go back — make talk — If give back, I
make sign, come on — if no make sign. Go
back, too many for you to fight."
"Hunter thought it possible that the half-
breed had told the Indians that he owned
the horses: if that was the case the old men
would be inclined to be friendly and if he
could get in among them, he could induce
them to give the stock up; but it would
mostly depend on how many young bucks
were in the camp."
"Hunter had an Indian wife and family
and had been a long time among them. The
whole Sioux tribe knew him to be a man
who always spoke the truth and neither
feared man, beast nor evil spirit. They also
fully and faithfully believed that neither gun,
spear, arrow, nor any weapon they pos-
sessed could harm him. All this, we banked
as a great deal in our favor."
"However, in about an hour an Indian
rode out and gave the sign to come in.
Hunter suggested, as we rode in, that we
keep our hand on a gun and if they mean
treachery — to charge straight through, shoot-
ing as we went. Getting through, we could
find shelter where we could stand them off."
"And that was just what happened. We
all got through alive and must have done
them some damage, in return for what they
did to us — which surely was enough. Tom
and I each got two arrows — Hunters with
his usual luck, untouched, though one young
buck took a shot at him with a rifle at a dis-
tance of not more than thirty feet. The fail-
ure of the shot stopped the attack for the
time being, otherwise — I think — we would
have been as full of arrows as an old sage-
hen is of feathers."
"Near a quarter of a mile away, we dove
into a patch of willows; across a shallow
chalky stream that bent around under the
lea of a clay butte, which was near enough
perpendicular that it could not be climbed.
It would have been a perfect place for de-
fence, only for a pass through the middle
of the butte made by the water at flood
times and the wash from the Platte, beyond,
had made an open space in front."
"We got rid of the arrows and dressed our
wounds as best we could. The one I got
in my neck came within a small fraction of
an inch of being fatal, but the other did not
do much damage. I had learned something
of surgery, while in the army, and it came
in handy, otherwise our wounds might have
been dangerous. But they soon became sore
enough to suit the fiendish expectation of our
enemies, whom we had to prepare to fight."
"The gap, through where the draw emptied
into our retreat, was narrow. We joined
three logs and laid them across it, not much
of a fortification, but we thought it might
"One piece of good luck we had our pack
horses — packs came through without a
scratch and by the time we had eaten our
cold bread and meat, Hunter had figured out
what would happen. First they would do
some scouting to see if there were any sol-
diers coming — and satisfied on that score,,
if they did make an attack, it would be about
an hour before sun down. Then if they
found us all able to fight, it would be mostly
a bluff; but to get our four horses, they
would consider it worth an attempt. It would
probably be, by the old men in front making
a wild demonstration to draw our attention,
while the young bucks slipped in on us
through the pass. But if they did not suc-
ceed in killing one of us, which they might
accidentally do with their old rifle, it would
all end in a few minutes."
"They could not get an arrow through the
willows at short range, if they got that close
and our old dragoon pistols are much longer
range than their bows. Our only danger
will be from that young buck's rifle and if
one of us should be unlucky enough to get-
his last call, he must hold his breath until
he gets out of their sight, before he drops.
I think either of us has nerve enough to do
that. I once shot an antelope through the
heart and he ran a hundred vards before he ,
"If they have no success on their first at-
tack, they will let us alone and after dark
we can ride away, just as if there was not
an Indian within a hundred miles."
"The attack began as Hunter had predict-
ed, like a clap of thunder out of a clear sky.
Dashing around the front, sending their ar-
rows from under their horses necks. None?
reached the willows, over which Tom and
I responded, doing damage to their ponies
with some careful shots. Although we had
twenty four in our guns, we did not care
to waste any. Hunter was guarding the
gap in the butte. Suddenly the Indians in
front made a dash as if they were intending
to charge the works, shooting arrows into
the willows. We got in some good work
and stopped them by droping six ponies."
"While that was going on in front, a party
M young bucks came in at the head of the
feass. Hunter opened on them with a shot
from each of his guns, while they thought
they were almost out of range, which caused
them to stop and dodge around. Then he
jumped on the logs and began shooting with
first one hand and then the other. Just as
I got there to help, the buck with a rifle
sent a bullet through his heart. He stood
there and fired the two last shots from his
guns, jumped backward oft" the log and walk-
ed behind the brush, where he fell dead. The
Indians believing that the shot had missed,
gave up the game and we saw no more of
"After darkness had kindly spread its man-
tle over all, we packed Hunter's body on his
horse. Then rode out, up the gulch and
onto the plain. Keeping as direct a course
as possible toward the South, till we judged
we had put eight or ten miles between us
and the scene of our discomfiture."
"The moon was up high enough to give
us light. With our small camp shovel, we
made a grave and laid the remains of our
friend down into the bosom of Mother Earth.
Covered and obliterated .every trace of a
Brave and when the weary task was done,
looked down upon it for a time. Tom re-
3esrt«fl from the burial of Sir John Moore:
No useless coffin enclosed his breast
Not in robe or shroud we wound him,
But he lay like a warrior taking his rest
With his martial cloak around him.
"As we silently rode away I thought of
he one we had left behind and how his many
riends would miss him. I wondered if death
s the end of all that is? If we live again,
iver in the Great Beyond, then our heroic
riend is there, with all the great that have
jpnie before. Where no king can claim the
ight to wear brighter jewels in his crown
han lie."
"It was a toilsome journey back to the
ort, but we got in about as near dead as
wo men could, and still live. We were con-
igned to the hospital for six long, weary
veeks and after we got out neither Tom nor
nyself, seemed to feel ourselves of much ac-
"Some time after, I was lying down on a
unk in my cabin, when my half-breed walk-
cl in. He had no weapon, but a knife in
is belt and as he stood in the middle of the
oom, he smote on his breast and said, "Me
ood Indian!"
'An old horse pistol lay on the stand be-
ide me, I grabed it up and let him have the
ontents. ^ Then I said, you are a good In-
ian now."
"The Post-commander said, that is a little
jo rough and locked me up in the guard
ouse. I stayed there till Colonel Moon-
ght came with a Kansas regiment and took
omrnand of the Fort. He turned me out
fid indorsed my claim against the Govern-
ieiit of indemnity, for the loss of my prop-
rty, which was paid by making me post-
•ader here. It was better, perhaps, for me
lan a cash payment, as claims against the
Government, if paid at all, are delayed many
"And now, boys, allow me to thank you
for being what every story teller admires —
Rood listeners, I will end the story here "
Castroville, California,
Outstanding in the annals of the year 1(^24
is the passing into the larger fuller life of
two of our most distinguished citizens, the
Honorable Joseph Maul Carey and William
Bradford Ross.
Early on the morning of October the sec-
ond the sorrowful message was flashed over
the wires that William Bradford Ross, Gov-
ernor of the State of Wyoming, had an-
swered the call. The entire State was plung-
ed into grief. On Tuesday, September the
twenty-third, Governor Ross addressed a
large audience in Laramie and made a vig-
orous plea for what he believed would be
for the best commercial interests of the State.
This was his last appearance in public. A
few hours later he returned to the Executive
Mansion in Cheyenne and on Thursday was
removed to Memorial Hospital and an" oper-
ation was performed for acute appendicitis.
He survived the ordeal but a week. He en-
tered into rest surrounded by his loved ones.
Of the beauty and sanctity of his home life
we need' not speak.
Mr. Ross had served in the capacity of
Governor but twenty-one months but his
short administration was characterized by
honor and zeal in the faithful discharge of
his duties. He met the problems of his ex-
alted station with buoyancy and optimism.
He was deeply interested in the issues of the
day and above all else was intensely human;
he forgot no friend and no station in life was
too lowly to commend his sympathy. These
qualities endeared him to the people and
caused them to think of him more perhaps,
as a friend, but without any lack of esteem
for him as their Chief Executive.
Governor Ross was a communicant in the
Episcopal Church; a member of the Masonic
fraternit\ and a charter member of the
Young Men's Literary Club. He was a
lawyer by profession and in politics he was
a Democrat. He was born, reared and edu-
cated in Tennessee but when a young man
cast his lot in Wyoming, where by force of
character and personality he won his way to
the distinguished position he was occupying
when his career was so lamentablv and so
suddenly ended. It is hard for the finite
mind to comprehend that one so filled with
the joy of living a clean, wholesome life, in
the full vigor of manhood and his sun still
high in the heavens, should have finished his
earthly work. With faith that life is a con-
"] cannot say, and I will not say.
That he is dead. He is just away."
"With a cheery smile, and a wave of the
He has wandered into an unknown land."
"Think of him still as the same I say:
He is not dead; he is just away."
— State Historian.
In Memoriam
i Joseph Maull Carey
LL. D.
"Jost'i)h Maull Carey was born at Milton,
Delaware, on January 19, 1845, and died at
his residence in Cheyenne, Wyoming, on
February 5, 1924. After pursuing a course
of study at Union College, he graduated in
1864 from the University of Pennsylvania
with the degree of LL. B., and in 1894 re-
ceived the degree of LL. D. from Union Col-
lege. He was admitted to the bar in 1867,
practiced for two years in Philadelphia, and
in 1869 removed to the newly created terri-
tory of Wyoming, having been appointed the
first United States Attorney for that Terri-
tory. In 1872 he was appointed Justice of
the Supreme Court of tbe Territory, and
served as such until early in 1876. Having
in the meantime become interested in the
cattle growing industry and in the real estate
business, he did not thereafter continue the
practice of law. He was Mayor of 'Cheyenne
four years, from January, 1881, until 1885;
represented said Territory as a delegate in
the 49th to the 51st Congresses, and was the
author of and introduced the bill which ad-
mitted Wyoming to statehood, and of the
act for the reclamation of arid lands in the
West known as "The Carey Act;" was elect-
ed United States Senator by the first State
Legislature and served until the expiration
of his term in March, 1895; was elected Gov-
ernor of Wyoming at the general election
of 1910 and served out the term of four
years. From 1876 until 1896, he was the
Wyoming member of the Republican Na-
tional Committee. From 1872 until 1876, he
was a member of the United States Cen-
tennial Commission. After retiring from the
office of Governor, he became the Vice-
President of the Federal Land Bank of
Omaha, and also served a term as Trustee
of the University of Wyoming."
At a meeting of the Supreme Court Chief
Justice Potter said:
"This court was honored by the service of
Judge Carey as one of its justices. He gave
to the people in that office able and faithful
service. He is remembered more, however,
for his contribution to the later life and his-
tory of Wyoming and the nation. It can
have come into the life of but few men to
have served a community and a common-
wealth in as manj' different official capacities
and during so long and continuous a period
as has distinguished the life of Judge Carey;
and then finally to spend the remaining and
declining years of his life in that community
and commonwealth as its most distinguished
private citizen. It was the distinction of
Judge Carey not only to have served in of-
ficial capacities, first as United States At-
torney for the district of Wyoming, com-
mencing with its organization as a territory,
then as Justice of the Supreme Court of the
Territory, and successively thereafter as
Mayor of his city, Territorial delegate in
Congress, and United States Senator from
the State upon its admission, and then, after
the intermission of a few years, as Governor
of the State for a term of four years; but he
was also a pioneer and leader in the develop-
ment of the productive resources of the Ter-
ritory and State. He was among the first
to envisage the capabilities of the natural
grasses of the State for the growing of cat-
tle and other live stock, and the productivity
of the soil through intensive irrigation. And
through the greater part of his life he re-
mained interested in such development,
through the investment of his own means
and encouragement through the efforts of
his public service, as evidenced by the act
of Congress known as the 'Carey Act." But
I desire to emphasize on this occasion the
fact that he was distinguished and brought
distinction to the State also by the high type
of his character as a man and citizen. The
unimpeachable uprightness of his character
has always and everywhere been recognized.
He was the soul of honor to as full an ex-
tent as that can be said of any one. It was
my good fortune to have known him for
nearly forty-eight years, having arrived here
within a very short time after he had vacated
his judicial office. He was then an unmarried
man; and then and ever since the purity of
his life, the honesty of his purpose, and his
line conception of the higher and better
standards of human life necessary to a high
quality of manhood and citizenship were
notable and brought to him the high esteem
and profound respect of the public. Unlike
many who have achieved success in a west-
ern community, he determined not to seek
the supposedly fairer climes in which to
spend the declining years of his life, but to
remain in the commonwealth and the city
with the upbuilding of which he had given
so much of his time and thought, and where,
though without recognition on his part, his
character and the record of his life con-
tinued to be a shining example. And that,
we may be sure, will not be dimmed so long
as the record of his life and achievements
shall remain to be read or known to men in
this growing commonwealth."
On January 28th, Wyoming lost one of
her best known pioneers, Mr. Michael Henry.
Mr. Henry came to Wyoming in 1855. He
had led a very active life; had been bugler
in the army, an Indian fighter, cowboy, pio-
neer ranchman, coal operator, bank president
and closely identified with the upbuilding of-
Wyoming. He passed away at his home in
Douglas at the age of eighty-three.
Mr. Skovgard of Basin passed away in
May. Mr. Skovgard came to Wyoming in
1909 and rose rapidly to the ranks of promi-
nent men in Wyoming. Mr. Skovgard served
in the State Senate for twelve years.
Hiram B. Kelly crossed Wyoming in '49
by way of .Oregon Trail. Miner, freighter,
bullwhacker, Indian fighter, mail carrier,
stage driver and stockman. One of the most
resourceful, successful, highly respected men
that ever helped to develop this western
country. Came to Wyoming in 1857.
On June 10th, Mrs. Mentzer, wife of form-
er District Judge W. C. Mentzer, died sud-
denly at her home after a short illness from
heart trouble. Mrs. Mentzer was prominenl
in religious, civic and social circles. She had
)ccn actively identified with all activities that
lad their basic principles in the betterment
_>f human conditions.
Mr. W. C. Irvine, affectionately known as
'Billy Irvine," passed away in California,
liter a lingering illness from diabetes. Mr.
Irvine came to Wyoming in 1873, from that
:ime until his death on July 27th, 1924, his
leart and his interests were in Wyoming.
His body reposes in the family plot in Lake-
/icw Cemetery, Cheyenne. United States
senator John B. Kendrick commenting on
he passing of Mr. Irvine said, "He was un-
excelled in man}' ways. In courage, both
ihysical and moral, in devotion and loyalty
0 his friends, he was beyond compare."
"Buck" Taylor, Indian fighter, scout and
lowboy and a member of Buffalo Bill's Wild
pest show, died in Pennsylvania of pneu-
Ezra L. Emery was one of the most popu-
ar and widely known men in the State. He
vas an early advocate for good roads. He
lied suddenly while on a motor trip with his
The following early settlers came to Wyo-
ning previous to 1886, and died in 1924:
Cunningham, Agnes. Came to Rock
>.p*ings in 1878.
Middlewood. Came to Saratoga in 1882.
Sweet, Thomas P. Pioneer of Weston
Bounty. Came to Newcastle 1880.
Beneway, George C, Sheridan. Guard at
illing of President Lincoln.
Wolfe, William W., Lusk, 1850. Early
rapper and fur trader. Pioneer in three
tates. Age, ninety-three.
Bloom, Mrs. A. M., Laramie, 1869.
Stotts, Judge J. L. Pioneer Judge of Sheri-
an Judicial District.
Bryan, Ted. Pioneer cowboy, Rock River.
Bryan, Zach. Pioneer freighter, Casper.
King, Frank, Buffalo. Freighter.
Morganson, James. Pioneer of Evanston.
_ Street, George B. One of the last Pony
pcpress riders, Arvada.
Bernard, H. H. Pioneer since 1879, Rock
Zane, Lou A. Pioneer since 1880, Basin.
Peak, Mrs. Wilson. Pioneer woman of
lig Horn County.
Ellis, Mrs. Helen Foote. Arrived at Fort
lalleck in 1873, interesting pioneer life, Elk
Lavergne, Felix. Much to do with the up-
uilding of Weston County.
Whalev, W. T. One of the first settlers
1 the Shell Creek Valley.
Taylor, R. E. Pioneer since 1865, Kem-
McGibbon, James. Oldest engineer in the
?rvice of the Union Pacific, Laramie.
Murphy, Wm. H. Operated first thresh-
lg machine in this part of the country,
Keating, Patrick J. Pioneer of Black Hills
ays, Casper.
Higgins, Mrs. J. E. Pioneer resident of
Biever, Jacob. Veteran railroader of Sheri-
China Joe. Survivor of Chinese riots; his-
torical figure of Sweetwater County, Rock
Jones, Jack, who recalls Sheridan's earliest
Neville, J. H. Pioneer of Big Horn Coun-
ty, Basin. Served in Legislatures.
Mayden, John E. Resident of Platte Val-
ley since 1886, Rawlins.
Nelson, Judge A. M. Pioneer citizen of
Weston County.
Bertolette, Mrs. Sylvia. Pioneer of Doug-
las since 1880.
Shippen, John N., Manville.
Rex, Alfred George, Evanston, 1872.
Jacobson, Mary, Laramie.
Cooper, Mrs. Mary, Cheyenne, 1867.
McFarland, John, ranking pioneer of Platte
county, arrived in 1866.
MacFarlane, Peter, Wheatland, 1882.
Served in Legislature; active in creating
Platte County.
Baldwin, M. N. First white child on Wind
River; lived in Wyoming 61 years.
Muir, Matt., Sr., Rock Springs, 1876.
Blake, J. A., Sheridan.
Blair, Thomas H., Manville.
Porter, Lewis J. Native in Wyoming, born
July 2, 1852, at Fort Halleck.
Naismith, W. J. Oldest employee of the
Union Pacific on the Wyoming" Division,
Trollope, Mrs. Mary C. Married by Bill
Nye in Laramie store 1877; dies at home in
Tinkham, Frank, Douglas.
Solomon, Mrs. Sophia, Cheyenne.
Cahill, Patrick, Cheyenne.
Farr, J. H, Laramie.
Arnold, Mrs. Mary S., Wheatland.
Bartlett, Mr. Lige, Kemmerer.
Love, Mrs. John, Rock Springs.
Rogers, Mrs. Philinda, Hudson.
Mahoney, Mrs., Cheyenne.
Campbell, A. D., Rawlins.
Long, Mr. James, Sr., Rock Springs.
Dougherty, Mary, was a Civil War nurse,
came to Wyoming in 1876, Laramie.
Woods, William, engineer for the Union
Pacific nearly fifty years, Laramie.
Redman, Mrs. M. T., pioneer of Buffalo
since 1882.
Baker, Charles S. Pioneer of Uinta Coun-
ty, Evanston, 1878.
Johnson, Mrs. Bertha. Pioneer'of Laramie
City since 1884.
Thompson, Joseph, Rock Springs, 1882.
Johnson, Mrs. J. S. E., Kemmerer; came to
Wyoming in 1881.
Younts, Harry. Came to Wyoming 1866,
Burnett, Mrs. F. G. Came to South Pass
Steers, Mrs. Razalia, Wind River. Came
to Wyoming 1863 over Oregon Trail to
Green River.
Spearing, Mr. John. Freighter into Buf-
falo in 1878.
James, Joseph Paul. Trapper, cowboy,
1879; died at Bar C Ranch.
Powell, George, Douglas. Bullwhackcr,
Indian fighter, 1865; one of the best known
and highly respected men in the State.
Argesheimer, Airs. Harriet L. Passed away
in California at the age of 87; she had been
a resident of Wyoming for 35 years. She
came to Fort Russell in 1875, her husband,
Captain Argesheimer, being at that time at-
tached to the Third Cavalry.
Howard, Jennie. Comparatively few of
those in Cheyenne not of the "old time" ele-
ment knew Jennie Howard save by sight.
She was worth knowing. In adversity, in-
digence, she was cheerful, optimistic. — Chey
enne Tribune.
Conway, Mrs. Emma J. Came to Chey
enne in 1872. Hers was the gracious dignit}
of highbred womanhood of a period tha
ended ere those of the now dominant gener
ation were born. — Cheyenne Tribune.
Shepperson, Mrs. J. L. Died suddenly a'
her home in Casper in September. Mrs
Shepperson was a native daughter and wa:
an active member of the State Historica
Received from
Moore, Mr. Lee Order to Denver Marble & Granite Co., for George W. Pike
Bonser, Mr. W. A Three receipts.
Historical Books
Hooker, Mr. W. F "The Bull Whacker," by Mr. Hooker.
Dale, Mr. E. E "The Ranchman's Last Frontier," E. E. Dale.
"The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association," E. E. Dale.
"Outline and References for Oklahoman History," Dale and
Farthing, Mr. Charles Mitchell's School Geography, 1850, contains one 1849 mai
of U. S. ( Loaned).
Watson, Air. Elmo Scott "Famous Forts in United States History."
Wagner, Henry, Sr
Chaplin, W. E
Original Manuscript
Bonser, W. A One original manuscript.
Two letters.
Ordway, Edward, Sr One original manuscript.
Watts, Air. A. E Two Tandem whips used in 1880 by Air. and Airs. Paul O
One Tandem whip used in 1880 by John D. Gill.
One pocketbook made from old fashioned boottop and given
to A. R. Converse by Buffalo Bill about 1882, shows
much wear.
Aiyers, Mr. Ed One French road map.
Mathes, Mr One Friedman brace.
Bonser, Mr. W. A One prospector's scales used by Smith Bonser for weighing
gold dust during the Black Hills gold excitement.
One picture of Air. and Mrs. Smith Bonser.
One framed commencement Program of Chevenne High
School, June, 1880.
One Republican ticket.
One Roosevelt badge.
Hebard, Dr. G. R One Muslin Laramie County Republican Ticket, date 1888
Farthing, Mr. Charles Collection from south of Iron Mountain of flint arrows anc
one-half ox shoes.
Gordon, Air. Peter, Jr One gun found on Ham's Fork River at crossing of Ok
Lander Trail, in August, 1893; one Indian mortar; one
Indian war club; three knives: one bayonet; two speai
heads; one old cornet; collection of sixteen guns; oik
human finger petrified.
Preiss Alurchand, Airs. V. E Butterflies, insects and flowers. (Loaned.)
Aloore, Mr. Lee. Picture of George W. Pike monument in Douglas cemetery
Kirkpatrick, Mrs. J. A Large picture of Senator F. E. Warren.
War History
Beach, Airs. Cora Al Bulletin No. 4, A. L. A. Proceedings of Annual Conven-
tion of the A. L. A., vols. 1,2, 3.
Scribner's Alonthly Magazine, Alay-October, 1875.
Wyoming State Business Director, Volume 21.
Autographed, Illustrated Copy of "Uinta County; Its Place in History," by Elizabetl
Arnold Stone.
Wyoming State Labor Journal. .Bound Volumes, 1919-20-21-22-23.
C%L^—+-^— ^s
Vol. 2
Cheyenne, April 15, 1925
No. 4
Prior to the Civil war but little was known
about the work and place of Army Chap-
lains in this country. Our regular army was
little more than a skeleton organization. A
regiment was rarely all in one place. Small
battalions were doing garrison duty or were
on outpost service. There were post chap-
lains at a very few stations where military
needs required the gathering of a goodly
number of soldiers. A standard military dic-
tionary of that time defined a chaplain "as "a
commissioned officer or clergyman who per-
forms divine service." According to army
regulations a chaplain was .entitled to the pay
aii*dTrations of a captain of cavalry; but that
provision did not indicate his rank, his sphere
or his duties. The only specific utterance on
this point in the articles of war was, that a I obtained until the reorganization of the army
chaplain could be court-martialed "like any February 2, 1901, when provision was again
other officer in case of a misdemeanor. made for chaplains for each regiment of in-
With the formation of the great volunteer J fantry, thirty, each regiment of cavalry, fif-
army of the United States, the regimental teen, and twelve for the artillery corps. A
chaplaincy was provided for and very quickly '■ total of fifty-seven. There are now several
sprang into prominence. H. Clay Trumbull, | vacancies, five I think. The law provided
who was Chaplain of the Tenth Conn. Volun- j that a chaplain shall have the rank, pay, privi-
tcers, tells us in a little volume he has pre- j leges, and allowances, of a captain and shall
dier's life. Nor were those who died during
the war the only chaplains who won honor
or who deserve it. Many a chaplain who did
good service then has shown in other prom-
inent spheres since then that he was the sort
to serve faithfully his fellows, his country,
and his God, wherever his lot was cast. I
have already mentioned H. Clay Trumbull,
editor of the S. S. Times. Let me include
Archbishop John Ireland of St. Paul, General
John Eaton, United States Commissioner of
Education, Bishop Lawrence McMahon of
Hartford, Bishop C. C. McCabe, Dr. Samuel
J. Nichols of St. Louis, Dr. Arthur Edwards
of Chicago, editor of the North Western
Christian Advocate.
At the close of the war the office of regi-
mental chaplain was abolished and post chap-
lains were again appointed and this condition
pared of personal recollections, that many
new chaplains adopted the uniform of a cap-
tain of cavalry, with the shoulder straps,
sash and cord included. In a number of in-
stances the position was given to irreligious
laymen as a mere matter of favor to the
commanding officer. Soon, however Con-
gress enacted laws measurably righting these
inconsistencies. It was and still is required
that a chaplain be a duly authorized clergy-
man of a religious denomination, that he be
vouched for by at least five fellow clergymen
of his denomination or by some recognized
council of same.
In a volume, ."Regimental Losses in the
American Civil War," compiled by Col. Wm.
F. Fox from the official records at Wash-
ington, there is a chapter showing the loss
of officers in action from army and corps
commanders to officers of the regimental
be upon the same footing as other officers in
the matters of tenure of office, retirement and
pensions. A proper uniform is provided for
dress, full dress and service.
Chaplains are appointed by the President.
He usually designates a number of men for
examination, they must be under forty years
of age, pass a rigid physical examination and
certain educational tests.
The position of regimental chaplain is un-
ique. He is a commissioned officer yet with-
out command. No question of relative rank
brings him into rivalry with any other officer.
He may be welcomed alike by general or
second lieutenant without the fear of any
seeming inconsistency of association, if only
he has the power of making himself person-
ally or socially agreeable or useful. Yet he
can be among the enlisted men as one en-
tirely in sympathy with them, without any
staff. Chaplains receive honorable mention ; thought on the part of either that he is step-
in this chapter. "It will doubtless be a sur- I ping out of his sphere or crossing the line
prise to many," says Col. Fox," to note the \ which divides commissioned officers as a class
number of Chaplains killed in battle. These j from enlisted men as a class. In this a chap-
gallant members of the church militant were ■ lain has a position utterly unlike any other
wont to take a more active part in the fight- j person in the army; and it is his own fault
ing than has been generally credited to them." j if he does not avail himself of it and improve
Fie mentions eleven "among the chaplains | its advantages. Officers and men alike re-
killed in action" and says that in addition I spect the office of chaplain and seem to relish
here were several who lost their lives by ; having in their army life one person to whom
he diseases and hardships incident to a sol- i they can speak in entire freedom, that is if
(Copyright. 1925.)
Published by the Wyoming State Historical
State Historical Board
Governor — Mrs. William B. Ross.
Secretary of State — F. E. Lucas
State Librarian — Flo La Chapelle
State Historian — Mrs. Cyrus Beard
Secretary of the Board
Advisory Board
Rt. Rev. P. A. McGovern, Cheyenne
Dr. Grace R. Hebard, Laramie
Mr. P. W. Jenkins, Cora
Mrs. Willis M. Spear, Sheridan
Mr. R. D. Hawley, Douglas
Miss Margery Ross, Cody
Mrs. E. T. Raymond, Newcastle
Mr. E. H. Fourt, Lander
Army Chaplains Coutant
Green River Early History.. Coutant
Reminiscenses of Early Days of Douglas
: Bert Wagner
Reminiscenses of Early Days in Wyoming
....Mrs. Kate Lisberg
Letter John Hunton
: .F. V. Hayden
A Tragic Death in the Early Days of
Wyoming Elizabeth Speath
An Appreciation ....Contributed
Carbon County Copper J. C. Kennedy
Cheyenne Weather Station
, Emma J. Dobbins
Notes and Comments State Historian
Accessions State Historian
the chaplain has the qualities and experience
to fit him for such confidence.
Our older soldiers — commissioned officers
and enlisted men — especially those who have
been through the recent war are as a class
more reverent than people on the outside
judge them to be. They support all services
splendidly, the average attendance at army
posts being far in excess of that in civil life.
The Chicago-Record Herald recently made
a canvas of the churches of Chicago and
stated that the attendance of men at the ser-
vices of the various churches on Sunday was
less than 15 per cent of the male population.
At army posts even where the facilities for
attending city churches are the best, and the
conveniences for services at the post are mea-
ger, a better average than this is maintained.
The soldier is human and because he is
human he welcomes human sympathy. Away
from home and friends he is usually glad to
have the chaplain show an interest in him
and his dear ones and to invite his confidence
concerning matters that most deeply concern
him personally.
. An old time officer recently told me that
the presence and services of the Chaplain on
the eve of a battle or in the engagement itself
was always inspiring alike to officers and
men. He said that after they came to know
him in the Phillipines, before which time the
men had dubbed him Holy Jim the Sky Pilot,
they counted his influence upon the men as
the equal of a dozen additional men in the
On the other hand some men who are
natural cowards become chaplains. Two sol-
diers were overheard discussing their chap-
lains and comparing them. "He's always on
picket with his regiment," they said, "and he
is always ready to go with it into a fight. You
don't catch our 'Holy John' up there."
"You don't mean that our chaplain is a
coward, do you?" in a scornful tone.
"Oh, no! I don't say he is a coward; but
whenever there is any firing ahead he has to
go for the mail."
"Well, but he has got to go for the mail,
you know?"
"Yes; but if the firing is sudden he can't
stop to get his saddle on."
And the soldiers laughed heartily over this
picture of their frightened Chaplain. That
Chaplain could not preach the soldiers duty
of courage to men who saw that he gave way
to unsoldierly cowardice.
The regulations specify that the chaplain
shall conduct one service each Sunday, and
that he may be detailed by the commanding
officer to conduct the post school for enlisted
men. So that it is evident that the chaplain
may do little or much according to his own
inclination. An active man finds plenty to do
in hospital, guard house, Sunday school,
preaching services, mid-week service, literary
society, etc. At many posts suitable chapels
are provided- The one at Fort Reilly is of
stone and cost about $12,000. Regulations
already provide for heating, lighting,_ janitor
service and seating but no provision is made
for desk, bibles, hymn books, or communion
service. The following from 1901 regula-
tions, section 341, explains how such items
are to be secured. "Books for post chapel
services are not furnished by the Govern-
ment; the chaplain is expected to secure them
through the voluntary contributions of those
interested." While the chaplain has no au-i
thority in the matter he is expected to have a
fatherly oversight of the post library. At
most, posts good libraries are provided, a
small government appropriation being avail-
able to keep them up. Each company also
has its reading room, usually supplied with
choice current literature and papers from the
locality from which any considerable num-
i ber of the men come. . !
It costs the Government approximately
$200,000 annually to maintain its corps of
I army chaplains and it would be very natural
! for you to ask if as a result of this outlay
and "the effort of the men employed there are
conversions in the army. From my short
experience I can answer in the affirmative
and could give several good illustrations. A
man at Fort Douglas, where I was stationed
for three months, was spoken of as the great)
est drunkard in the post. The chaplain had
talked with him and found him to be a man
of some attainments and decided to try to
win him to better things. He invited him to
learn to play golf with him and furnished
the clubs for both. The man showed great
aptitude for the game and had soon won the
post championship. A great friendship
sprung up between chaplain and soldier, he
was won to Christ and today is teaching in
the post school at Douglas, an honored and
respected man. One such case is compen-
sation for many days of earnest work.
You might ask does the religious zeal of
the average young man lessen when he enters
the army, and I would say from my obser-
vation, not more than that of the average
young man in any profession or occupation
who is removed from home influences. Re-
member that absolutely none of the restrain-
ing influences of the home are thrown about
the soldier. One man told me recently that
he had not eaten a meal in a home for four-
teen years. You find some such in civil life
who live in boarding houses and Christian
ministers know the problem such cases pre-
In collection with the work of the chaplain
mention must be made of the splendid work
rfr^feris done by Christian workers from the
cities that are located near army posts. The
W. C. T. U., the various young people so-
cieties, the Young Men's Christian Associa-
tion, pastors and laymen have contributed
largely of their time for work among sol- :
diers. Such effort is always appreciated and
is encouraged by commanding officers as a
rule. It is often the case that the only ser-
vices conducted at a fort for years have been
under the direction of volunteer workers and
chaplains have come upon the field to find
well organized Young People's Societies do-
ing efficient work. The direct advantage of
this outside co-operation, even with a chap-
lain on the field, lies in the fact that if he is
removed the religious work is not entirely
(The above article is from an unsigned
and undated manuscript in the Coutant Col-
lection of notes in the State Archives. Mr.
Coutant died in 1913. Reference in the man-
uscript to a book written in 1901 places the
date approximately.
State Historian.
Green River is the county seat of Sweet-
water County 845 miles west of Omaha, the
end of the Laramie and the commencement
of the Western Division of the Union Pa-
The place is a regular eating station, where
passenger trains stop thirty minutes, those
from the East for breakfast, those from the
West for supper. Much taste is displayed at
this station in the decorating the dining room
and office with mountain curiosities, mineral
specimens, moss agate and horns of game.
The city has a good court house — costing
$35,000; several dry goods, grocery, clothing
and other stores; two hotels, and about 400
opulation; also, a daily newspaper, the
Evening Press. The Railroad Companv has
a roundhouse of 15 stalls, and machine shops
and repair shops, located here, that in the
early years of the road were at Bryan.
It is claimed that the surrounding country
is rich in mines but one thing is certain it is
rich in cattle; it has cattle on more than a
thousand hills."
The bluffs near this station present a pecu-
liar formation called, by Professor Hayden,
the "Green River Shales."
The walls of these bluffs rise perpendicu-
larly for hundreds of feet, are of grayish
bluff color, and are composed of layers, ap-
parently sedimentary deposits of all the
thicknesses is from that of a knife blade to
two feet, at the base of the bluffs the layers
are thin and composed of arenaceous clay,
with laminated sandstone, mud marking sand
other indications of shallow water of mud
flats; color for 100 feet, ashen brower; next
above are lighter colored, layers, alternate
with greenish layers and fine white sand.
Passing up, clay and lime predominates then
comes layers of boulders, pebbles, and small
I nodules.
! "There are also seams of very fine black
hmestone, saturated with petroleum near the
summit, under the shallow calcareous sand-
stone, there are over fifty feet of shales that
contain more or less of oily material. The
hills all around are capped with a deep, rusty
yellow sandstone which presents the pecu-
liar castellated forms which with the handed
appearance, have given so much celebrity to
the scenery about the station.
The point where our photographer stood
to take the picture, was about one half mile
below the bridge and immediately opposite
the mouth of the noted Bitter Creek, down
which, in years past, rolled the wagons of
the pioneer — emigrants of the far west, on
their weary way seeking new El Doradres
towards the setting sun.
OLD TOWN— a short distance from the
station to the southward is the site of the
old deserted city of Green River, near the
old emigrant crossing, and thereby hangs a
tale. This city was laid out in July, 1868,
and in the September following contained
2,000 inhabitants and many substantial wood
and adobe buildings, and presented a perman-
ent appearance. At that time it was thought
by the citizens that the Railroad Company
would certainly erect their division building
near the town, and it would become an im-
portant station in co'nsequence. But the Rail-
road Company opposed the Town company,
bridged the river, and as the road stretched
away to the westward, the town declined as
rapidly as it arose, the people moving on to
Bryan, at which place the Railroad Company
located their city — and sold lots.
Twenty years ago an important trading
station was located near this station just be-
low on the opposite side of the river. In
early days the Mormons had a ferry here,
and as the river was seldom fordable — except
late in the fall — they reaped a rich harvest
of from $5.00 to $20.00 a team for crossing
them over the river, according as the owners
were found able to pay. These times were
comparatively only yesterday and we might
stay with the juggler "Presto!" and we have
the "river house" and the big trains of mag-
nificent palace cars, crossing the substantial
railroad bridge, conveying their hundreds of
passengers daily from every land and clime —
whirling them across the continent from
ocean to ocean, on schedule time. Do these
passengers while partaking of a princely
meal, lying at ease sipping their wine (or
possibly ice water) and smoking quietly their
cigar, ever think of the hardy pioneers who
toiled along on foot, and alone many times
over seven months traveling the same dis-
tance that can now be made in five days?
These pioneers suffered every kind of hard-
ship, many unto death and those that re-
main are fast passing away. Yet, the fruits
of their adventurous and daring intrepidity
can be seen no every hand.
GREEN RIVER. This stream rises in the
northwest portion of the Wind River Moun-
tains at the base of Fremont's Peak. The
source of the river is found in innumerable
little streams about 200 miles from the rail-
road crossing, about 150 miles below the sta-
tion the river empties into the Colorado
River. The name "Green River" implies the
color of the water, but one would hardly
expect to behold a large rapid river, whose
waters possess so deep a hue. The river
for some distances up the streams runs
through a soil composed of decomposed rock,
slate, etc., which is very green and easily
washed and worn away which accounts for
the color of the water. At all seasons of the
year the water is very good — the best by far
of any found in this country. The tributaries
abound in trout of fine flavor, and the main
river is well stocked with the finny tribe.
Game of all kinds abound along the river
and in the adjacent mountains.
Fontenelle Creek comes into Green River
forty miles north and is especially noted for
game, trout, etc.
The lower stream presents a very marked
feature, aside from the high bluffs of worn
sandstone besides sedimentary deposits.
These features are strongly marked, above
the bridge for several miles.
From Green River station the first ex-
ploratory expedition of Major Powell started
on the 24th of May, 1869. The party con-
sisted of about a dozen well armed, intrepid
men, mostly western hunters. They had four
well built boats, with which to explore the
mysterious and terrible canyons of Green
River and the Colorado. These gorges were
comparatively unknown, the abrupt moun-
tain walls having turned the travel far from
their sterile shores. Science and commerce
demanded a solution of the question, and
Major Powell undertook to solve the prob-
lem. The party encountered hardships, dis-
covered beautiful scenery, and in their report
have thrown much light on the mysteries
of this heretofore not much traveled country.
The result of the expedition afforded the Ma-
jor materials for a course of lectures and
demonstrated the important fact that the
Colorado canyon is not navigable.
We hear the Major has since the above
made an expedition to the river, but are not
informed as to the results. A wagon road
leads north up the east side of the river,
on which a stage runs regularly to the
cipal cities are South Pass, Atlantic and
Hamilton. They are situated four miles
apart. The principal occupation of the citi-
zens is quartz gold mining. Many of the
mines are said to be very rich, but for some
reasons are very unprofitable to work. The
principal mines are on the Sweetwater river;,
a tributary of Wind River, which passes
through very rich mineral and agricultural
Wind River is a tributary of the Big Horn
River which empties into the Yellowstone.
The streams abound in fish including trout
of excellent flavor. The mountains and val-
ley furnish game in abundance, deer, elk,
antelope, mountain sheep, buffalo, brown,
black and grizzly bears. Indians difficulties
have retarded mining, agricultural and busi-
ness operations very much in the past.
Leaving the station we cross Green River
on a fine bridge, the cars passing along
through heavy cut almost over the river in
places affording a fine view of the cliffs on
the east side of the river. Twenty miles to
the northwest is a large barren butte, stands
in isolated loneliness. Soon we turn to the
left leaving the river and pass along a dreary
waste for 13.4 miles and arrive at Bryan.
— From Coutant Notes.
In the spring of 1886 the Fremont Elkhorn
and Missouri Valley Railroad (now known
as the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad)
was built from Chadron through Eastern
part of Wyoming to Douglas which was the
terminus of the Railroad for several years.
The first lots were sold in September 1886
and a town sprung up in three months with
a population of about two thousand five hun-
dred and it was the liveliest and busiest town
in the State until the railroad was extended
to Casper several years later. Before the
railroad reached Douglas and the^ town lots
were sold, a village of Tents and Shacks was
built on Antelope Creek about a half mile
from the Douglas townsite and I was one of
the first merchants to open up a Clothing
and Mens Furnishing store in the town of
Antelope. I had most of my merchandise
shipped from Chicago and Omaha to the end
of the railroad and freighted from there in
wagons drawn by fourteen to sixteen horses
or mules, and it took about 6 days to make
the trip to Douglas, the roads being very
rough especially in the spring of the year.
1 I also had some merchandise consigned to
! me from Omaha via the Union Pacific R. R.
i to Rock Creek (now called Rock River, Wyo-
ming) and freighted from there to Douglas.
! A man by the name of William Taylor who
owned a" large Mercantile establishment at.
| Rock Creek, took charge of all freight ship-
ments at that point and forwarded same to
I Douglas merchants by Freight Teams. Tt
took from seven to ten days to haul freight
from Rock Creek to Douglas at that time,
cost from three to five cents per pound for
hauling. Among the freighters who had out-
fits were George Powell, Al Ayres, Jim
Smith, Abe Daniels and Barney Gunning.
There were many others whom I cannot re-
call at this time. All of these men settled
in Douglas later on and were very prosper-
ous, in fact two of them (Abe Daniels and
Jim Smith) became rich. The former died
several years ago and left quite a large
estate but Jim Smith is still living and resides
in Casper now and owns more real estate
than any other man in Casper. He is also
proprietor of the Natrona Hotel in Casper
which is a money making proposition. When
I reached the town of Antelope on Antelope
Creek near the townsite where Douglas now
stands, I could not find any lumber or other
material for erecting a store building so I
wired to Chicago for a large Tent, thirty
feet wide and fifty feet long. By the time
it had arrived I had secured a few rough
boards and two by fours, and with these I
built a frame thirty by fifty feet to stretch
the tent over. I also built a temporary floor
and some shelving and counters out of the
ro»gh lumber so as to have a suitable place
to open a temporary store. After I had un-
packed all of my merchandise, found that I
ad ordered too large a tent so I rented half
f it to Charles Clay of Rock Creek, Wyo-
ming, who opened up a Grocery Store and
ve were the leading merchants in the town
f Antelope, Wyoming, until the fall of 1885
vhen the town of Douglas was built and
very one in the vicinity moved over to Doug-
as. The first lot was sold to DeForrest
~ichards Sr., for twelve hundred and fifty
ollars $1,250.00) and he immediately began
he erection of the First National Bank
Budding of Douglas which was completed in
ibout three months. He also bought another
ot on the opposite corner for which he paid
me thousand dollars and on this corner he
erected a large one story brick building which
vas first occupied by the C. H. King Mer-
cantile Company, of which DeForrest Rich-
irds, Sr., was a half owner. This was the
argest mercantile establishment in Central
Wyoming for a number of years, and when
he railroad was extended to Casper, this firm
xioved to Casper and also established the
"asper National Bank. A few years later
Vlr. A. J. Cunningham bought the interests
>f C. H. King and the firm name was chang-
:d to Richards and Cunningham Company,
vho now operate one of the largest Depart-
ment Stores in the State and also own the
~asper National Bank. Two prominent citi-
zens of Casper, viz. Patrick Sullivan and P.
1. Nicolayson are associated with them in
he bank and store. I am ahead of my story
gain and must write a few more reminis-
:ences of the early days of Douglas where I
vas located for about ten years.
I bought a lot in Douglas on the first day
if the lot sale in September in 1886 and paid
ive hundred dollars for it in the middle of
he block where the Yellowstone Garage is
iow located. It took me two days to get the
sagebrush off of this lot which was about
three feet high; I then began the construc-
tion of a one story frame store building which
cost me about twenty-five hundred dollars
and before moving in my new store I gave
a big dance free to everybody, the music be-
ing furnished by Abe Daniels and myself, he
being an expert on the fiddle and I played
the piano. The refreshments consisted of a
Dutch Lunch with all the beer they wanted
to drink and all free. This made a great hit
and was a good advertisement for me. It
was certainly a mixed crowd, mostly cow-
boys, Railroad men, and Surveyors, but all
| had a good time.
j After I had removed my stock of merchan-
| dise from the big Tent of Antelope Creek to
the new store in Douglas, some cowboys cut
| out the entire north side of the tent for tar-
paulins and the tent was ruined so I cut the
■ balance of it into strips and sold them for
tarpaulins. There were a lot of shacks and
I tents erected in the old town of Antelope
| Creek and most of them were moved later on
I to the new town of Douglas, Wyoming I
[remember that the "Budget Office" (an old
| shack building of rough boards and tar
paper, etc.) was erected right across the
street from my tent store, and next to my
store was another tent owned by A. R. Mer-
ritt, it being used for a Drug Store. Mr.
Merritt now owns one of the largest De-
I partment Stores in Douglas. He came from
! Nebraska (Fremont) and I from Laramie,
I Wyoming. There was also a large Hard-
! ware Store in a tent and it was owned by
Peavy and Ralston, who later on moved to
the town of Douglas but did not remain there
long. Just across the street from store on
Antelope Creek was another shack built of
rough boards and tar paper, etc., occupied by
C. R. Maurer as a law office and next to that
a building that looked like a barn also built
of rough lumber and tar paper, etc., and it
was occupied by the "Rowdy West" news
paper, which by the way was always printed 1
on pink paper similar to the Police Gazette
but minus the pictures. It was owned and
operated by W. S. Kimball, Sr. and W. S.
Kmball, Jr, who came there from Audobau,
Iowa in the spring of 1886 and both have i
been good friends of mine ever since al-
though their politics were not the same as
mine. W. S. Kimball, Sr., is now about
eighty-four years of age and lives in Glen-
rock, Wyo., while his son W. S. Kimball, Jr.,
is now a resident of Casper, and owns two
large Drug Stores. He was at one time
Mayor of Casper, and is now a highly re-
spected resident of the community.
There were several other pioneers or "Old
Timers" (as I call them) who were in busi-
ness in the little town of Antelope before
Douglas was built, but I cannot recall them
at this time. After the town lots were sold
in Douglas nearly every business man in the
town of Antelope began to erect buildings
and within three months there were several
blocks oi business houses erected and num-
erous residences. The First National Bank
Building was the largest building in Douglas
for several years, and the C. H. King Mer-
cantile Co. also erected a very large one
story brick building. The Maverick Bank
Building was erected by a Mr. Garver who
was a large coal mining operator of Des
Moines, Iowa, and he started his son (Carl
Garver, who by the way is now the Mayor
of Des Moines, Iowa) in the banking busi-
ness. But this bank only laste da few years,
as Carl Garver was too liberal, and loaned
money freely especially to the Cowboys who
were all his friends, and he would take al-
most anything for security, such as a saddle,
revolver, or a pair of spurs and their notes.
While the bank building was being erected,
they decided to name it the "Maverick Bank"
as the name "Maverick" was very popular
in those days, meaning an unbranded steer,
and many cattlemen or ranchmen became
rich by rounding up Mavericks and branding
There were many funny incidents hap-
pened in Douglas during the Early Days and
one of them I can vividly recall.
A Jewish merchant by the name of Fuhr-
man located in Douglas during the first year
at its existence, and I believe he was the "only
Jew in Douglas at that time. Although he
was very popular the boys were always play-
ing tricks on him. One day a party of young
men toik him out hunting, and they traveled
quite a distance and had to camp out over
night. One day one of the party killed a
Coyote and that night while Mr. Fuhrman
was asleep they put the Coyote in bed with
him, and when he woke up and felt the ani-
mal rubbing against his face he was almost
frightened to death, he first thought it was
alive. Another funny incident happened at
about the same time. A young lawyer by the
name of Beemis who came out from Iowa to
visit Carl Garver, Robert Green and Mr.
Blackburn and he was a real "Tenderfoot"
as they called any green fellow in those days.
So they had him go out Snipe Hunting and
made him carry a gunnysack with a barrel
hoop in it to keep it open. They told him
to sit down and hold the sack while they all
went to drive in the Snipe and he did so but
fell asleep holding the sack, and when he
woke up all had gone home and there were
no snipe in the sack, in fact I guess there
were none in the country so the joke was on
After Douglas became an incorporated
town there were many nice refined people
settled there and all were prosperous until the
railroad was extended to Casper. After that
over half of the population followed the rail-
joad to Casper which is the largest town in
Wyoming. Many of the pioneers or old
timers -of Douglas are still living and many
of them make their home in Casper. Nearly
all of them have been prosperous and are en-
joying their old days in a nice modern city.
Well I think that I have written enough
about the early days of Laramie and Douglas
so will close but later on I may write some
interesting events which have not yet been
published about the early days of Casper.
Yours respectfully,
631 East 2nd Street,
Casper, Wyoming,
By Mrs. August Kate Leisberg
Age 70 years
Arriving November 23rd, 1889 from Ell
Horn, Nebraska I found Green River, Wyo
ming a most barren town; only a few fam
ilies very busy but kindly disposed.
In a few days I left for Miners Delight
where_ my sister Mrs. E. J. Morris resided
At this place two hundred men mining foi
gold were working day and night. Pros
pecting for gold was the daily topic of con
versation, amusements were not much varied
sleigh riding, coasting over high snow drift:
and dancing were all at that time
Health seeking was a great question, an
swered by some wonderful demonstrations
Wealth sought it as the prospector did foi
gold. Not all the tents dotting the Soutl
Pass hills to Father Washakies Peaks wen
the abode of Indians. Father Washakie was
a thoughtful old man; while he sanctionec
the Sun-dance it has often been quoted tha'
he advised young heroes "to live peacefu
with all brethren for the Great Spirit mad«
us all. We are many like leaves on the trees
and he will not let it rain or the grass grow
your families will all starve to death if yot
go on the war path and white man's sickness
will come upon you."
First, if not most disappointing was wher
I went to live on the Reservation, near Fori
Washakie. I looked and looked in vain foi
the Hiawathas and heroes of the beautifa
Indian maidens, the Pocahontas type I used
to read about when I was a small girl in
Mexico, Missouri, which was my native
My first occupation as teaching school in
South Pass; a school which had been pre-
viously taught by Dr. Kate Nelson, a sister
of Mrs. Captain Nickerson (Mrs. N. G.). I
had to ride horse back over a rough, un-
broken, snowlined road two and one-half
miles with two of my pupils behind me.
Fifty dollars per month and twenty for
board, while this experience was a hardship
I broke in and conquered. Teachers now
could hardly believe how trying such things
were then, as we have good roads to walk
or ride on now, much better salaries and
more comfortable places to board. All due
to intelligent progressiveness. Many people
were as up to date in general information
then as they are today, only they had to adapt
themselves to surroundings and conditions of
the country. Educational opinions were in
unison. People wanted schools to prosper
and develop for the betterment of their child-
Mrs. Esther Morris was the first woman
to advocate Women Suffrage in Wyoming.
She served for a time as Justice of the
Peace in Atlantic City. She is still repre-
sented in Cheyenne by near relatives in pro-
minent families.
Religion and politics did not seem to take
up time and thought as at present although
there could be named many good Christians
and politicians who did try to do some good.
Editing of newspapers was well con-
ducted, as their statements of Wyoming's
resources was heralded in every direction.
The Wind River Mountaineer, edited by
[Sr. Winn could be compared to a light in
the window of the wilderness.
There were some very fine principled boys
among the cowboy class, some from New
York drawing rooms who received letters
from mothers and sisters which were equal
to any Bible sermons of the present day.
Society after a time improved. Some were
as diamonds in a rubbish pile; some helpless
through ignorance; some helplessly poor but
the most marked feature was sympathy for
all who were in sickness or distress.
The Murphy Oil Wells were very small
cavities. They are known now as the Dallas
Oil Wells, and are considered the best in all
the Lander country. They are well worked
and developed by an English Company at
present. The railroad and oil boom was
talked of twenty years before they reached
the Lander country but great good came at
Popoagie Canyon Valley was very cold,
young people cannot imagine how the clim-
ate has changed. Even Westerners never
expected to see strawberries and asparagus
^r-*f\v in a Lander garden. Mr. Ed Young
of Red Cannon commenced early to culti-
vate an apple orchard and succeeded after
years of hard work. After the fruit experi-
ment was successful other varieties of food !
products were tried, some were very good
and were adapted to the variations of clim-
The freighting of provisions into the in-
habited districts would make as good a mov-
ing picture now as the Covered Wagon but
there was not much romance about freght-
ing then, as storms delayed the traffic and
many persons had to live for a time on car-
rots, beans, rice and sagebrush tea.
Agriculture was in a very backward con-
dition. There was not much machinery and
very poor market. Stock raising was best and
while many suffered hardships, as we all did,
some made money and money made better
times for all. But for a new country there
was considerable activity in real estate,
:hurches were built, Sunday Schools started.
The country was progressive but in crude
ways for a time. Some of our best citizens
}f that time live here today. Farmers were
:alking land. The man with land is the com-
ing man but many took on more than they
:ould handle profitably. "Farmers Alliance"
oroved a failure. Irrigating ditches were the
:ause of much controversy.
Honorable Mr. James Patton conducted
md read funeral services when called upon
md was a very popular citizen. Mr. H. G.
vants — people showed their appreciation by
keeping them to handle business affairs. Mrs.
Smith-Sherlock kept the store and Post-
office; Mrs. H. Sherman the boarding house
and occasionally held Bible meetings. Peo-
ple seemed to appreciate them as an Oasis
in the Desert of Western Life. Dr. T.
Maghee. Sr., was Dentist, Doctor and almost
nurse in cases. Archie Slack, eldest son of
Mrs. Esther Morris, edited the leading paper
known as the South Pass News.
Many changes in every way continued for
the uplifting standard. Only two contagions
tried to mar Mother Earth's material happi-
ness, snobbery and chicken pox. One de-
pended on the flourish of the crops, the other
on not heeding, prevention cures. My own
air castles, were far away. But the people
who attached their interests, and no differ-
ence where they wandered came back, built
nice residences and paid many a worthy
From letters to Mrs. Beard.
January 29, 1925.
In answer to your question "when was the
lime kiln west of the Fort built" I will try
to give you such information as I can on the
subject. Boulders of lime rock are promis-
cuously scattered over the Fort Laramie sec-
tion of country for many miles around and
in the early occupation of the country .by the
Military some lime was made in a crude way
by piling lime boulders and wood together
and burning the lime rock. It was also
known that large deposits of lime stone ex-
isted in what is now known as the Guern-
sey neighborhood.
^ Sometime during the early construction of
Fort Laramie the Military authority — com-
manding officer or Quartermaster — employed
a few citizens (I heard their names and per-
sonally knew one of them) to burn a kiln of
lime at Warm Springs about 2y2 miles south
and west of the town of Guernsey and lo-
cated on the Oregon Trail. There was con-
siderable lime burnt at this place for several
years but in the meantime another ledge or
deposit of a better quality of lime stone had
been discovered at Cold Springs about \l/2
miles north and west of Warm Springs
which I think, is the location your question
refers to, as it was the place the Govern-
ment got lime from for many years for both
Fort Laramie and Fort Fetterman. In 1871
a good quality of lime stone was discovered
on La Parelle Creek near the Natural Bridge.
Fetterman was then supplied from that lo-
cality. Fort Laramie continued to get lime
from Cold Springs until the Cheyenne and
Northern R. R. was constructed, after which
time it had its lime shipped to Bordeaux by
SJickerson (Captain) and family were among train. During 1877 and 78 and 79 and the
he residents. Mr. James Kirae kept a store j early eighties some small kiln of lime was
md a saloon. , burnt each vear, of boulder lime rock along
Mr. W. T. Shane, Mr. Mart McGrath and : the Laramie river some nine or ten miles
Mr. Enderly, were the first three men who west of Fort Laramie. During 1867 several
aid out the town site of Thermopohs. Mr. I thousand bushels of lime was burnt at Cold
N. T. Shane is living with his family at : Springs for Forts Laramie and Fetterman bv
>resent in Thermopohs. Many others could Dan McUlvan and much of it hauled by
>e mentioned who proved good public ser- Million Dickerson, both of whose names you
can find in the "Old Ledger." I think I
have given about all the history of lime there
is worth giving.
Most respectfull,
Fort Saunders, W. T.
August 24, 1868.
Dr. Hiram Latham,
Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Dear Sir:
I take great pleasure in communicating to
you some of the results of my examination
of the iron districts of Wyoming territory.
I regard the iron ore leads of the territory
as of great value, and almost indefinite in ex-
tent, and if the coal, of which there is the
greatest quantity can be made useful in
smelting this iron, it will prove as great a
source of wealth as the iron ore beds of
Pennsylvania are to the people of that state.
The iron mines I examined were those con-
nected with the coal formations along the
eastern base of the Laramie Range, com-
mencing about ten miles south of Cheyenne
City. This ore is amonite, commonly known
as namehematite, or brown iron ore. The
specimens obtained were, very compact,
showing that it must have been derived from
the carbonite of iron, and it will certainly
prove to be of excellent quality.
I have estimated the coal formations south
of Cheyenne City and north of the Arkansas
to occupy an area of 5,000 square miles, and
all this country is covered with brown iron
ore to greater or less extent.
It is said to yield seventy per cent of me-
talic iron and about three tons of the ore is
required to make one ton of pig iron. This
ore has been pronounced by such authorities
as Profs. Hall and Silliman equal to the best
brown ore of the east.
At the sources of the Chugwater are mass-
ive beds of magnetic iron ore of the best
quality. It is very much like the Champlain
ores of the east, and cannot fail to produce
the best of iron.
The quantity is unlimited and if the pow-
erful corporation of the Union Pacific Rail-
road can succeed in combining the two great
elements of wealth in this territory, coal and
iron, so as to utilize them, Wyoming must
eventually hold a relation to the contiguous
territories similar to that which Pennsylvania
now sustains toward the neighboring states.
Rolling mills and iron furnaces will spring up
everywhere, and it will cross the Missouri
River on its way westward.
You have enough iron ore on the territory
of Wyoming alone to supply the demand of
the entire west for a generation or more, and
discoveries will be made almost daily. The
time has come when the vast mineral wealth
of this region must be made useful, and suc-
cessful methods of reducing the ores will be
sought and found.
The great interest you have manifested in
the development of the resources of this
western country has led me to address this
brief note to you and I hope I may be able
to inform vou of other discoveries from time
to time. Wishing you much success, I re-
Sincerely yours,
United States Geologist.
One of the oldest ranches in Campbell
County is the present Lee and Spaeth ranch
about seven miles east of Gillette, the pre-
sent county seat. This ranch was originally
homesteaded by Hank Mason who lived in
California in the early sixties, where he was
a placer miner and a professional hunter. He
went into the Black Hills of Dakota in 1877.
His headquarters were a dug-out on the pre-
sent Lee and Spaeth ranch. He continued
to hunt, until buffalo and bear were gone,
then worked for other people until Crook
County was organized in 1885. He was the
first road supervisor elected, and graded the
road from Inya Kara Creek to Sundance.
xVIr. E. B. Armstrong, who now lives in Cali-
fornia and who was himself one of the early
settlers of the northeastern part of Wyo-
ming writes as follows about Mason:
"I first met Hank Mason on the Belle
Fourche River in 1881 killing buffalo for their
hides. He had killers and skinners doing a
big business. About 1880 he went down on
what is known as Stockade Beaver creek, in
Weston County and started a saw-mill near
the head of the creek, far back in the moun-
tains, about 1893 or 1894. During the spring
he had been seeing a bear track so one day
he said to his wife, 'I'll take along my gun.'
The gun was a 76 model Winchester. He had
shells for it that he loaded himself. He
walked along through short thick pines and
thick brush. There were some very large
pine trees, several having been blown down
in heavy storms. As Hank walked quietly
around a large, fallen tree, a large bear rose
up out of his bed. Hank was not over 30
feet from the bear. He fired as quickly as he
could but over-shot, hitting the bear in the
shoulder. The bear started for him. He
quickly tried to throw another shell into the
gun, but being a reloaded shell, it had swol-
j len and stuck, and he could not get that shell
J out — he was helpless — but turned to fight.
! He fought that bear — no one can ever know
i how long — we could only guess by the line
j of blood and rocks. Hank's elbows were
i both bitten to a pulp, — as the bear would try
to get his head in his mouth, Hank would
guard his face with his elbows. It was evi-
dent that the bear left him for dead; as Hank
had tied his wounds with his shirt and had
started for home. The bear evidently heard
him and came back. Hank tried to climb
a small quakenasp tree or bush, but the bush
proved too small and he could not climb
high enough. The bear reached up, got him
by the heel and pulled him down by tearing
away all the flesh from his heels. The bear
succeeded in getting Hank's head into his
mouth, crushing his skull. The next day
Hank was found, cared for and buried by-
friends. • The trail of the bear was followed
with dogs the second day. He was found
about five miles away. When he heard the doing guard duty on the Union Pacific R R
dogs he turned to fight and was shot. Hank His name appears on the honor roll of ' St
had been bitten 33 times and the bear was | Mark's Episcopal Church Chevenne and
shot high up on the shoulder. I am sure I Memorial Cross, Laramie, and Jn the
this was the most tragic death that any man ."Bronze Memorial Tablet" in the corridor
ever met with a bear, and he an old bear : of the State House in Cheyenne. Mrs Bond
hunter. Hank was one of our best men, he took an active part in the organization' of the
was the sou of honor and I am glad that his , first American Legion Auxiliary unit in
name is to be recorded with the early Wyo- Wyoming at Buffalo in January of 1920
ming History. The bear was the biggest | holding the office of Vice and Acting Presi-
bear ever seen in the Black Hills. His hide dent during that vear. During 19?3-1924 she
was stuffed and measured a little over 9 feet. ; served as chairman of the State Executive
It was exhibited at the fair at Omaha." Board and was always keenly, interested in
MISS ELIZABETH SPAETH. | any plan for the aid and comfort of the ex-
service man. She was a member of the
'Friends in Council," the oldest Study Club
known McLean family of Indiana.
tion. Mrs. Bond spoke with much pride of
The only daughter in a household of boys J?L£ V° "£ °™ry ancestor. Daniel McLean,
she had unusual social and educational ad- ' L S T'l ^TfJ^^
vantages which helped to develop in her the J ",! ^ In January of 1921 Mrs.
qualities of mind and heart that contributed 5 °" Vstoric £ S J ™ ^ ^aTni£atlon
to her vivid and attractive personality. ! r * tl h t \% T" aS the Johns?n
^ In her early twenties she was married to C°Unty ,St°nCal SoCiety'
Fred Bond, also a native
ike lure of the West ana v
jther T?«nt haH 3lrpaHv »ct,Ki;ct,0j ti,«m !ec.te9- .during 19Z3 Mrs. Bonds health
serving as its
a ive owan who haH fel° ^eta^ Th™ug" her efforts a large num
st and who w th wf twin ^r °f valuable "ecords and relics were col
si ana \\ no witn nis twin \0^^0a t^,,.-;.,™. irm u t-> i» i < .
brother Frank had already established them- f^wi' ue.^t
selves in surveying and engineering circles KuS °Sf™ indicated and the
in Wyoming ,ow altltude of California was trrJ with
mi , j ^i • i little success. During her soiourn »rp chn
The young couple made their home in i^j fr,Q „iooe„M f 8 '• ^J01101 re snr
r*u j i j .i • nad the pleasure of meeting manv r irienrU
Chevenne and numbered among their many „„j „,„i • Is ,y \ 1™'1Gj
x- ■ j ,i . P . ,■' and making new ones, but she lono-prl to
friends those whose names figure in the ,-„+„,.„ +^ w JT- % u j 10ilfeeu lo
|r?Wth and upbuiiding of the S!ate Whih , f^ "c&oK T h*' iSf bVuS "IS
K Wa^TveS ^Keen„etbh0rwU!;rchc;i,'° reSl,hb^de f ""ftS* "d 4
liamson Cheyenne, with Dean Samuel West, an old
t 1001 a/t « j 11 j . d rx , ,and valued friend, officiating. Pall bearers
In 189, Mr. Bond was called to Buffalo \ consisting of old friends of the family With
to act as Engineer in the construction of the i the passing of Mrs. Bond, Wyoming has lost
city water system and being favorably mi- ! a valuable citizen, one who ever haH the wel-
pressed with the northern counties of Wyo- | f are of the community in which she lived at
ming, he removed his family to Buffalo { heart.
where they resided for several years. Mrs.
Bond was an active worker in St. Luke's
Church and Sunday School where the foun-
dation was laid for many staunch friends in
later years. It was at this time that the j (By J. C. Kennedy, C. E. E. M., Saratoga
third son, Fred Avery, was born. Mr. Bond
returned to Cheyenne to assume the duties The Sierra Madre system of mountains
ot State Engineer, was stricken and died of j extending from Tierra'Del Fuego to Cape
tvPh°ldiuVer in 1903 during his term of Barrow on the Arctic seas, and embracing
office. The support of the family falling ! not onlv the continental divides of two con
upon the widow, Airs. Bond fitted herself for tinents, but numerous branch, auxiliary and
the position of State Librarian, to which she j parallel ranges, forms the longest and" most
brought the ability and energy which contri- j important mineral zone on this round earth
buted largely to the high efficiency of that | 0f ours; most important not onlv in the pro-
institution. For a brief period while her i duction of the precious and nobler metals but
older sons were in business in Newcastle. , the commoner metals as well The metals
Mrs. Bond made her home in that town. In both common and precious, by great odds'
the spring of 1917 Mrs. Bond came to Buf
falo as Librarian of the Johnson County
have been the most important factors in the
development of the human race which can be
Library. She had the fullest confidence of j named. Without them we would still be in
the Board and the respect and admiration this year 1903, no farther advanced in condi-
of the patrons whom she delighted to serve
Under her direction the Library has won
tion than that of the primitive cave man.
It is fortunate for the future of Wyoming
much favorable comment for its up-to-date that this svstem of "mountains traverses the
equipment and competent management. Mrs. State; for there are such large areas in this
Bond had two sons in war service, Kenneth
as well as other states west of the 100th
W., who served in the Engineer Corps, A. j Meridian, which can never be brought und-r
E. F., and Fred A., who was killed while cultivation, that, were it not for the metals,
metallic earths, minerals and salts within its
borders, it could never rank as high in the
production of wealth as her sister states in
the East, notwithstanding her great area.
From a point toward the west side line of
Carbon County to a point in southern Fre-
mont County, the uplift which produced the
Rocky Mountains has not been pronounced
enough to lift the igneous and primary rocks
through the burden of the sedimentary rocks
which originally covered the greater part of
the West. In this section, other than at iso-
lated points, it will be useless to look for
metallic ores; but outside of this limited por-
tion of the Continental Divide, the conditions
are equally as favorable as in Colorado on
the south and Montana on the north.
The State Geologist has given this conven-
tion a comprehensive review of the mines,
the minerals and the mining development
of the State. In this brief paper the writer
will confine himself to one metal, copper,
and to one locality of its existence of many
in the State, viz., Carbon County.
As indicated in a preceding paragraph the
high portion of the Sierra Madre system ter-
minates toward the western border of Car-
bon County. From the southern boundary
of the County and of the State to this point
of termination, the existing conditions for
the deposition of metallic ores are ideal, and
are the same as in Colorado to the south.
We have the granitoid rocks, the granites,
gneisses and syenites, flanked by the Al-
gonkian schists, the Cambrian quartzites, the
Silurian limestones, all cut and torn at dif-
ferent points by eruptive dykes of diorite,
amygdaloidal diabase and other porphyritic
rocks. Some of these dykes are very per-
sistent and extend for miles. These forma-
tions are the homes of the precious and other
In the last two years nearly all the cop-
per ores known have been found in this sec-
tion— native copper, the oxides, the carbon-
ates and the sulphides. Nearly a complete
collection of the copper minerals can be made
in this region. This collection would contain
native copper, cuprite, melaconite, melachite,
azurite, bornite, covellite, marcasite, chal-
copyrite, chalcocite and crysocolla.
One remarkable and almost universal fea-
ture of the district is that when enough work
has been done to disclose a permanent vein
with continuous ore streak, the percentage of
copper has been unusually high, rarely falling
below 30 per cent, which is nearly typical
percentage of pure chalcopyrite, while consid-
erable masses of black oxide and copper
glance run from 50 to 65 per cent.
As is known to some of you the Medicine
Bow range diverges sharply from the main
Sierra Madre range at the S. E. corner of
North Park, Colorado, where the North
Platte River leaves the Park at the south
line of Wyoming, these ranges approach each
other and immediately diverge again — the
Sierra Madre extending northwesterly and
the Medicine Bow in a northerly direction.
The copper belt is spread like a blanket on
both sides of the Continental Divide, and ex-
tends for 65 miles along the range to the
outlet of North Park where swinging across
the valley it extends northerly along the
western slope of the Medicine Bow for a dis-
tance of 50 miles more— a total length of
115 miles.
What is now generally known as the
Grand Encampment mining district embraces
what are known locally as the Battle, the
Bridger, the Beaver Creek, the Pearl and the
North Platte mining districts. The incep-
tion of extended prospecting and develop-
ment in this region is somewhat peculiar, and
illustrates the fact that men often build bet-
ter than they know, and that ephemeral
movements, undertaken from purely selfish
motives by a few men, with little thought
of the future, have often times grown into
extensive operations of the most important
and beneficent character.
In the later 70's, Al Huston, one of the
earliest settlers on Cow Creek in Carbon
County, and a noted hunter, trail-maker and
guide discovered gold in the Purgatory re-
gion, six miles south of the present town of
Encampment. In 1895, he located a lead
which showed at the surface a large amount
of free gold, calling it the Golden Eagle. The
following year this came to the notice of two
or three outside gentlemen, who in connec-
tion with gentlemen in Rawlins in the latter
part of 1896 staked out the town of Encamp-
ment. They enlisted the services of a news-
paper correspondent who was more or less
on his "uppers," but who possessed a facile
pen and a picturesque vocabulary. He pro-
ceeded to flood the country with the most
startling accounts of gold and other discov-
eries, of stage coach accidents and other
mythical occurrances, keeping the name
Grand Encampment constantly before the
public. The object was to boom the section
as a gold region and sell lots. The writer
does not believe that the promoters knew of
the previous copper discoveries in the region.
If they did, they cared little for them, as the
red metal at that time did not hold so pro-
minent a place in the metal markets of the
However, 22 years and 16 years before the
date of the Purgatory excitement, George
Doane, who had previously been in the min-
ing camps of Leadville and Aspen, located
the Rambler lode near the shore of Battle
Lake, 16 miles west of Encampment, a lode
which is destined to become one of the
heaviest producers in the district. But others
had been there before Doane. He found
trenches and shallow shafts on the Rambler
vein, and at least two old chains near by, one
of which was provided with loop-holes for
defense. Similar trenches, pits and shafts
then existed on the other copper leads along
the range to the northwest toward the Rude-
As long ago as 1879, at least, many cop-
per leads were discovered along the Medicine
Bow range on the east side of the North
Platte Valley. It is for copper that Carbon
County is to be renowned all over the world,
thouch there will be in time a considerable
production of gold, silver and lead, not to
mention coal and oil.
In a paper of this kind the best thing
which could possibly be given would be ac-
curate figures of actual production. The wri-
ter regrets that these cannot be given com-
plete. Those that have them in the case
of each particular mine or prospect will not
produce them. The State Geologist, who
should have them, cannot get them under
the present law. The best thing that can be
done is, from some .familiarity with the dis-
trict, to give as close an approximation as
possible. The Rudefeha has shipped in round
numbers $500,000 worth of ore. This ran in
carload lots from 23 to 34 per cent in metal-
Vc copper. There are about 10,000 tons of
ore on the dump which can be run over the
tramway to the Encampment smelter, con-
centrated and smelted at a profit. During the
past year a tunnel started on the adjacent
osceola ground has cut the Rudefeha vein
at a point 356 feet below the collar of the
main shaft. The vein at this depth is wider
and of the same grade as that in the bottom
of the old workings. The amount of un-
stoped ore between the tunnel level and the
sunace is immense and estimated to be of
the value of $1,000,000. The lateral extent
oi.^fie vein or ore chute has not been deter-
mined; but enough can be seen to prove
that this is to be one of the greatest copper
producers of the world.
1 he Doane Rambler has shipped, all told,
about 60 carloads of ore. The last twelve
carloads, shipped by the company which now
owns it, averaged 40 to 70 per cent of metallic
copper. The average value per ton was
$^/.68, the average gross value per car was
$2,008.45, the average net value per car was
$1,849.75, and the net value of the twelve
cars was $22,197.03. A car shipped to the
State Ore Sampling Company, Denver on
December 31st, 1900, gave the following re-
sults: Percentage of copper 51.23 per cent,
value per ton $123.42, gross value of car
$2,359.36, and net .value of car $1,981.27.
Some of these 12 cars of ore as well as
most of that previously shipped by Doane
yielded from 51 to 52 per cent copper. A
prominent mining engineer has estimated the
Rambler dump to contain $120,000 worth of
copper. A large amount of ore is blocked
out which carries from 12 to 26 per cent of
The Kurtz-Chatterton, located many years
before the name. Encampment was known to
the world, shipped a carload of ore in 1891,
and 200 tons of concentrates to the Encamp-
ment smelter since its erection.
The Charter Oak near Calf Creek, the
Evening Star on Beaver Creek and the so-
called "Cox Mine" near the mouth of Big
Creek, have shipped one car each of copper
ore. The ore from the Evening Star and the
Cox, was of very high grade, the latter con-
sisting mainly of copper glance.
For the past one and a half years no ore
has been shipped to outside smetlers; but at
least 70 prospects or mines in the district
are prepared to send more or less ore to
the enlarged Encampment smelter when it is
readv to "blow in" the second time. The
writer takes a most conservative view of
all mines and prospects. Furthermore he does
not own a single copper claim in the State
of Wyoming. He is not a prophet or the
son of a prophet; but he will hazard the
prediction that at least 30 of the claims al-
ready located will become mines of consid-
erable production.
The most intelligent prospecting has not
yet been done. The prospecting of the fu-
ture which is to disclose the large ore bodies
at present unknown is to be underground
and not on the surface.
Besides the prospects and mines alreadv
mentioned, those which are very promising
are the Syndicate, Eeighton-Gentry, Copper
Queen, Osceola, Copper Belt, Paris, Has-
kms Continental, Blackfoot, Buelah, Hag-
garty-Jordan, Portland, Hercules, Gertrude,
Hidden Treasure, Keener-Price, Verde, Corn-
stock, Great Lakes and Moon Anchor; the
Aetna, Newsboy Beaver, Kearns, and others
in the Beaver Creek section; the Mt. Zirkel,
Coldwater, Big Creek, Big Horn, Tully and
others in the Pearl section, the Dewey and
Elk Mt. in the Medicine Bow range, and
others in the whole copper belt.
In this connection it is proper to mention
the now famous New Rambler. While in the
southwestern part of Albany County, 3 miles
from the Carbon County line, it "is never-
theless in the North Platte drainage area,
and 17 miles nearer Encampment than Lara-
mie. The enteprising people of the latter citv
have received and deserve most of the bene-
fits from the output of this mine; but 2,000
tons of its ore have gone to the Encamp-
ment smelter and have been converted to
high grade matter.
Several prospects near the Rambler, in the
Douglas Creek district, are coming into pro-
minence as producers of copper ore. A pe-
culiar feature of the ores of the Rambler
and other prospects of that section is that
they carry the metal platinum in commercial
quantities, this being one of but three or
four places in the world where platinum is
found in place as the constituent of an ore.
In this connection also, I will mention that
there are three or four other copper fields
in Carbon County, viz., near the uplifts im-
mediately N. W. of Rawlins, in the Seminoe
Mountains N. E. of Rawlins, and in the Shir-
ley Mountains and Freezeout Hills, stretch-
ing easterly from the North Platte Cano.i
in the N. E. part of the County. In these
localities, the copper ore occurs mainly in
the Carboniferous limestones, flanking the
primitive rocks which form the core of these
The main development in the copper belt
of southern Carbon County has occurred
during the past two years. During this time
the stage road from Walcott to Encamp-
ment has been lined with teams loaded with
tons upon tons of mining machinery, mining
supplies and goods for Encampment and
other mining towns, until at the present
time there is more freight loaded on to wag-
ons at the little station of Walcott than from
any other station across Wyoming, from
Cheyenne to Evanston. both included. The
district has now 43 steam hoisting and pump-
ing plants. Including the new Rambler it
has two smelters, four concentrators, two
stamp mills and a 16-mile aerial tramway.
The tramway cost $350,000, the Encampment
smelter, roaster, and converter and briquet-
ting machine more than $257,000, the 500-ton
concentrating plant, $110,000 and the power
plant, dam, and power house $125,000.
From Coutant Collection.
Historian's Note. At this point the man-
uscript ends. The abrupt end leads to the
conclusion that the manuscript is an unfin-
ished one or else the remaining text has been
(By Emma J. Dobbins)
In 1869 Col. A. J. Meyers, head of the
United States Signal Service, suggested a
scheme of weather reports and signals, which
was not carried out until February 9, 1870,
when Congress approved the plan. A num-
ber of young men were instructed at Ft.
Meyer, Va., and later seventeen of them
were sent out to establish weather stations
at various points throughout the country.
To Asa C. Dobbins was assigned the sta-
tion at Cheyenne, Wymoing Territory, then
a little frontier town on the Union Pacific
raliroad, but located high upon a plateau of
the Rocky Mountains, at an elevation of
over six thousand feet. Mr. Dobbins arrived
October 15th, 1870, and made the first obser-
vation November 1st, 1870.
He opened the office in a frame building at
the corner of Sixteenth and Hill streets (now
Capitol Avenue). The lower floor was oc-
cupied by the Western Union Telegraph
Company, and on the upper floor the wea-
ther station was established. The equipment
consisted of the following instruments; a
barometer, maximum and minimum ther-
mometers, wet and dry bulb, rain gauge,
and anemometer to record the velocity of
the wind; there was also a large wind vane
erected on the roof, with connections coming
down through the roof and united to a piv-
oted arrow, swinging in a circular plane,
marked with the cardinal points of the com-
pass, which was attached to the ceiling. The
shifting arrow swinging from one point to
another, indicated the direction from whence
the wind was blowing.
The furnishings of the office consisted of
a desk, office chair, two common chairs, a
cot, washstand, a stove and a clock. This
constituted the Sergeant's office and home.
At first, the Weather Bureau was under the
Army and Navy regulations — thus we have
the "Sergeant." The office and the observer
were regarded as a sort of a joke and Mr.
Dobbins" was dubbed "the Weather Clerk,"
and, of course, was blamed for all weather
not pleasing to the individual.
On February 20, 1872, the bureau or office
was moved to the corner of 16th and Fer-
guson Streets (how Carey Avenue). June
20th, 1874, the residence of Sergeant Dob-
bins, located on the south side of 17th Street,
between Ransom and Dodge (Central and
Warren) became the official headquarters of
the weather bureau, where it remained until
December, 1883. The next move was to the
Commercial block, 218^ West 16th Street.
This building is the property of Senator F.
E- Warren, and fhe office remained in this
building just twenty years, when it was
moved to its present location in the Citizens
Bank building.
During the time the office was situated at
the corner of 16th and Carey Avenue, it
was inspected by Lieut. A. W. Greely, who
afterwards became Chief Signal Officer, and
later conducted the ill-fated expedition to the
North Pole. In 1881, Mr. Dobbins was de-
tailed by the United States Government to
accompany Professor Langley on a scientific
expedition to Mount Whitney, California, as
meteorologist to the party of scientific re-
The writer, when visiting the weather of-
fice recently, was struck with the contrast
between the first office with its crude fur-
nishings and that of the present one. Hand-
some rugs, massive furniture of elegant sim-
plicity, modern appliances greeted the eye of
the beholder as she surveyed the four rooms
of the department.
Mr. George W. Pitman, the present effi-
cient weather director, very courteously ex-
plained the improved instruments and meth-
ods in present use; also produced several of
the old records. Observational work is simi-
lar to years ago, except automatic instru-
ments made through the application of elec-
tricity has lessened the work of keeping hour-
ly records of sunshine, wind direction, wind
velocity, and precipitation. The old records,
however, are carefully protected, and, we are
told, their value is more apparent as time '
goes on, in the way of establishing laws, that
govern the future weather changes in this
locality. The Cheyenne office is headquar-
ters for the state and there are eighty-two
sub-stations under Mr. Pitman's jurisdiction.
His office force consist of three assistants
and a messenger. Daily forecasts (except
Sunday) are now telegraphed to Lusk, Doug-
las, Cody, Thermopolis, Rawlins, Evanston,
Pocotella, Sheridan, Newcastle, Torrington
and Lander. The only broadcasting station
is at Sheridan.
For years, the United States Weather Bur-
eau has exchanged daily reports by telegraph
with Mexico and Canada, while all the other
countries of Europe exchange with one an-
other in the same way. Our weather bur-
eau also inaugurated the experiment of mak-
ing a daily telegraphic weather chart of the
Northern Hemisphere. This chart has now
become indispensable to the forecaster. Re-
cently a similar chart has been made every
day at Toronto by the Canadian meteoro-
Fewer foolish questions are asked at the
weather office now than formerly, and the
information depended upon. This is due pro-
bably because forecasts are now based upon
scientific knowledge. The autoist inquires
the weather conditions before taking a long
trip, pleasure seekero concult the office be-
fore planning picnics, the farmer turns al-
most daily for advice concerning his crops
to the forecasts, and so it goes. The wea-
ther forecaster is no longer a joke, but is
champion of thousands of business men.
Since Mr. Dobbins' regime, there have
been twenty men in charge of the local office,
including Mr. Pitman. So time speeds on,
and as I looked at the clock in the weather
office and heard it tick, I thought of the
OLD clock that ticked off the seconds in
the first weather office. The only relic of
that time is still ticking merrily away as I
write, after fifty-four years of constant ser-
"Tic Toe, old Clock,
What are you saying now?"
(State Historian)
That interest in Wyoming History is not
dormant is manifested by the number of
clubs and various organizations which are
now featuring the study of local Wyoming
History. In some counties the work is func-
tioning through old Settlers Associations and
in others through departments in the various
qjganized groups of worker; while in still
otners the history is collected and preserved
by an organized County Historical Society.
Of these societies quite the largest and the
most far-reaching in its scope for activity is
the recentl yincorporated "Natrona County
Historical Society." Natrona County lies in
a district rich in historic lore. With a society
having a well defined object, a large and en-
thusiastic membership of pioneers and stud-
ents of history, one feels confident that much
hitherto unpublished history will eminate
from this society.
John Hunton Collection
This valuable collection which is a recent
gift to the State Historical Department from
Mr. Hunton consists of two leaflets and
sixty-five original documents. The leaflet
"Regulations Concerning the Granting of
License to Trade with the Indians," was is-
sued by the War Department in 1847 and
signed by W. L- Marcy, Secretary of War.
In 1859 the War Department issued "Gen-
eral Orders Number 7" which was published
for the information and government of the
Sutlers at Army Posts. Signed by S. Coop-
er, Adjutant General.
There are articles of agreement in this col-
lection between "Ward and Guerrier" of the
first part and "Gerry and Bordeaux" of the
second part for the Indian trade in 1856.
This agreement stipulates prices to be paid
|for Buffalo Robes, Beaver Skins, Wolf Skins
and other commodities incident to the In-
dian trade.
The upper Platte Agency Indian trade,
embraced the "South Fork of the Platte
River and Arkansas River with the Arapahoe
md Cheyenne Indians and White River and
^and Hills with a band of Sioux known
is the Brule and Osage Indians."
There is a letter which fixes the date of
he building of the Platte Bridge.
A memoranda is signed by J. L. Grattan.
Lieutenant Grattan was a victim in the
Grattan Massacre.
At Fort Laramie in 1855 Joseph Mari-
vale collects Joseph Vilandry's note for
Joseph Merivale, Nick Janis, John Rich-
ard (Reshaw) and Joseph Bissonette, all
these men signed with an X. (Bissonette
accompanied Stansbury on the latter's ex-
ploring expedition to Salt Lake in 1852).
John M. Hockaday and Company, by N.
D. Van Eps, gave "due bills" for services
rendered at Amanda Station on the dates
June 22nd, 23rd, 1859, and the "Last Will
and Testament of Elbridge Gerry (1854,"
and the signatures of Jules Ecoffy, and
Adolph Cuny are to be found in these rec-
In August, 1859 Mr. Jefferson Hunt left
a mule with "Hiram Lightner, mail agent at
Fort Laramie," and on the same date we read
"Received Fort Laramie August 26th, 1859
of Jefferson Hunt one Mare Mule Branded
with mule shoe and lame in right hind leg.
Russells, Majors and Waddell, By Hiram
! Lighter." And on December 29th, 1859 Mr.
| Hunt requests the mail agent "to deliver the
mule to bearer of the order, "Private Robert
I Foot, Co. F. 2" Dragoons left one check for
one thousand ($1,000) dollars favor of S. E.
j Ward and Company or order dated, Fort
Kearney, N. T., 6th April 1860.
| Reverend A. Wright, Post Chaplain at
I Fort D. A. Russell on March 27th, 1871,
writes to his friend Mr. W. G. Bullock; and
Mr. Bullock receives another letter signed by
Robert Campbell; but perhaps of the great-
est intrinsic value in the entire collection is
a "Commission" to administer oaths, etc.,"
granted to Seth E. Ward on the 28th day
of April 1856 and signed by Sterling Price,
Governor of Missouri, and sealed with the
Great Seal of the State of Missouri. Ster-
ling Price afterwards became a distinguished
Major General in the Confederate Army.
^ On August 24th, 1859 Private Frank H.
Schaeffer receives his honorable discharge
from the U. S. Army. One wonders what
became of this young German with "fair
complexion and blue eyes" who, at the age
of 23, enlisted in the service of our country,
and if his parents ever knew that after five
years of service he left the army for re-enlist-
ment with "character good."
There are other items in this collection as
fascinating and as valuable for research work
to the student of history as those we have
enumerated. But these to which attention
is directed, will suffice to show how the
wealth of the State Historical Department
has been enhanced by this generous gift from
Mr. John Hunton. This contribution alone
would establish Mr. Hunton as one who
knows historical values, but Mr. Hunton
needs no introduction to the citizens of Wyo-
ming, as it is well-known that he has lived
continuously in Wyoming since 1867. His
knowledge of the history of Territory and
State is intimate and his statements are au-
The long expected "Life of James Bridger"
by J. Cecil Alter, has appeared. The book
is by far the most pretentious biography of
Bridger which has ever been published. The
author treats his subject with understanding
and sympathy and fortifies his statements
v ith a long bibliography and the book has a
very comprehensive index. This is history
told with all the charm of the storv book.
With this issue of the Historical Quarterly
Bulletin the second volume closes. Volume
3 of the Bulletin will begin with the July
number and the name will be changed to
"Annals of Wyoming."
The Annals will be published with a cover,
the quality of the paper will be better, the
type will be more readable, there will be one,
and possibly two illustrations and twenty^
eight pages of history.
The Bulletin was issued primarily for
source material only and as such, the "An-
nals" will be continued. There is a wealth
of history in our State which should be col-
lected and put in permanent form while we
have with us those strong characters — men
and women who cantell us by what effort
and at what cost they made this great com-
monwealth. We owe it to them that the story
of their deeds shall be perpetuated, and we
owe it to the citizens of the present and the
future that they shall be made acquainted
with the annals of their State and thereby
gain inspiration for their own lives, and an
appreciation of their heritage. In the past
eighteen months we have collected some
valuable source material which has never
been published and there are a number of
manuscripts now in process of completion.
It is our intention to publish this history as
rapidly as possible and to increase the size
of the "Annals" as our funds will permit.
The publications of the Department are
paid for out of the State Historian's Conting-
ent fund. The appropriation of the Eight-
eenth legislature left the Department in the
same financial difficulty as that of the bien-
nium just closed, that is, without sufficient
funds to carry on the work of the Depart-
ment as prescribed by law. It therefore be-
comes necessary to make a change in the
policy of the "Annals": either the circulation
must be decreased or membership in the
State Historical Society must be increased.
Membership is open to anyone. The annual
dues are one dollar ($1.00) paid in advance,
and all publications of the Department are
sent to members for the year without further
assessments. Notice of delinquency will be
sent from the Department. Beginning with
Volume 3 (July number) the "Annals" will
be sent only to members of the Society, the
Historical Board, the Advisory Board and
the exchanges. Attention is called to the
membership roll and to the exchange lists
to be found elsewhere in this issue. It is
hoped that all readers of the Bulletin will
recognize the need of a large membership
in the State Historical Society and respond
by sending one dollar ($1.00) to the Wyo-
ming State Historical Society in time to
receive your July number and keep your file;
complete. Furthermore, an early response!
will assist the State Historian in estimating
how large an edition will need to be issuec
for July.
State Historian.
The Wyoming Historical Quarterly Bulle-
tin exchanges with the following Histori-
cal Societies and Institutions of Learning:
American Historical Association, Wash-
ington, D. C.
Arizona Pioneer Historical Society, Phoe-
nix, Arizona.
Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford,
New London County Historical Society,
New London, Conn.
State Historical Society of Colorado, Den-
ver, Colorado.
University of California Library, Berke-
ley, California.
California State Library, Sacremento, Cali-
California Historic-Genealogical Society.
San Francisco, Cal.
Colburn Library, Colorado College, Color-
ado Springs, Colo.
State Historical Society, Boise, Idaho.
Historical Department of Iowa, Iowa City,
State Historical Society of Iowa, Des
Moines, Iowa.
Northern Indiana Historical Society, South
Bend, Indiana.
State Historical Society of Illinois, Spring-
field, Illinois.
Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka,
Kentucky State Historical Society, Lex-
ington, Kentucky.
Old Time New England, 2 Lynde Street,
Boston, Mass.
Lynn Historical Society, Lynn, Mass.
Michigan Historical Commission, Lansing,
Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul,
State Historical Society of Missouri, Col-
umbia, Mo.
Missouri Historical Society, Jefferson Me-
morial, St. Louis, Mo.
State of Montana Historical Library, Hel-
ena, Montana.
Maryland Historical Society, Baltimore,
Louisiana Historical Society, New Orleans,
Nevada Historical Society, Carson City,
University of the State of New York, Al-
bany, New York.
New York Historical Society, 170 Central
Park West, New York City.
New York Public Library, New York.
New Hampshire Historical Society, Con-
cord, New Hampshire.
Historical Society of New Mexico, Santa
Fe, New Mexico.
North Dakota Historical Collections, Bis-
mark, North Dakota.
Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleve-
land, Ohio.
Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma.
Oregon Historical Society, Portland, Ore-
Onondago Historical Association, Syra-
:use, N. Y.
Free Library of Philadelphia, Dept. of
Documents, Philadelphia, Pa.
Wyoming Historical & Geography Society,
Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
South Dakota Historical Collections,
Pierre, South Dakota.
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.
Rice Institute, Houston, Texas.
Tennessee Historical Commission, Nash-
ville, Tennessee.
State Dept. of Archives & History, Char-
leston, W. Virginia.
Vermont Historical Society, Montpelier,
Texas State Library, Austin, Texas.
State Historical Society of Wisconsin,
Madison, Wisconsin.
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio.
New Jersey Historical Societv, Newark,
■•^South Carolina Historical Society, Charles-
ton, S. C.
Historical Society of Delaware, Wilming-
ton, Delaware.
Historical Society of Florida, St. Augus-
tine, Florida.
Washington State Historical Society, Ta-
:0111a, Washington.
Virginia Historical Society, Richmond,
Rhode Island Historical Society, Provid-
:lence, Rhode Island.
Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Phila-
delphia, Pa.
North Carolina Historical Society, Ral-
egh, N. C.
Maine Historical Society, Portland,
Alabama Historical Society, Tuscaloosa,
Dept. of Archives & History, Atlanta,
District Forester, Forest Service Build-
ing, Ogden, Utah.
The following newspapers are on file in this
office and the Bulletins are sent to each in
Big Horn County Rustler, Basin, Wyo-
Big Piney Examiner, Big Piney, Wyoming.
Buffalo Bulletin, Buffalo, Wyoming.
Buffalo Voice, Buffalo, Wyoming.
Burns Herald, Burns, Wyoming.
Casper Daily Tribune, Casper, Wyoming. .
Casper Daily Herald, Casper, Wyoming.
Inland Oil Index, Casper, Wyoming.
Wyoming State Tribune, Cheyenne, Wyo-
Park County Herald, Cody, Wyoming.
Colony News, Colon}', Wyoming.
Cowley Progress, Cowley, Wyoming.
Douglas Budget, Douglas, Wyoming.
Douglas Enterprise, Douglas, Wyoming.
Wyoming Labor Journal, Cheyenne, Wyo-
Wyoming Stockman-Farmer, Cheyenne,
The Wyoming Times, Evanston, Wyo-
Campbell County Record, Gillette, Wyo-
Gillette News, Gillette, Wyoming.
Glendo Pioneer, Glendo, Wyoming.
Glenrock Gazette, Glenrock, Wyoming.
Glenrock Independent, Glenrock, Wyo-
Greybull Standard, Greybull, Wyoming.
Guernsey Gazette, Guernsey, Wyoming.
Jackson Hole Courier, Jackson, Wyoming.
Hillsdale Review, Hillsdale, Wyoming.
Kemmerer Gazette, Kemmerer, Wyoming.
Wyoming State Journal, Lander, Wyo-
Laramie Republican-Boomerang, Laramie,
Wyoming (daily).
Laramie Republican-Boomerang, Laramie,
Wyoming (semi-weekly).
Lightening Flat Flash, Lightening Flat,
The Lingle News, Lingle, Wyoming.
Lost Springs Times, Lost Springs, Wyo-
Lusk Herald, Lusk, Wyoming.
Moorcroft Leader, Moorcroft, Wyoming.
The News Letter, Newcastle, Wyoming.
Pinedale Roundup, Pinedale, Wyoming.
Pine Bluffs Post, Pine Bluffs, Wyoming.
Powell Tribune, Powell, Wyoming.
Rawlins Republican, Rawlins, Wyoming.
Riverton Review, Riverton, Wyoming.
Rock River Review, Rock River, Wyo-
Rock Springs Rocket, Rock Springs,
Saratoga Sun, Saratoga, Wyoming.
Thermopolis Independent, Thermopolis,
Torrington Telegram, Torrington, Wyo-
Weston County Gazette, Upton, Wyoming.
Wheatland Times, Wheatland, Wyoming.
Worland Grit, Worland, Wyoming.
The Homesteader, Wright, Wyoming.
The following magazines are also ex-
Midwest Review, Casper, Wyoming.
Union Pacific Coal Company, Rock
Springs, Wyoming.
Union Pacific Magazine, Omaha, Neb.
Wyoming Churchman, Laramie, Wyoming.
Stanolind Record, Casper, Wyoming.
Wyoming Roads, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Erie Railroad Magazine, New York.
National Republican, Washington, D. C.
The Rocky Mountain Herald, Denver,
Members of the Wyoming State Historical
1. Mr. Pay son W. Spaulding, Evanston,
2. Mr. M. S. Garretson, New York City,
N. Y.
3. Mr. Alfred Williams, Wheatland, Wyo-
4. Mr. E. A. Brininstool, Los Angeles,
5. Mr. Charles Ely Adams, Spokane,
6. Mr. Edmund Sevmour, New York City,
N. Y.
7. Mr. David Wray, Medicine Bow, Wyo-
8. Mr. F. A. Hadsell, Rawlins, Wyoming.
9. Mr. I. N. Connes, Saratoga, Wyoming.
10. Mrs. J. L. West, Evanston, Wyoming.
11. Mrs. W. H. Hamilton, Evanston, Wyo-
12. Mrs. L. E. Fosmer, Evanston, Wyo-
13. Mrs. B. F. Tedmon Jr., Wheatland,
14. Mrs. Mary L. Rennie, Evanston, Wyo-
15. Mr. J. T. Arnold, Attica, New York.
16. Mr. Wm. C. Snow, Basin, Wyoming.
17. Bishop N. S. Thomas, Laramie, Wyo-
18. Mrs. N. S. Thomas, Laramie, Wyo-
19. Mr. Douglas Fuller, Cheyenne, Wyo-
20. Dr. G. R. Hebard, Laramie, Wyoming.
21. Miss Alice Hebard, Laramie, Wyo-
22. Mr. Arthur J. Dickson, Dayton, Wyo-
23. Mr. E. R. Breisch, Cheyenne, Wyo-
24. Mrs. J. C. Van Dyke, Buffalo, Wyo-
25. Miss Edith K. O. Clark, Cheyenne,
26. Judge M. C. Brown, Laramie, Wyo-
27. Mr. James Dickie, Thermopolis, Wyo-
28. Mrs. Anna Peake, Cody, Wyoming.
29. Mr. S. A. Eldred, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
30. Mr. A. C. Newton, Cody, Wyoming.
31. Mr. C. A. Marston, Cody, Wyoming.
32. Mr. L. L. Newton, Lander, Wyoming.
33. Mr. C. E. Hayden, Cody, Wyoming.
34. Mr. Frank Rue, Cody, Wyoming.
35. Mr. Warren Reid, Codv, Wyoming.
36. Mr. R. C. Hargrave, Cody, Wyo.
37. Miss Marjory Ross, Cody, Wyoming.
38. Mrs. 1. H. Burgess, Sheridan, Wyo.
39. Mrs. C. E. Ellis, Difficulty, Wyoming.
40. Mr. Mark Chapman, Cheyenne, Wyo-
41. Mr. Albert Chapman, Cheyenne, Wyo-
42. Mr. Dan Rees, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
43. Mr. J. A. Shaw, Binford, Wyoming.
44. Mr. A. D. Faville, Cheyenne, Wyo-
45. Mr. E. T. Bartley, Cheyenne, Wyo-
46. Mr. W. R. Dubois, Cheyenne, Wyo-
47. Mr. A. R. Smith, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
48. Mr. W. F. Melvin, Casper, Wyoming.
49. Mr. J. W. Skepper, Bird City, Kansas.
50. Mrs. Marie Montabe Saveresy, Ther-
mopolis, Wyoming.
51. Mrs. George S. Smith, Torrington,
52. Mr. Jesse Brown, Sturgis, South Da-
53. Mr. W. A. Bonser, Cheyenne, Wyo-
54. Mr. R. S. Ellison, Casper, Wyoming.
55. Mr. G. W. Stokes, New York City,
N. Y.
56. Mr. Charles W. Chase, Gary, Indiana.
57. Mr. Charles Blodgett, Marshfield, Wis-
58. Mr. V. J. Gregory, Minneapolis, Minn.
59. Mr. Lloyd Gaston Smith, Casper, Wyo-
60. Mr. W. F. Hoker, New York Citv,
N. Y.
61. Mr. John N. Gordon, Novato, Califor-
62. Mr. Herbert S. Auerbach, Salt Lake
City, Utah.
63. Mr. L. R. A. Condit, Barnum, Wyo-
64. Mrs. E. L. Emery, Reliance, Wyoming.
65. Mrs. Laura Kortes, Hanna, Wyoming.
66. Mrs. Harry G. Lindon, Deaver, Wyo-
67. Colonel Homer W. Wheeler, Los An-
geles, California.
68. Mrs. M. B. Nash, Idaho Falls, Idaho.
69. Mr. George S. DeWolf, Casper, Wyo-
70. Miss Marv Kelsev Stone, Charlotte,
N. C.
71. Congr. Charles E. Winters, Washing-
ton, D. C.
72. Mrs. Charles E. Winters, Washing-
ton, D. C.
73. Mrs. Mary M. Parmalee, Buffalo,
74. Mrs. Thomas Hunter, Cheyenne, Wyo-
75. Mr. E. A. Logan, Cheyenne, Wyo-
76. Mrs. Elizabeth Logan, Cheyenne,
77. Mrs. Ralph Kimball, Cheyenne, Wyo-
78. Mrs. A. J. Parshall, Cheyenne, Wyo-
79. Miss Anna M. Dobbin, Cheyenne,
80. Mrs. Ruth T. Shepperton, Casper,
Wyoming (deceased).
81. Mr. Luther Freeman, Denver, Color-
82. Mr. I. S. Bartlett, Cheyenne, Wyo-
ming (deceased).
83. Mr. John A. Martin, Cheyenne, Wyo-
84. Bishop McGovern, Cheyenne, Wyo-
85. Mr. J. C. Thompson, Jr., Cheyenne,
86. Mr. J. J. Underwood, Cheyenne, Wyo-
87. Mr. C. S. Thomas, Cheyenne, Wyo-
88. Air. T. Joe Cahill, Cheyenne, Wyo-
89. Mr. Stephen Bon, Cheyenne, Wyo-
90. Mrs. Rose L. Bard, Cheyenne, Wyo-
91. Mr. Charles T. Farthing, Iron Moun-
tain, Wyoming.
92. Mr. Ben F. Guy, Chevenne, Wyo-
93. Mr. W. S. McGuire, Cheyenne, Wyo-
94. Mr. Oscar J. Lamm, Cheyenne, Wyo-
95. Mr. Edward Ordway, Sr., Castroville,
96. Mr. Norman D. King, Albin, Wyo-
97. Mr. Theodore Wanerus, Gillette, Wyo-
98. Dr. T. Cassidv, Gillette, Wyoming.
99. Miss M. E. Spaeth, Gillette, Wyoming.
100. Mrs. Cyrus Beard, Cheyenne, Wyo-
101. Captain N. G. Nickerson, Lander,
102. Mrs. L. C. Harnsberger, Lander,
103. Mrs. T. G. York, Lander, Wyoming.
104. Mrs. G. L. Lauder, Laramie, Wyo-
105. Mr. Josh Dean, Meeteetse, Wyoming.
106. Mr. Harry E. Cheesman, Sunshine,
107. Mr. Frank Ingraham, Cody, Wyo-
108. Mrs. Anna Dodge Staggs, Cody,
109. Mrs. J. M. Carey, Cheyenne, Wyo-
110. Mr. Raymond E. Herman, High-
land Park, Chicago, Illinois.
111. Mr. C. B. S. Evans, Chicago, Illinois.
112. Judge C. N. Potter, Cheyenne, Wyo-
113. Dr. G. L. Strader, Cheyenne, Wyo-
^114. Mrs. H. B. Patten, Washington, D.
115. Mr. R. N. La Fontaine, Cheyenne,
116. Mr. W. E. Chaplin, Long Beach,
117. Mrs. B. H. McCarthy, Gillette, Wyo-
118. Mrs. W. R. Fox, Gillette, Wyoming.
119. Mrs. M. F. Ryan, Gillette, Wyoming.
120. Mrs. Elizabeth McNish Pickle, Cora.
121. Miss Ida S. Newell, Casper, Wyo-
122. Mr. J. Cecil Alter, Salt Lake City,
123. Mr. J. S. Hunter, Gillette, Wyoming.
124. Mrs. Mabel C. Boruff, Kansas City,
125. Mr. J. C. Burnet, Wind River, Wyo-
126. Mrs. Dora Mertesheimer, Sapulpa,
127. Miss F,lise Coble, Cheyenne, Wyo-
128. Mrs. Nannie Steele, Douglas, Wyo-
129. Mr. D. W. Greenburg, Casper, Wyo-
130. Mr. Errett O. Fuller, Laramie, Wyo-
131. Mrs. Alice D. Bainum, Cheyenne,
132. Mrs. J. H. Fullerton, Los Angeles,
133. Miss Flo La Chapelle, Cheyenne,
134. Mr. John Huuton, Torrington, Wyo-
135. Mr. Malcolm Campbell, Casper, Wyo-
136. Mr. E. H. Fourt, Lander, Wyoming.
137. Mr. C. W. Horr, Douglas, Wyoming.
138. Mr. Wm. Howard, Douglas, Wyo-
139. Mr. J. H. Kennedy, Douglas, Wyo-
140. Dr. J. M. Wilson, McKinley, Wyo-
141. Mr. M. G. Howe, Orin, Wyoming.
142. Mr. L. J. Swan, Douglas, Wyoming.
U3. Mrs. Edwin L. Patrick, Torrington,
144. Mrs. Ella J. Peters, Douglas, Wyo-
145. Mr. J. M. Abney, Careyhurst, Wyo-
146. Mr. Ed. Arnold, Lusk, Wyoming.
147. Mrs. H. R. Lathrop, Casper, Wyo-
148. Mr. J. C. Warklev, Casper, Wyoming.
149. Mrs. J. H. Nichols, Pasadena, Cali-
150. Mr. J. K. Moore, Fort Washakie,
151. Mrs. Edward Ordway, Castroville.
152. Miss Minnie Holden, Riverside, Wyo-
153. Mrs. Margaret Hayden, Cody, Wyo-
154. Mr. T. J. Bryant, Wheatland, Wyo-
155. Mr. J. .L. Waller, Glenrock, Wyo-
156. Mrs. Wallace C. Bond, Cheyenne,
157. Mrs. E. C. Raymond, Newcastle,
158. Mrs. W. S. Kimball, Casper, Wyo-
159. Miss Evelyn Jensen, Cheyenne, Wyo-
160. Mr. W. Jerome Dykeman, Casper,
161. Mrs. Mae D. Paulsen, Cheyenne,
162. Mr. Paul J. Paulsen, Cheyenne,
163. Mr. E. B. Shaffner, Glenrock, Wyo-
164. Mr. Alfred J. Mokler, Casper, Wyo-
165. Mr. J. M. Lowndes, Casper, Wyo-
166. Mrs. Vivien S. Richardson, Lovell.
167. Mr. Charles R. Riley, Bristol, Con-
168. Mr. Daniel B. Henderson, Wash-
ington, D. C.
169. Mrs. Cora M. Beach, Casper, Wyo-
1/0. Mr. Wm. J. Malone, Bristol, Con-
171. County Superintendent of Laramie
Schoob, Cheyenne, WTyo.
Mr. L. C. Bishop, Douglas, Wyo-
Mr. P. G. Fowler, Lingle, Wyoming.
Mr. George Clark, Cheyenne, Wyo.
Mr. O. N. Gibson, Riverton, Wyo-
Mr. George T. Beck, Cody, Wyo-
Mr. H. B. Robertson, Cody, Wyo-
Mrs. Chas. Stone, Evanston, Wyo.
Mrs. William Hines, Denver, Colo.
Mrs. W. G. Johnson, Crowheart,
Miss Minnie Haas, Cheyenne, Wyo.
Mr. Thomas Cooper, Casper, Wyo-
Mrs. John Stoddard Logan, Green
184. Mr. Oliver Hamm, Sheridan, Wyo-
185. Dr. Laura White, Laramie, Wyo-
186. Mrs. Emma Howell Knight, Laramie,
187. Mrs. Fred Boice, Cheyenne, Wyo.
188. Mr. Hugh Pendexter, Norwav, Maine.
189. Mrs. Mabel D. Cassell, Greybull,
190. Mrs. A. L. Coev, Green River, Wyo.
191. Mrs. Charles D. Carey, Cheyenne,
192. Mr. James Mackay, Chevenne, Wyo.
193. Mr. R. C. Hargrave, Cody, Wyo.
194. Miss Alice Williamson, Cheyenne,
^ 195. Mrs. T. S. Taliaferro, Jr., Rock
Springs. Wyo.
Received from
Hunton, Mr. John.
Hebard, Dr. G. R..
Moore, J. K.
..A collection of 67 original documents, noticed elsewhere.
..Typed copy of original agreement betwen the firm "Sub-
lette & Campbell" and Pittman Lindlay for "hunting,
trapping and trading with the Indians." Date April 1,
A very large collection of Wyoming data dating from 1900.
The collection includes correspondence, statistics, clip-
pings, etc.; while it treats primarily of Suffrage there
is also much other valuable information for the research
worker. This is a collection of Suffrage history which
was sent from Washington to Dr. Hebard and which
she presents to the State Historical Department.
.Key to Picture history of "Chief Washakie."
Historical Books
Downing, C. O - Wyoming Legislative Proceedings, 2nd edition.
Warren, Senator F. E Handbook of American Indians, by Bureau of Ethnology,
two volumes.
Thomas, Bishop N. S Record of Condition — District of Wyoming 1919.
Wyoming Labor Journal Bound Volume for 1924 of Labor Journal.
Moore, J. K Corlett to J. K. Moore 1876 (copy).
Crain, C. N Civil War Letter, 1864 (copy).
Original Manuscripts
Rietz, Mrs. C. F One original manuscript.
Dobbins, Mrs. Emma J One original manuscript.
Coolidge, Mr. P. B Two bound volumes 10 songs, words of 9 songs by Mr.
Coolidge of Lander, music by Frederick Boothroyd.
Sloan, Austin C - Autobiography of Wm. K. Sloan, who crossed Wvoming in
Hilton, Mrs. Agnes Four short manuscripts.
Bryant, Mr. T. J Biographical manuscript of George H. Boswell.
Knight, Mrs Emma Howell Manuscript.
Hebard, Dr. Grace R Typescript copy — Fort Bridger (Chambers) Carlin's My
Experiences in Wyoming.
Durbin, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Five photos of "Buffalo Company" Volunteers for service
in Spanish-American War. Major Wilhelm mustering
officer. Pictures taken in Cheyenne on Capitol Avenue,
May 10, 1898.
Rummel, W. K One framed wall picture of "Jim Baker."
Governor Nellie T. Ross Pen and penholder used by Governor Nellie Tayloe Ross
when she signed her oath of office on January 5th, 1925.
Meyer,. Ed One tin "McKinley" campaign badge.
Conologue, Moneta Indian whetstone found on the divide between N. & S. Elk-
horn Creeks near the John Moran ranch, a perfect
specimen, found August 19th, 1924.
ACCESSIONS— (Continued)
Cristobal, Leopold G Collection of 160 coins, silver, nickel and gold.
10 gold coins, from England, Germany, Sweden, Holland
and France.
5 silver and copper and nickel coins from Sweden.
3, one Belgium, one silver Franc (old) 1 (new) nickel
Franc, substitute for silver.
2, one British India, two, 1 Rupee pieces, silver.
6 Checkoslavokia, 4 silver, 2 copper.
13, Italian, 2 silver 20 centimes, 3 copper, 5, 10 and 1 cen-
times, 8 nickel pieces, 2 lire, 50 centimes, four 20 cen-
1, Yugaslovonia.
8, Denmark 1, 2 and 5 ore (copper) 10, 25 ore (nickel), three
10 ore pieces.
1, Mexico, 1 silver dollar.
15, France, 5 in silver, 1 copper, 6 in nickel, 1 aluminum,
2 copper and aluminum.
18, Austria Hungary, no value and no longer used. Five are
iron used during war because of lack of copper, 6 are
copper, 1 silver, 6 nickel.
24, Germany, silver, bronze-copper, iron, nickel and alum-
5, Switzerland, 4 silver, 1 copper.
4, Polish-Poland, 2 bronze, 2 copper.
8, Norway, 1 silver, 2 copper, 2 nickel, 3 iron.
2, Canada, silver 5 and 10 cents.
13, England, silver, 2 half-crowns, 1 florin, 1 shilling, 3 six-
pence, 2 3 cents, 2 copper half-penny, 2 copper, 1 penny.
22, Netherlands, three 1 Gulden, six 25 cents, six 10 cents,
all silver; two 2y2 cents, two 1 cent, one nickel piece.
A large part of this collection is from the coins used in the
World War.
IVesche, Mr. E Photo of Wyoming officers in the Spanish-American War.
Picture taken in Manilla.
Two water color pictures (large) of the first and second
battles of Manilla Bay. Pictures are the work of Mr.
rlartzell, William Three rifle shells, two shells to be used in French revolver
(old), no longer used. Shell for Spencer Repeater,
Hebard, Dr. Grace R Picture of Fort Laramie, Idaho Territory.
Sec'y of State, F. E. Lucas Large framed wall picture of F. E. Mondell.
War History
Adjutant Gen., W. F.Davis Pension Commissioners Report, Volume 2, 1861-1865 Con-
federate Kentucky Volume.
Major C. G. Carroll History of Army Posts by Major Rudd, U. S. A.
Myers, Mr. Ed Defensive measures against Gas attacks, 1917 — confidential.
Wire entanglements, 1918 — official.
Field Service Regulations, U. S. A. 1918.
Infantry Drill Regulations, 1918 — confidential.
The Deck and Boat Book of U. S. A. 1917.
Senator F. E. Warren Historical Register and Dictionary of the U. S. Army, 1789-
K03. Heitman, 2 volumes.
Beach, Mrs. A. H A. L- A. Dept. of Wyoming, General Bulletin No. 5.
Cowboys North and South, by Will James.
Down the Yellowstone, by Freeman.
Ethnology Bureau Report, 1897, 2 volumes.
One group photo of Governor Ross signing oath of office.
One group photo of the Collier Vote Trophy, showing Governor Ross, President Brown
of Senate, Speaker Underwood of the House, Mayor Allison of Cheyenne and Brad-
ford Ross, who unveiled the Trophy.
Dne photo of Capitol Building taken from Airplane.
Five photos of Fort Bridger (old).
IVo photos of Fort Laramie in 1899.
3ne 1875 map (Watson) of Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and Montana.
Photostatic copies of addresses on envelopes and two letters signed bv Admiral Dewey
after the battles of Manilla Bay, 1898. These letters are written to Mr. Wesche, com-
plimenting him on his paintings of the two battles of Manilla Bay.
Membership in Wyoming State Historical
Annual dues one dollar ($1.00) paid in ad-
The dues entitle members to all publications
of the Department for the year without further
Notice of delinquency will be sent from
State Historical Department.
When checks are used make payable to
State Historical Society or to State Historian.
Address : State Historian, Room 305, Capitol
Building-, Cheyenne, Wyoming.
DD 135 7ED b
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